1. I copied the monogram into paint (or powerpoint) and saved it as a jpg file.
2. I uploaded the jpg file to my photobucket account and linked it from there.
You can also use the tinypic.com site Ginoue mentioned to post straight from your "My Pictures" folder. That's where the monogram should be once its saved in the jpg format.
o ok ...thanks Future. I'm off right now ...and thinking of too much which is enabling me to think at all ...and for some reason I can't compute that ..>LOL and I read it 3 x ....if that makes any sense! I'll be able to freely think again soon :)
Does anyone know how to add pictures on powerpoint? I was working on My STD cards and I've got all the wordings in, but I can't figure out how to include our picture. Help?!! Please.
Turiya ~ it works on tinypics, but you would have to make some changes. I'll explain in a minute. I don't know how to transfer anything to paint. It doesn't work for me. As for powerpoint, it's just copy paste, but I'm not that well versed on the program as well, but once you have it on powerpoint and save it as a jpeg file. Then you could go back to tinypics and retrieve the codes like this one.
How is it looking to ya'll. I'm still figuring out how to upload the picture. My deadline to create this is February 13,2008. I know, I have a lot of time ahead of me, but since I have a lot of project on my plate including my own clients' deadlines, I would truly love to have this completed by the end of January. Then I could move to #2 on my list of DIY ~ Ring Bearer's Pillow.
Hey Ginoue. I'm not getting anything from the link either, but if you are still interested in the first STD, the way to add pictures in Powerpoint is to go to insert, and then go down to picture, and if the photo is saved in a file on your hard drive, go to from file. If the photo is not saved on your hard drive, it might be easier to save the photo in your My pictures folder, or desktop, or just any folder in your hard drive, and the process should be fairly easy. If you have a difficult time, let me know and I will try to work you through it!! Once the photo is on the powerpoint slide, it sometimes appears really big (or small), but you can adjust the size by pulling on the small white circles on the corners of the photo. Hope this helps you!! The STD looks really good by the way!! Can't wait to see the photo included, and also the second STD once it's posted!!
Sorry ladies, regarding the link, I thought it would work because it worked as I did it. I don't really know how to post this.
Tiffy, thanks for the info re: Powerpoint, it was ver helpful. Tough truth be told, I like the STD by vista print better. I will try and find other ways to post it.
How do you post monograms and other word docs? Future I see you posted your monogram ..and I was wondering how to post them..
1. I copied the monogram into paint (or powerpoint) and saved it as a jpg file.
2. I uploaded the jpg file to my photobucket account and linked it from there.
You can also use the tinypic.com site Ginoue mentioned to post straight from your "My Pictures" folder. That's where the monogram should be once its saved in the jpg format.
o ok ...thanks Future. I'm off right now ...and thinking of too much which is enabling me to think at all ...and for some reason I can't compute that ..>LOL and I read it 3 x ....if that makes any sense! I'll be able to freely think again soon :)
Does anyone know how to add pictures on powerpoint? I was working on My STD cards and I've got all the wordings in, but I can't figure out how to include our picture. Help?!! Please.
Turiya ~ it works on tinypics, but you would have to make some changes. I'll explain in a minute. I don't know how to transfer anything to paint. It doesn't work for me. As for powerpoint, it's just copy paste, but I'm not that well versed on the program as well, but once you have it on powerpoint and save it as a jpeg file. Then you could go back to tinypics and retrieve the codes like this one.
Sorry Tee ~ forgot the example ~
Divas, I would love to find a way to include our picture in the middle.
Never mind Divas, I think I like this one better and I think it's easy to upload pictures to it.
How is it looking to ya'll. I'm still figuring out how to upload the picture. My deadline to create this is February 13,2008. I know, I have a lot of time ahead of me, but since I have a lot of project on my plate including my own clients' deadlines, I would truly love to have this completed by the end of January. Then I could move to #2 on my list of DIY ~ Ring Bearer's Pillow.
I could've sworn I uploaded this. Oh well, having a blonde moment (lol).
oooooooooopppppppppppssssssssssss!!! I keep forgeting.
Divas ~ you'd have to copy/paste the link. I did the posting the right way, it just doesn't want to show. Oh well, thanks
there is nothing comming up with this link G.... try again.
Ms happy, I've tried, but it refuses to show. You could copy paste this link and it should take you to the page of my STD card.
Sorry Divas, for the inconvenience.
Hey Ginoue - just realised we're getting married on the same day!! I'm not getting anything from the link.....
Hey Ginoue. I'm not getting anything from the link either, but if you are still interested in the first STD, the way to add pictures in Powerpoint is to go to insert, and then go down to picture, and if the photo is saved in a file on your hard drive, go to from file. If the photo is not saved on your hard drive, it might be easier to save the photo in your My pictures folder, or desktop, or just any folder in your hard drive, and the process should be fairly easy. If you have a difficult time, let me know and I will try to work you through it!! Once the photo is on the powerpoint slide, it sometimes appears really big (or small), but you can adjust the size by pulling on the small white circles on the corners of the photo. Hope this helps you!! The STD looks really good by the way!! Can't wait to see the photo included, and also the second STD once it's posted!!
Sorry ladies, regarding the link, I thought it would work because it worked as I did it. I don't really know how to post this.
Tiffy, thanks for the info re: Powerpoint, it was ver helpful. Tough truth be told, I like the STD by vista print better. I will try and find other ways to post it.