I have a question for you all. I was always lead to believe that if you have a white dress don't add any ivory into the mix. Is this true what do you guys think? I soaw a wedding on bridezilla last night where she did this. She had a white dress and the guys had ivory tuxes. Would I be commiting a fashion no-no? Help truley needed.
I have a question for you all. I was always lead to believe that if you have a white dress don't add any ivory into the mix. Is this true what do you guys think? I soaw a wedding on bridezilla last night where she did this. She had a white dress and the guys had ivory tuxes. Would I be commiting a fashion no-no? Help truley needed.
I don't think that to be a problem at all. I went to an all white wedding and the bride who was only 19 had a blinding white dress whole everyone elses "white" was a little soft white. Very beautiful. The groom wore ivory with an ivory silk tie. Gorgeous!
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Not that it's a no-no, you really have to play on color when you do that. Like a white gown and an ivory bouquet, the ivory tux with white shirts. It's a new day, all about what you want.
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