Hey, everybody. I hope you don't mind listening to me vent a bit (lol). I was supposed to marry my love on November 10 and we got married at the church August 26 (yaay!). FYI: We didn't want to live together and not be married, so we just went on and did it. Everybody is telling me I should just cancel the vow exchange and brunch on the 10th and just go on the honeymoon as planned instead of spending anymore money. I should add that my honey is home from the service and not a working civilian yet - it is a strain to have the party, not to mention aggravation from relatives to begin with. So, my question to you is, why do I feel so rotten? Do we all put too much into the big day? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks...
Hey, everybody. I hope you don't mind listening to me vent a bit (lol). I was supposed to marry my love on November 10 and we got married at the church August 26 (yaay!). FYI: We didn't want to live together and not be married, so we just went on and did it. Everybody is telling me I should just cancel the vow exchange and brunch on the 10th and just go on the honeymoon as planned instead of spending anymore money. I should add that my honey is home from the service and not a working civilian yet - it is a strain to have the party, not to mention aggravation from relatives to begin with. So, my question to you is, why do I feel so rotten? Do we all put too much into the big day? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks...
Introducing the New Mrs. Mahaffey - August 26, 2007
I think you should just do the honeymoon and then have a reception for your first anniversary. If you want to do a mini vow renewal then it would be a nice addition fo rthose F&F that would have loved to be there to see you tie the knot.
If funds are tight for break the bank. Give yourself some time to plan pay things a little at a time.
It will also give your DH time to find a job and be able to assist financially.
Introducng the new Mrs. Durrant!!!
Hey there MrsFlipper! What you decide to do is up to you and your Husband. People will always have input, but you know what works for you. If you decide not to do the vow exchange on the 10th -- you can always postpone it to next year or a more suitable time. I would say postpone, not cancel. In any event what ever you decide, I wish you all the best!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
Thank you so much for your input. The idea about a reception in a year is a great idea!!!
Introducing the New Mrs. Mahaffey - August 26, 2007
Take this time for you and your hubby. Have your honeymoon. He is "home from the service" AND you've just got married; I can't think of any better reasons to invest in "us". Everyone can wait; but you two shouldn't. I think the reception later is a great idea. If you don't do a mini vow renewal ceremony; a video montage will be great showing highlights of you previous year or years together and a special message to your f&f.
Love lights even the darkest of paths.
What Fire doesn't destroy, only makes stronger.
Even when you don't know; God knows. I will be still and let Him do His thing.
Alone in the world; but always in the company of the Lord.
Welcome to the site MrsFlipper! I agree with the other ladies.
Born Blessed!
Firstly congrats and I agree with the other ladies, spend time with your new hubby! have the reception next year. Don't feel rotten, go on your honeymoon and have a ball!
[quote="MRSFLIPPER"]Do we all put too much into the big day?
Welcome to VIBRIDE, MRSFLIPPER! Girl you already had the "big day". It was your wedding day. The reception isn't the most important part of your wedding day. It is when you exchange your vows and become man and wife! You do not have to have a reception at all actually. You can simply celebrate your first anniversary with a quiet SMALL gathering at home or not even that! Think about having a Christmas party or housewarming later down the road if you want to do something. Make sure you send thank yous and announcements to every one who was on your original invite list. It is a great way to let them know they were appreciated and in your thoughts.
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