I just finished reading some great inspirational (true) stories on the aol.com home page. These were stories where people were shown random acts of kindness which literally had a profound impact on their lives.
I wanted to do this post as a way to inspire you ladies during this season. It doesn't have to be about you personally. So please do share...........
I just finished reading some great inspirational (true) stories on the aol.com home page. These were stories where people were shown random acts of kindness which literally had a profound impact on their lives.
I wanted to do this post as a way to inspire you ladies during this season. It doesn't have to be about you personally. So please do share...........
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
Here is my own. I paid my way through college, and the next to last semester I was short $150. That may not seem like a lot of money, but I was a single parent, with a young child at the time and had other expenses and had no idea where the money was coming from. I was not eligible for financial aid and didn't want to take out any loans. I prayed and asked God to please make a way because I wanted to graduate on time. Two days before the deadline, I cried and just put it in Gods hands.
The next day, when I came in from work, I threw the mail on the table, took a shower and just went to sleep, completely exhausted. I got up the next morning went through the mail and there was a check for $150 from my sister-in-law (my brother's wife). I never told her of my need, but she knew that I was in school. I asked my mom and she said she didn't tell her either. My sister-in-law is a christian and said that it was "laid on her heart" to do that for me. Needless to say, I ran to the Bursar's office and paid my bill. I went to school that semester -- praise God -- I will never forget His faithfulness and my sister-in-laws kindness!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
Wonderful testimony rhony... god is good.
Just yesterday! My wedding is 8 days away and Christmas is 5 days away. I've been so consumed with putting this wedding together, Christmas gifts have been the last thing on my mind. I recently started where I am working, and I've been pulled in at least 3 times, about doing homework at work, cell phone and work phone usage, not to mention internet usage, oh and also coming in on time. I just knew my job was in jepardy! I prayed everyday for GOD to turn it around and grant me favor.
I got called in the office AGAIN yesterday ...I'm like should I just pack my things and go home or go in the office, fearful of what I was being "picked" on about now-bc I'm not the only one, as a matter of fact everyone does all of the above mention acts. Doesn't make none of it right.
My bosses sat me down, and said how much I am a pleasure to work with, gave me a 3% raise and a bonus that equatted to a full 2 week paycheck!
I almost fell out of the chair in shock!!!! Praise GOD I don't have to make my kids Christmas gifts :)
[quote="Turiya"]I almost fell out of the chair in shock!!!! Praise GOD I don't have to make my kids Christmas gifts :)
Girl you missed your calling as a comedian!!!! Too funny. What an awesome testimony -- once again -- God is right on time!!!!
Thanks Sensationalbly!!!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
when I was pregnant with my son in '99 I was working at the company I am at now, but in a Staff position I am now salaried:))considering I had a very difficult pregnancy and had been off quite a bit, I didn't have much sick/vac time left and when I went to the dr. in my 7th month she put me on COMPLETE bedrest. Needless to say, my time left ran out pretty quick, but 1 day I went to my mailbox and I received a $500. money order; to this day, I still don't know who it came from (although I know it was someone at my job) but I thank God for it-and needless to say, as of 1/1/2000 my vacation, sick time started again, so in the end out of 5 months of being off from work (2 before and 3 after) I only lost about 2 weeks pay! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!
Who would PRAISE any other GOD?!?!?!!!!!! :)
I know that's right!!!!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37