For Vibrant Brides of Color

What kind of food......

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daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
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What kind of food......

This post is piggy backing off of another one I saw on Carribbean Food. What kind of food are (did) you ladies serving at your reception.

The restaurant we had my reception at served Brazilian and Portugese food and it was delicious. My guest loved it!

We had fried chicken, baked chicken, fish, meat balls, tossed salad, potatos, spanish yellow rice and vegetarian lasagne for all of the vegetarians. We also had unlimited soft drinks.

daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 05/26/2005 - 17:30
What kind of food......

This post is piggy backing off of another one I saw on Carribbean Food. What kind of food are (did) you ladies serving at your reception.

The restaurant we had my reception at served Brazilian and Portugese food and it was delicious. My guest loved it!

We had fried chicken, baked chicken, fish, meat balls, tossed salad, potatos, spanish yellow rice and vegetarian lasagne for all of the vegetarians. We also had unlimited soft drinks.

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

soon2bmsj's picture
Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

My menu is basic:
baked chicken, roast beef/gravy, new potatoes, green beans, salads-pasta/fruit/green & rolls
we will also have punch, tea and during the cake cutting serving lime sherbert punch (to go with the pistachio color of my wedding)

soon2bride's picture
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Re: What kind of food......

Im going to do a carving station with roast beef, im also having chicken , salmon,sesonal vegetables,potatoes , rolls,coffee, tea,punch and etc.

"WHAT GOD HAS FOR ME,It is for me!

June 20,2009 Ill marry my soulmate!

futuremrskeepup's picture
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Re: What kind of food......

Soul food all the way!

Fried chicken, baked chicken, beef short ribs, macaroni & cheese, collard greens or green beans & potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, dinner rolls, tossed salad, and maybe spinach lasagna.

During the cocktail hour we'll have meatballs, chicken skewers, and shrimp!

Plus unlimited soft drinks and an open bar with our signature drink - The KeepUp - and the non-alcoholic version, The Can'tKeepUp!

turiya's picture
Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

[quote="soon2bmsj"]My menu is basic:
baked chicken, roast beef/gravy, new potatoes, green beans, salads-pasta/fruit/green & rolls
we will also have punch, tea and during the cake cutting serving lime sherbert punch (to go with the pistachio color of my wedding)

What's new potatoes?

My menu is:
Mash Potatoes
String Beans

I thinking of deleted a starch and veggie, if so it be string beans and I can't choose the starch ... :)

I love to cook BUT my FH won't let me for the wedding! He says that way too much ...but I wannnnnnaaaa :( ...I told him to at least let me do the desserts ...and he agreed.

So I'll be doing the french apple pie, sweet potatoe pie, chesse cake, and cookies!


soon2bmsj's picture
Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

[quote="FutureMrsKeepUp"]Soul food all the way!

Fried chicken, baked chicken, beef short ribs, macaroni & cheese, collard greens or green beans & potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, dinner rolls, tossed salad, and maybe spinach lasagna.

During the *bleep*tail hour we'll have meatballs, chicken skewers, and shrimp!

Plus unlimited soft drinks and an open bar with our signature drink - The KeepUp - and the non-alcoholic version, The Can'tKeepUp!

OOO I am coming to your wedding just for the food! LOL and I'll have a CantKeepUp please :)

soon2bmsj's picture
Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

[quote="Turiya"]My menu is basic:

What's new potatoes?

round whole potatoes-and by the way I'm coming to your wedding to eat too!!! LOL

turiya's picture
Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

o ok!

Come on chiiii :)


daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
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Re: What kind of food......

[quote="soon2bmsj"]Soul food all the way!/>

Plus unlimited soft drinks and an open bar with our signature drink - The KeepUp - and the non-alcoholic version, The Can'tKeepUp!

OOO I am coming to your wedding just for the food! LOL and I'll have a CantKeepUp please :)

I'll be crashing too, your menu is off da hook! I love soul food!
I can't keep up either so you know what I will be drinking -- LOL!!!

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

futuremrskeepup's picture
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

C'mon ladies - road trip to the Chi! It is a 3-day weekend!

daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
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Re: What kind of food......

Future, I already bought my ticket -- LOL!!!!

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

Future, count me in. Chicago in 7 months and it's a 3 day weekend? I'll be there!!!

deelove's picture
Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
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Re: What kind of food......

[quote="soon2bmsj"]Soul food all the way!

Fried chicken, baked chicken, beef short ribs, macaroni & cheese, collard greens or green beans & potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, dinner rolls, tossed salad, and maybe spinach lasagna.

During the *bleep*tail hour we'll have meatballs, chicken skewers, and shrimp!

Plus unlimited soft drinks and an open bar with our signature drink - The KeepUp - and the non-alcoholic version, The Can'tKeepUp!

OOO I am coming to your wedding just for the food! LOL and I'll have a CantKeepUp please :)

My thoughts exactly... I just have scrape together the money for a return flight and I'll be there...


futuremrskeepup's picture
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

DeeLove I'll airmail you and your FH a plate. A transatlantic flight has got to be expensive! What's a flight from the US to Africa range anyway?

deelove's picture
Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
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Re: What kind of food......

[quote="FutureMrsKeepUp"]DeeLove I'll airmail you and your FH a plate. A transatlantic flight has got to be expensive! What's a flight from the US to Africa range anyway?

Based on the current rates you're looking at roughly $3000 (return ticket) from South Africa to the US.


futuremrskeepup's picture
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

Yeah that trip to Africa is definitely on ice for now for us! Is there a layaway plan to the motherland? LOL!

daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 05/26/2005 - 17:30
Re: What kind of food......


Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

Wow, ladies, my mouth is watering already!!! I hope you guys didn't change the menu and I can definitely KeepUp!!!

As for me, I'm Haitiana, so it's Haitian food all the way baby!!! I love to cook too Turiya, but I will not be cooking for my wedding either, but I'll be doing a lot of the prep work. I also have a signature drink. It's called "The Rose Blossom". It's a dark red colored martini, and it's delicious!!! I tried it out and made it for FH last night and he loved it too!!!

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

I have no idea. I'm still flirting with the idea of a dessert reception, I'm all over the place right now. I just want to have fun and not break the bank (hard to do with 300 guests)

Real love requires a minimum of emotion and a maximum of the will - Bishop Keith W. Reed, Sr.

ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2007 - 06:23
Re: What kind of food......

Ivy sweety ~ Go Soul Food and find someone to cook. That will save you a bundle!!! But then again, maybe your venue will not accept an outside caterer.

Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/25/2007 - 11:12
Re: What kind of food......

Nope no outside catering so thats not an option.

Real love requires a minimum of emotion and a maximum of the will - Bishop Keith W. Reed, Sr.

daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 05/26/2005 - 17:30
Re: What kind of food......

A dessert reception is a nice idea Ivy and I'm sure your guests will love the goodies, should you decide to go that way.

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

turiya's picture
Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

[quote="Ginoue"]Wow, ladies, my mouth is watering already!!! I hope you guys didn't change the menu and I can definitely KeepUp!!!

As for me, I'm Haitiana, so it's Haitian food all the way baby!!! I love to cook too Turiya, but I will not be cooking for my wedding either, but I'll be doing a lot of the prep work. I also have a signature drink. It's called "The Rose Blossom". It's a dark red colored martini, and it's delicious!!! I tried it out and made it for FH last night and he loved it too!!!

So G -FH is still here ...He hasn't gone back to Boston yet? Have yall figured living arrangements? Will you have to pack soon :)


ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

Yes, he's still here, but unfortunately, my soon-to-be MIL fell a while back and twisted her ankle, hence the original reason why he came to town in the first place. He's a CPA with his own firm in downtown Boston, but he does have a partner. I have a feeling that it's the way things unfolded between us that kept him this long. He told me that he was suppose to have returned 2 weeks ago. He's leaving Sunday afternoon.

What we came up with temporarily is that we will alternate weekends, provided that I don't have an event (one weekend here/One weekend in Boston) for now until the end of the school year. Then, I will be moving to Boston by the end of Summer, where our wedding will be taking place. Since he has commitment in the Boston area, we're going to push back buying a house for about 3 years or so, then we will be buying a house and moving to Georgia. He said that he would love to have another firm in ATL area somewhere in a few years. I'll be going to Boston next Friday in order to spend the Christmas/New Years holidays with him.

So, that's the plan, for now my sisters

daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
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Re: What kind of food......

Ginoue all I can say is God is soooo good!!!

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

In that case Ivy, a desert reception is your best option in this case. Are you doing a Signature Drink?

ginoue's picture
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Re: What kind of food......


turiya's picture
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Re: What kind of food......

And a plan it is! :) I'm happy for you! But I'm a little salty about the wedding being in Boston :(...I wanted to see that Valentine's Day Extravaganza! :) I'll settle for PLENTY of pictures :) :)


ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

I know that it might be too far for you to drive and participate with me, but note that your invitation will be in the mail regardless {LOL} Also, the wedding is still a year away, hope you can make it, but if you can't, you better believe that I'll be flooding you guys with pictures every step of the way!!!

viprincessbride's picture
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Re: What kind of food......

I'm a foodie. As we say in the VI, "I like my belly!" The most important thing about the reception for me was that the food and the cake had to taste great. I wanted our OOT guests to experience a Caribbean feast, and the VI guests already knew what good VI food tastes like, so it had to be on point. As soon as we arrived at the reception room, I had my uncle bless the meal and it was time to eat! My cousin said that she was surprised that we didn't wait longer to eat dinner. Nope, not while I'm the hostess.

This was our buffet menu:

Mixed Green Salad With Thousand Island Dressing
Potato Salad
Chef's Vegetable Medley
Bread Basket
King Fish Creole
Stewed Mutton
Rotisserie Chicken
Vegetable Lasagna
Potato Stuffing
Peas and Rice
Fried Plantains
Assorted Desserts with Coffee and Tea
Fruit Punch
Vanilla Wedding Cake with Strawberry Filling
Chocolate Groom's Cake
Sparkling Cider
Open Bar

Thankfully, no heads rolled that night. The food was absolutely delicious.


daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
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Re: What kind of food......

Sounds good ViPrincessBride! There is nothing like a beautiful wedding and a fabulous reception with good food to follow!

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

viprincessbride's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

[quote="DaughterRhonda"]Sounds good ViPrincessBride! There is nothing like a beautiful wedding and a fabulous reception with good food to follow!

I know that's right, and I was the first person to eat. After all that hard work, there's no way I was going to be passing up my dinner like some who get too busy to eat that night.


daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 05/26/2005 - 17:30
Re: What kind of food......

So true my sister. LOL! I enjoyed my food at the reception too!

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

sweetp's picture
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Re: What kind of food......

We are having a Formal Sit-Down Dinner

The Menu:

When the guest enter they will have:
Basket of Rolls and a Garden Salad with 2 choices of Dressing

A selection of Steak or Glazed Chicken Breast
with Rice Pilaf and Vegetable Medley

With a Dessert-Wedding and Grooms Cake and also the Sweets Buffet- (Favors)

Drinks-Tea,water and Our Signature Punch

I havnt decided on the bar yet....FI wants one bad!

Remember To Always Be Fabulous!!!


pebbles35's picture
Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

wow ladies these menus are fabulous anyhoo we had spanish food our menu was............
bbq ribs, meat balls roast beef and gravy, fried shrimp, chicken cutlets in garlic sauce, flounder stuffed with crab meat,tossed salad,baked mac an cheese,mixed vegtables,yellow rice with black beans,mac salad,roasted potatoes yellow rice with onions peppers and olives, dinner rolls soda, open bar, wedding cake

phenomonique's picture
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Re: What kind of food......

We're going to have to mix in some of everything. Southern, Italian, African...can you say Beano? LOL!!!

Living my life like it's GOLDEN!!

mrs080908's picture
Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

We Had a Cocktail Hour in one room and a sit down dinner in another and alot of people told me that the food was great but I missed it due to taking pictures. It was a pasta station, hot food station, Cold food station, and 2 carving stations.

Then at the sit down dinner our Menu was
Rolls and Butter
Appertizer: Cocktail Shrimp
Salad: Mixed Greens with House Dressing
Pasta: Penne Al Vodka
Main Course: Choice of Prime Rib, Chicken Francessa, Salmon Hollanaise
with Roasted and Potatoes and Green Beans
Dessert: Wedding Cake and Fruit and Fondue Table

Drinks: Open Bar, Tea and Coffee


viprincessbride's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

[quote="Mrs080908"]We Had a *bleep*tail Hour in one room and a sit down dinner in another and alot of people told me that the food was great but I missed it due to taking pictures. [/quote]

I don't understand how that happens when you're host and hostess, the "man and woman of the hour." How can the guests start eating dinner before you get there? I know when I started feeling hungry I told the photographer we had a reception to get I am serious about my food. :o)

A good idea is to get some of your formal pics taken before the ceremony especially if you have a large wedding party.


viprincessbride's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

[quote="PEBBLES35"]wow ladies these menus are fabulous anyhoo we had spanish food our menu was............
bbq ribs, meat balls roast beef and gravy, fried shrimp, chicken cutlets in garlic sauce, flounder stuffed with crab meat,tossed salad,baked mac an cheese,mixed vegtables,yellow rice with black beans,mac salad,roasted potatoes yellow rice with onions peppers and olives, dinner rolls soda, open bar, wedding cake

Yum! I love Spanish food. Their all cousins..Spanish, Caribbean, Soul Food, African with some good seasoning and flava.


mrs080908's picture
Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

Well VI the reason why we had a cocktail hour was so that our guests could have something to eat while we were taking pics. The hotel did bring some food to the bridal suite but I was running my mouth so I didnt have a chance to touch the food. But our sit down dinner didn't start until after our entrance, first dance and toasts. Then we got down to business eating. We took pictures before the wedding also but separately not together my family is old fashioned and they believe the bride and groom should not see each other until the ceremony.

To think about it I never been to wedding were the bride and groom were at the cocktail hour but it could just be my family shoot one of us get married every three months so maybe it's just what I am used to seeing.


viprincessbride's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

Oh. O.K. So you did have dinner. That's good. I thought you were saying you missed dinner all together. I read about a couple who didn't eat dinner at all at their reception because they were so busy with everything going on and had to go get some fast food afterwards. I was like "What?" All that money, work, and missing dinner?


turiya's picture
Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
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Re: What kind of food......

It happens. Our food was ready for us ..however we didn't eat ...SO much was going on around us ..greeting people and such, oh and we did feed our guest DINNER while we were taking pics. That's the way we wanted it. So it does happen.
