Why are men SOOOOOO stupid???????????????
FH just called me from the dealership---BUYING HIM A NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!
what the h-e-l-l is he thinking???? we are 6 wks away from the wedding and he is making addt'l bills!!!! :(
Fri, 01/25/2008 - 12:14
Why are men SOOOOOO stupid???????????????
FH just called me from the dealership---BUYING HIM A NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!
what the h-e-l-l is he thinking???? we are 6 wks away from the wedding and he is making addt'l bills!!!! :(
Maybe it's your wedding gift!
no buying HIM not US a car! Hell, I already have one so it is NOT for me! :) and he has one too-so that is why I am tripping!!!!!!!
That makes it EVEN funnier!!! LOL!!
I'm sorry play cousin ...it's just that ....ok well MEN ARE STUPID!
You should have asked him ...Is he getting married in 6 weeks? :)
I know I shouldn't even be laughing but LOL! See that would have made me wild out seriously. Yeah...he needs the white jacket with the laces in the back.
Wedding Ticker from WhenIsMyWedding.com
naw, I need to kick him in the throat like I suggested to you earlier Abeni!! :)
And he was so d-a-m-n excited when he called like I'm SUPPOSE to be happy!! just stupid!!! but that is ok---I'm waiting on him to call me back and I am stepping outside of my office (so they won't hear me clowining because they all think I am so "great :) and I'm going to let that azz have it!!!
Whew!! I took care of this one!
him: "I thought that since we are getting married I needed to get a family car, since I drive a sports car"
him: ok, I guess you are right!
WHY??????????????? Maybe he is getting nervous before the wedding because his thought process is WHACK!!!!!!!!!!
Go Soon! Go Soon! Go Soon! ...:)
[quote="Turiya"]Go Soon! Go Soon! Go Soon! ...:)
Girl, I am GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Come back we need you for the wedding!
Soon ur FH and Mine must be in cohoots. Mine has been looking at a truck for weeks. He sent me a message today saying that the truck was still available. Did i mention that we are in the process of purchasing a home, and planning a wedding. Who has the time or the energy to even consider a car note.....Pray sistas
Striving for better than my Best!!!
I am praying for you djimonsmom!! :) is this men act stupid season??? LOL
I'm praying -- too funny!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
EVERY SEASON is men act stoopid season!
Okay, so I'm in this club too....about this time last year DH walks inmy apartment with a big screen HDTV, a few days later here is a king-sized bed, pushing my cute queen-sized canopy bed...Okay so its not a car, but its something about marriage and making big purchases that men find necessary....
On the bright side....we got some good men...they are doing what THEY FEEL is preparing for marriage and a family...no matter how jacked the thought process is....so who can blame them for that...
...But Soon: I did laugh at you! The whole thing sounds cute to me! Its good that you went on in and got him straight! He listens to you:)
We've been Happily Married 2 Years and Counting:)
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The saga continues...
It ain't OVER..
him last night: baby, I am REALLY feeling that car; I only owe a couple of thousand on my car, if I go ahead and pay it off (by taking a 2nd pt job) I can make both car payments. that way we have a "back up" car in case something happens!
me: 1st of all-where in the h-e-l-l are you going to put a 3rd vehicle? we have a 2 CAR GARAGE...2nd-2 cars is a backup car, if one goes down we have the other one to use and 3rd-you want to take a pt job 6 weeks before the wedding, we will be leaving for our honeymoon for a week so you will have to take off anyway-real smart STEPHEN
him: well my first car payment on the new car won't be due for 45 days, I can go ahead and make that payment and then after the honeymoon start my pt job!
Ladies, PLEASE pray for me!! if you don't hear from me for awhile I will probably be in Lew Sterrets Justice Center in Dallas, TX!!! all donations are welcome to put on my books... :(
Soon..LOL...NOT Lew Sterrets!!!! That's no place for a Diva. Let him make it. It sounds like he is really serious about that 3rd car. Let him continue to talk about it. He will eventually talk himself out of it, as soon as he realizes how irrational his thought process is right now.
I don't know newlife...he is anxious for Monday morning so he can go and "negotiate" with the dealership! :( he may not come to his senses until he is making payments on 2 different vehicles
[quote="FutureMrsKeepUp"]EVERY SEASON is men act stoopid season!
LMAO I totally agree with that!!!!
Each One Teach One!
I wish my husband would spend some money, he belongs to super CHEAP club.
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
[quote="DaughterRhonda"]I wish my husband would spend some money, he belongs to super CHEAP club.
can we trade??? LOL
[quote="soon2bmsj"]The saga continues...
It ain't OVER..
him last night: baby, I am REALLY feeling that car; I only owe a couple of thousand on my car, if I go ahead and pay it off (by taking a 2nd pt job) I can make both car payments. that way we have a "back up" car in case something happens!
me: 1st of all-where in the h-e-l-l are you going to put a 3rd vehicle? we have a 2 CAR GARAGE...2nd-2 cars is a backup car, if one goes down we have the other one to use and 3rd-you want to take a pt job 6 weeks before the wedding, we will be leaving for our honeymoon for a week so you will have to take off anyway-real smart STEPHEN[/quote]
I am laughing so hard, I can barely breathe. Every time I peek in here you guys are at it again! He is probably joking Soon2b. Once he realizes that he can't park it on the curb... Well he might make you put YOUR car on the street because it's older! LOL
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Hey Rosie!! you got jokes!!!! :)
no can do-mine will be parked in my nice weather proofed garage where it belongs-HIS will be on the curb and if he parks it too close to MY side, when I am backing out, I just might hit it! :)and by the way he IS very FOR REAL!! I haven't talked to him much today because he is "negotiating"...my only hope is he can't talk them down on the price otherwise IT IS A WRAP!!!!!!!!!
[quote="soon2bmsj"]I wish my husband would spend some money, he belongs to super CHEAP club.
can we trade??? LOL
Girl my hubby is so cheap, you would give him back -- LOL!!!!!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
I wish my husband would spend some money, he belongs to super CHEAP club.
I thought that I was the only one LOL.Bold Text
Blessed be the Lord my strength ......
Too funny, 2ndTime, I thought I was alone too, guess not -- LOL!!!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
Wow- ladies you know youre so funny!! most things are pray pray pray- but at the end of the day the Lord helps those who help themselves. This is your first battle of wills Soon. You need to win this one....set a precedent (wow can you tell I am a lawyer (almost lol)You can do it, somehow, sugar, spice, a whip I dont know- but you know what makes your man agree with you. I find with mine- I make it seem like it was his idea in the first place- they like that!! Think strategy lol
[quote="dreamgurl"]Wow- ladies you know youre so funny!! most things are pray pray pray- but at the end of the day the Lord helps those who help themselves. This is your first battle of wills Soon. You need to win this one....set a precedent (wow can you tell I am a lawyer (almost lol)You can do it, somehow, sugar, spice, a whip I dont know- but you know what makes your man agree with you. I find with mine- I make it seem like it was his idea in the first place- they like that!! Think strategy lol
I already worked it dream!! NO NEW CAR AS OF TODAY!! LOL
I already worked it dream!! NO NEW CAR AS OF TODAY!! LOL
LMAO- seriously I didnt expect any less from a Vibride sister lol....
Soon what did you do? FH had me test driving an Armada last night. I'm fighting the urge to fall for it. True enough we actually need another vehicle (FH totalled his truck back in Oct and we are down to just one vehicle) but I figured we could hold out until after the wedding. So I feel you with him being SERIOUS. He's found 3 at the same price and thinks he can talk them down.
Striving for better than my Best!!!
Well djimonsmom-No vehicle STILL as of today but he is still constantly talking about it! :) If I can just keep him focused for another 5 weeks I think we might be ok! LOL
LMAO Soon.. hang in there.. my fingers are crossed for you !
Too funny!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37