For Vibrant Brides of Color

Too Many Guest

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Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
Joined: 06/02/2004 - 10:18
Too Many Guest

My fiance and I are members of a church where we literally know everybody. My problem is getting the list for the reception down to a workable and affordable number. My reception limit is 250 and I easily have 180 with just my church folks. I haven't even added in our relatives!! Help!!!!!!

Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
Joined: 06/02/2004 - 10:18
Too Many Guest

My fiance and I are members of a church where we literally know everybody. My problem is getting the list for the reception down to a workable and affordable number. My reception limit is 250 and I easily have 180 with just my church folks. I haven't even added in our relatives!! Help!!!!!!

rosetta's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/23/2002 - 12:00
Re: Too Many Guest

Sorry to tell ya, but you are going to have to cut it down. Send announcements to those who weren't invited so you can keep the peace. I would keep the list down to people who actually touch your lives everyday. People who love you and you love. Good Luck!

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Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
Joined: 03/06/2005 - 14:22
Re: Too Many Guest

I understand that you want everyone to be at your wedding but you have to do what best for your budget. Now consider the issue. Do you see or hang out with most of the people a your church? Are you close to everyone in your church? Maybe you could try inviting the members that you are close to because you want to make room for your family.

robandshay's picture
Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
Joined: 02/10/2005 - 01:44
Re: Too Many Guest

I feel you on this fellow Newbie.
Start with your family members first, include your parents in on this also. I had the same problem you are having and once I asked for my parents for their list of guests. I noticed that they placed all the family members they thought would want to come to the wedding. This cut down on stress. My parents list of family members was way less than I thought it would be. Then you will be able to focus on your church members. Only invite those who have made an impact in your life or relationship with your future husband.
Also consider this, Make 2 lists an "A" list for CLOSE family members and a "B" list for everyone else. If you are getting married in a state where most of your guests will be traveling to get there the "A" and "B" list works out good. I hope I helped in some way...

Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
Joined: 06/11/2005 - 10:36
Re: Too Many Guest

IM having a destination wedding in Puerto Rico next year. We just wanted a few friends and family. There were only going to be atleast 8 guest, but since my fiance told his father where we are having the wedding, his father has invited his whole family. So, the guest list has went from 8 to 48. I'm soo stressed, its not even funny. I just soo afraid of crowds, when the time comes to walk down the isle I don't know what I will do. Can anyone help?


phenomonique's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 06/23/2005 - 13:49
Re: Too Many Guest

Don't be afraid, just focus on you fiance. Your getting married in a beautiful place with FAMILY and FRIENDS (got that) around to support you a give you more love. Let the love their sending carry you down the aisle.

Living my life like it's GOLDEN!!

Last seen: 19 years 1 week ago
Joined: 07/02/2005 - 18:04
Re: Too Many Guest

We were going over the same issues... everyone knows hundreds of people, but how many of those people are really friends and positive lights to start your marriage off nicely. We have decided, that more than anything, we want to see people we love and who mean a lot to us at our wedding. That made it easy, and people understand (weddings are not cheap). Every group we're a part of cannot assume invitations. Good luck!Click Text Here