For Vibrant Brides of Color

HELP-Reception Card Wording

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tewright1's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/23/2007 - 16:45
HELP-Reception Card Wording

Sorry this is so long.

I'm a pretty no-nonsense person and my FH is well .... laid-back. Neither of us are independently wealthy (financially; but spiritually is another question).

I need help wording our reception cards to strongly encourage them to RSVP. Basically I want to say "if you don't RSVP by a certain date you WILL NOT be getting dinner"!!

I thought about having the times for the dinner printed and reception/party time printed too. I just don't know; because we both have some rather different/colorful people in our lives who we don't mind and would enjoy them being there. We just need to know a number.

I saw in other posts were the number of invitees was preprinted; but I am going with a preprinted invitation that comes along with the wedding invites. Plllllllleeeeeeeease Help.

tewright1's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/23/2007 - 16:45
HELP-Reception Card Wording

Sorry this is so long.

I'm a pretty no-nonsense person and my FH is well .... laid-back. Neither of us are independently wealthy (financially; but spiritually is another question).

I need help wording our reception cards to strongly encourage them to RSVP. Basically I want to say "if you don't RSVP by a certain date you WILL NOT be getting dinner"!!

I thought about having the times for the dinner printed and reception/party time printed too. I just don't know; because we both have some rather different/colorful people in our lives who we don't mind and would enjoy them being there. We just need to know a number.

I saw in other posts were the number of invitees was preprinted; but I am going with a preprinted invitation that comes along with the wedding invites. Plllllllleeeeeeeease Help.

Love lights even the darkest of paths.
What Fire doesn't destroy, only makes stronger.
Even when you don't know; God knows. I will be still and let Him do His thing.
Alone in the world; but always in the company of the Lord.

septbride's picture
Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/17/2005 - 06:30
Re: HELP-Reception Card Wording

Tewright, I understand what you mean, however, with my reception/response cards, it was preprinted saying:

M ______________
___ seat(s) are reserved in your honor
__ Accept with Pleasure
__ Decline with Regret

I hand wrote how many seats were reserved. The # wasn't preprinted.

I hope this helps you.

ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2007 - 06:23
Re: HELP-Reception Card Wording

yeah, normally, the response cards are already preprinted unless you're making your own and using a blank card stock.

Septbride's idea is a great one (about writing how many seats have been reserved)

tiffyb's picture
Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/31/2007 - 13:30
Re: HELP-Reception Card Wording

[quote="SeptBride"]Tewright, I understand what you mean, however, with my reception/response cards, it was preprinted saying:

M ______________
___ seat(s) are reserved in your honor
__ Accept with Pleasure
__ Decline with Regret

I hand wrote how many seats were reserved. The # wasn't preprinted.

I hope this helps you.

Now say if this is the case, and I write 4 in the seats reserved, but they only have 2 coming, do they usually cross out the 4 and replace it with 2, or just write 2 next to accept? Or maybe it just varies from one person to the next. I just hope they don't RSVP for 4, knowing only 2 are coming!


tewright1's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/23/2007 - 16:45
Re: HELP-Reception Card Wording

Can I word the reception cards like this?

Please join us
for dinner (RSVP required) and Reception
immediately following the ceremony

I will have some of the sweetest pitbulls at the reception table checking names of attendees. I just don't want any drama or extra mouths to feed. I figure if someone tries to RSVP with numbers larger than what I expect or accounted for; they will most certainly get a phone call and/or a follow-up email or note.

Love lights even the darkest of paths.
What Fire doesn't destroy, only makes stronger.
Even when you don't know; God knows. I will be still and let Him do His thing.
Alone in the world; but always in the company of the Lord.

futuremrskeepup's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2007 - 23:05
Re: HELP-Reception Card Wording

There is nothing you can do to make everyone send back an RSVP. No matter how you word it, there will always be someone or someones who, for whatever reason, will not send them back. I think bamabride is using a paper and online RSVP, maybe that will help you with your guests as well.