For Vibrant Brides of Color

Help!!!!!!Sex is on Our Minds

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purebliss's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 01/24/2006 - 18:47
Help!!!!!!Sex is on Our Minds

Hi ladies, I know that I told you all that me and my FH are not having sex again until we get married in Oct.7th. We have a wonderful relationship and are very very close but it is becoming very hard to fight the desire to have sex. We both love and trust in God but our flesh is becoming weak. I find myself thinking about it and wanting to do it but I feel so convicted.We are deeply in love and are very affectionate toward each other. We don't live in the same city so the weekends are our time. On the weekends we are always doing something outside of the house but when it's time to wind down....... Of course, we have had sex before ( we've been together since 10/03)but we felt that in order for the Lord to bless our marriage and to honor him that we should make the committment to wait. I think that it's harder for my FH than it is for me and he truly is a man of God. If you have any advice or guidance to offer please do so.

purebliss's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 01/24/2006 - 18:47
Help!!!!!!Sex is on Our Minds

Hi ladies, I know that I told you all that me and my FH are not having sex again until we get married in Oct.7th. We have a wonderful relationship and are very very close but it is becoming very hard to fight the desire to have sex. We both love and trust in God but our flesh is becoming weak. I find myself thinking about it and wanting to do it but I feel so convicted.We are deeply in love and are very affectionate toward each other. We don't live in the same city so the weekends are our time. On the weekends we are always doing something outside of the house but when it's time to wind down....... Of course, we have had sex before ( we've been together since 10/03)but we felt that in order for the Lord to bless our marriage and to honor him that we should make the committment to wait. I think that it's harder for my FH than it is for me and he truly is a man of God. If you have any advice or guidance to offer please do so.


marshine's picture
Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 01/28/2005 - 18:45
Re: Help!!!!!!Sex is on Our Minds

It's all in the mind. You'd be surprised at how strong the mind is. You have to be strong and stick to your agreement. Suggestions: Have you tried meditation? Try not to sleep so close to your FH. Sleep in separate rooms. Wear sweat pants a size too large and a big T-shirt to bed. Don't see each other every weekend. Maybe every other weekend with the above suggestions in place. You can do it if you want to remember that. Good luck.

God is good all the time and all the time God is good

Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Joined: 01/23/2006 - 21:26
Re: Help!!!!!!Sex is on Our Minds

Dear PureBliss, let me be the firstto commend you and your future husband on the desire to make such a strong and serious covenant with the Father. I know exactly how you are feeling, because my other half and I chose to walk that path of faith as well. We have been together since 2000, and were VERY active and physical. We gave our lives to Christ in 2003 and we worship together every Sunday. We began discussing marriage, and it wasnt until a few months that he proposed....the guilt started settling in. Too often people make changes in their lives...but somehow we tend to put Jesus in this little box labelled "Sunday". If we were to survive on Grace and Mercy from Him....on a one day basis....many of us would already have our own hand...I would like to just paint a tiny picture for u...that will help you to understand that what is about to take place in your a marvelous union, before God....who else would be angry..and want to tear it down....but the devil. He cannot thrive or manipulate a household that has firm foundation...he breaks down and chips away at houses that are built hurriedly, houses that look beautiful on the outside....but the foundation is yet weakened. Please remember that the covenant and sacrifices you make for the Lord today....He will BLESS your union in all of your tommorrows. I cannot take up this entire message board witnessing to you, however...know that once you all get over that initial hump..which for my FH and was a difficult transition of almost will be fine. We sleep in the same bed...everynight....he wears sweats...and I wear tank tops...we trust eachother to the point now where I only wear tops to go to bed...we have gotten to the point where we are not doing this for us anymore....we do it to be an example to other vulnerable humans...and it is my desire to be able to share our testimony with those who are just beginning their marathon. Be is only a flesh fight...besides, the one thing that has helped me through all those seemingly "empty boring nights..." have been this one little thought...*how would I feel...after accomplishing that selfish act...getting mine...him getting his...would I feel how Adam and Eve felt when they hid from God because they had realized what "nakedness" meant?.........* Girl hold tight...your wedding night will be PUREBLISS....I hope this hasn't bored FH and I have been celibate since Thursday Dec22 2004......and let the church say amen...

HIS eye is on the sparrow, and I know HE

purebliss's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 01/24/2006 - 18:47
Re: Help!!!!!!Sex is on Our Minds

Thanks alot for that IslandBride! We really pray to God for strength and we recognize the the devil's tactics. Last night we talked through things and read scripture. I know that we will get through this and God will get the glory for it. Last night we tried sleeping separate but about 3 o'clock this morning he came and got in bed with me because we know that if we stay focused on God and not feed in to our flesh, we will be fine. Thanks to you also Marshine!


charlottemodebe's picture
Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
Joined: 07/30/2005 - 11:08
Re: Help!!!!!!Sex is on Our Minds

Islandbride girl you said it!...not in a nut shell {lol},..but you said it. Amen Amen and Amen!. :-), oh by the way....I am definitely going to use your advice because I think it is wonderful and full of helful tips. God bless you. :-)

Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.

marshine's picture
Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
Joined: 01/28/2005 - 18:45
Re: Help!!!!!!Sex is on Our Minds

IslandBride, you are all right.

God is good all the time and all the time God is good