Ladies, I've been a lurker on this board for months, but didn't decide to post until I officially got engaged. I got engaged last week. My FH and I are planning a wedding for Fall 2007. Is it too early to start planning? I've just been basking in the glow of being engaged and haven't started anything yet....When should I start to look.
Ladies, I've been a lurker on this board for months, but didn't decide to post until I officially got engaged. I got engaged last week. My FH and I are planning a wedding for Fall 2007. Is it too early to start planning? I've just been basking in the glow of being engaged and haven't started anything yet....When should I start to look.
Welcome Burky (you have to have a nickname on this site. Charly is the nickname giver, she may want to change yours.) Congrats on your engagement. It is definitley not to soon to start planning. Never to soon to start getting your ideas together. There are a lot of brides on here that are getting married after you and have their stuff together.
We get that question so much huh, bossie?? Start planning the minute he slips the ring on your finger. Then start your budget and purchase your items as you go. First get your wedding checklists and begin doing what they say when they say and you will have a very easy time of it. Congrats and welcome to my little site.
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Hey there B2K...Welcome to the sisterhood and girl how come you just reach :-)...Listen start with planning an engagement party and then take it from there...have fun and avoid stress and people who will stress you out at all cost.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
Well, I guess you have it. Your official vibride nickname is "B2K". Came right from the nick-namer herself.
Oops...Bossie beat me to the deal...but the advise will come, you are in the best place you can be in for wedding planning and pay no attention to our Admin Diva...but her "little" site!...girl we are syndicating---we are big like that :-)
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
Hello there B2K (your new vibride nickname -- Bossie I like Burky too). Congratulations on your recent engagement. The ladies here will make your Vibride experience, one that you will never forget! This is just the place to be. As some of the other ladies mentioned, you can never start to plan too soon. You are definitely in great company. I wish you all the best and always remember have fun in the planning stages -- it helps to make your planning all the more special!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
Oh we forgot this little valuable price of information - do not talk ya business with people, especially them women in ya office....they tend to get a little jealous - if you have a problem or a question come on the site and ask'll save you some tears, concerns and stress.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
Thanks all for the warm welcome. I feel so welcome, especially now that I have a nickname.
Oh yeah/.....your not an official VI Possie until you have a nickname......:-)
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
So true, so true.
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37