I thought of Dee's situation and did some searching. I found this nice article on the Smart Money Website, and another on MSN Money. Its good for EVERYONE: Married and Engaged. Lets talk girls.
I thought of Dee's situation and did some searching. I found this nice article on the Smart Money Website, and another on MSN Money. Its good for EVERYONE: Married and Engaged. Lets talk girls.
I thought of Dee's situation and did some searching. I found this nice article on the Smart Money Website, and another on MSN Money. Its good for EVERYONE: Married and Engaged. Lets talk girls.
6 Finance Mistakes Couples Make
Marriage, Kids, College and Consolidating Finances
We've been Happily Married 2 Years and Counting:)
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Awesome Bumble, I just printed both. As a married woman, I certainly appreciate both articles!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
Okay, this is the way me and my hubby do it. Since I'm the real anal one about budgeting, planning and all that. I take care of all of the household bills, which works for both of us. He's not as anal so he allows me to do it. We have one joint account which we put money in every month, both to save and both for things like vacation, car emergenices etc. We also both kept our seperate accounts. So before we got married, I guess-timated and wrote down how much I think we would be spending on household bills monthly. I split everything right down the middle. We met and discussed how I came up with the numbers, we agreed on how much each of us need to fork up everytime we get paid. When he gets paid he gives me his half for the household expenses and I pay the bills. It's really easy for me because I pay EVERYTHING on line, so I don't have to keep up with a whole bunch of chks etc. Any other personal bills that we have we continue paying on our own. If we come upon a lump sum of money, for example we just got our taxes, we then decide which debt we are going to pay off. This time we paid off a debt he borrowed from a cousin, we paid off a debt that I had a couple other things. This has been working for us so far so unless and until something crazy happens I think we'll keep this up....Thankfully neither one of us are real "spenders", and if we so happen to want to buy something for ourselves, we still have our seperate accounts we can pull from....
I think that is a wonderful way to handle things Soontobebride. As me and FH have been living together for about 3 years, we have found that it works for me to handle the house bills and just like you and DH, when he gets paid he gives his half. After the wedding, we plan to tackle his debt of a school loan, so that we can move on to bigger and better things. The Pastor told us, it is good to have your separate accounts but the joint account is what makes you need each other for... and needing each other keeps you together. I believe that is so true.
One of the things the article said was finding something that works for you. Whatever that method is, its okay.
We have a number of accounts too:
1. Joint checking and savings account (Previously HIS account but I added my name at his request)
2. My seperate Checking and savings account that I had before we got married. (He said he doesn't need to put his name on it, but we both have access to it so he can put $$ in my account)
Both our checks are deposited into the joint account & he puts money in my account every 2 weeks plus some extra because I do all the online bill-paying. Since he moved in with me all the utilities were in my name so we basically kept it that way.
If I need to do any shopping for myself he'll review the finances and let me know if there are funds for it. So he manages the "how much is spent and saved part" I handle the actual transactions.
His attitude is any previous debt I had is OUR debt. I had an outstanding credit card that needed to be paid, and he was cool, and was like, lets do it. My savings account is for any future large purchases.
We don't fight over money much. I think I wanted a dresser and he procrastinated about getting it, but wore me down until I agreed to let him buy a 47" flat TV that was such a steal at $600.00. Of course the 32" Flat already in our small living room that was a "steal at 500.00" a year ago had to go in our small bedroom. i feel like its not that big of a deal, and knowing his usual frugalness, he probably made sure the funds were in order before he asked. Plus I'm not surprised If he had been siphoning a few $$ here and there over time to get it ready.
But ultimately I think the pattern I see with you all is that you all agree and stick to it. So kudos to you all, and its good to share experiences for others.
We've been Happily Married 2 Years and Counting:)
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