Hello Ladies....
New Dilema....
My Fiance and I would like a church wedding, however either of us have what you would say a "church home" I am a member to a church but have not been there for quite sometime. He wants to get married at his mothers church, which is fine with me, however because we are "non-members" the rate to use their church is $1290. Is that the going rate or is that price just outrageous?
How Much is too much to pay for a church
Sat, 08/04/2007 - 09:58
How Much is too much to pay for a church
Hello Ladies....
New Dilema....
My Fiance and I would like a church wedding, however either of us have what you would say a "church home" I am a member to a church but have not been there for quite sometime. He wants to get married at his mothers church, which is fine with me, however because we are "non-members" the rate to use their church is $1290. Is that the going rate or is that price just outrageous?
Girl I have never heard of that in my life. That to me seems like alot of money. Are you planning on having everything at the church?
No. Let me just break down the charges as per the letter I rec'vd:
750 for the sanctuary use
350 for pastor
50 for the sexton, (who does what, I don't know)
50 for the sound person
50 for church cleaning
40 for couseling(I know this is spelled wrong)
with a "good faith" deposit of $100 and $100.00 refundable deposit for the pastor( depending upon the wedding beginning on time if it is 15 mins. late you will not receive the deposit back)
Did you say a church or hall?! Good Lord! That seems a bit high to me. I can ask my pastor Sunday what he charges nonmembers to use our church.
On another note, your wedding is a year away. Can you become a member? I know it may be a little wrong to join just to get married there, but you never know, this may be where you need to be.
Counseling isn't included in the pastors fee? Honey the chose is up to you and your husband, however those prices are rediculous. Sounds like someone is trying to get over. I feel like yes there are cost for people to clean, to use the church, pastor fees, etc... but when you see couples trying to live like our LORD wants us to live, you should charge them a rediculous price, memeber or not.
He used to go to church with his mom sometime ago. He says that he thinks that he wants to re-join, but he didn't want to just because we want to get married there. I've called other churches and they range from 300-500. Worse case scenerio we will be going to someone elses church.
If his mom is a memeber and he used to be a member, why so much? I am not following did he leave the church or is he still on the church rolls. If he never officially joined another church then he should still be a member, I am shocked everybody trying to get over on wedding people. That is straight crazy. I would get married somehwere else and as his mother I would be upset they charge my flesh and blood that outrageous price.
Because my church is very small, my pastor agreed to officiate my ceremony at another church who we fellowship alot with. I only had to pay the church $100. The $1290 fee you are being charged seems EXTREME !!! FMIL should have a talk with her pastor.
"I'm a work in progress, God is not through me yet"
The funny thing is FMIL was hesitant on calling, but she finally called yesterday and was told that the price was different for members, but still would not quote a price for members or even for the fact that she was a faithful memeber. The building is about 3 years old so it's not like we have to help pay for the roof fund!
I think that is REDICULOUS. I would go and find another church. I always thought the counseling goes with the pastor's fee. Something just ain't right here. I would definately find a) somewhere else or b) have everything at one location and just give the pastor his "donation"
I think the price is outrageous. At my Church, they don't even charge non-members. Focus is getting couples married. My pastor wouldnt accept payment from my new hubby and I.
I called the church secretary to express my concerns with the price. I received a non-chalant response of OK. When I told my FH of this he then in turned called his mother to tell her. Apparently she already knew of this because another family member also wanted to use the church. She seemed really hesitant on calling to ask why was the price so high and suggested that we look at other churches.
Good gracious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All we have to do is give the pastor a donation! Thank you Jesus!!!!
That is crazy! Our church charges $550 for non-members but that includes the coordinator and the counseling. (Rhony, that's what you paid right?)
I hate to say it but you might want to just search elsewhere.
"To be a christian without prayer is no more possible than being alive without breathing" - Dr King Jr
Ajia is right
I think the most is like 650 to 700. Don't pay more than that.
You have time so look around. Or have his mom talk to the pastor, since she is still a member and he used to be. I mean who is to say, that you still won't be charged that amount even if you do join.
They may turn around and say you have to be a member for a certian amountof time to get "the discount"
Introducng the new Mrs. Durrant!!!
It is funny that you mention this...the going rate in my city is 1200 & up and in some places that is the membership rate. It is ridiculous. I would definately find another church.
My FH wants to renew his fellowship, but some of you mention a good point they may say that he needs to be a member for a year and 10 months before they can charge "members price". I know how much he wants to get married at his mom's church, and I don't want him to join just because. I just don't want this to become an issue between he and I. and I don't want to become a "Bridezilla"! Speaking of did anyone see last nights episode? I am going to start a new forum on that subject?
Dear mrsmoose, I think that price is outrageous. And rather than pass judgement on a church I think I will just say this....A "Church" is just brick and stone....The real church lies in the hearts of the people. Wherever you decide to get married, IS HOLY GROUND...If you find a beautiful place like a park or garden to get married, please do not get worried....God is there...because marriage is HIS thing...We decided to do my church because it was free, and the plaaning was easier-but not our first choice. We were originally going to get married at a hotel that had a beautiful garden gazebo out of town-but the logistics of planning a destination wedding weighed on us as far as the time to put in it-However, we were given so much criticism about not having a church wedding from our family members (who don't go to church much by the way-or even have a church home). So I just said to them what I am saying to you....cause 1290.00 is a lot anyway you put it! Listen to these ladies...they are absolutely right!
We've been Happily Married 2 Years and Counting:)
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I agree with Bumblebeekee...GOD is in your heart, HE is everywhere. Me and my FH will be marrying in a state park, the setting is beautiful. Try to keep the focus on your marriage to your FH instead of where, then everything will work out and you will have the wedding of your dreams.
Bumblebeekee, you hit the nail with the hammer, we had already decided that we were going to a destination wedding, people began complaining that it was too much and they couldn't afford to go. However, I told my FH that if it were just he, I and my son, I would be fine with that. But somewhere down the line it was decided that we would stay at home so they entire family can be in attendance. I am really beginning to regret changin my mind. But as you said wherever it happens I am marrying the man I love!
[quote="mrsmoose091308"]Bumblebeekee, you hit the nail with the hammer, we had already decided that we were going to a destination wedding, people began complaining that it was too much and they couldn't afford to go. However, I told my FH that if it were just he, I and my son, I would be fine with that. But somewhere down the line it was decided that we would stay at home so they entire family can be in attendance. I am really beginning to regret changin my mind. But as you said wherever it happens I am marrying the man I love!
Ok see now this is why we had the DW bcuz people be acting up. We were going to have the big state side wedding but we wold have had almost 300 people. Which to me was crazy, there is no reason you should be going broke on having your dream day. I had people show up to our DW unrsvp'd and I had people call us the week we were leaving telling us they were going to be there. I had one invited family decide they were going to surprise us, they surprise was on them when they didn't have a place to sit.
The bottom line is it is your day and the church is charging you too much. You can still have your DW wedding or your state side wedding and those that can come will. But it all about you and your FH and your son. Maybe you should consider having a DW and having the reception stateside, and only invite your very closest to the DW.
Introducng the new Mrs. Durrant!!!