Okay, so I'm trying to pick a wedding date. But of course being a woman, we have monthly visits that we have no control over. My question is how did you pick your date around your visitor? What can I do? Any suggestions would be helpful.
Okay, so I'm trying to pick a wedding date. But of course being a woman, we have monthly visits that we have no control over. My question is how did you pick your date around your visitor? What can I do? Any suggestions would be helpful.
Okay, so I'm trying to pick a wedding date. But of course being a woman, we have monthly visits that we have no control over. My question is how did you pick your date around your visitor? What can I do? Any suggestions would be helpful.
Welcome, mrsburk2be. Girl, girl, girl! There is NOTHING to do! lol. I have tried to get an answer for that. Stress will make it come or not. I got mine the DAY AFTER my wedding and I was crampy and crabby before and during my wedding. Pack feminine products and I suggest wearing a pad JUST IN CASE while you are standing in that pretty white dress saying your vows. Cause Mary will come early just to mess with your mind. lol
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Rosey you are sooooo correct and I followed that same advice and wore something just in the event...what else could you do than be "prepared" for anything :-)
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
good question...never an easy one. I planned ahead, picked the safest date...checked it over..checked it twice..but what will be will be...just as i was slipping into my corset...it came...
what can you do...grin and bear it....what will be will be...rain dont stop de carnival lol.
HIS eye is on the sparrow, and I know HE watches.........me
you looked great though! Didn't even seem bloated so you won the day after all Islandgirl. Charley, I would like to say that was my own common sense but my mama made me do it! She was like, "I packed some of dem ting fa ya." I was,"But I am going on my HONEYMOON! I won't get my period until we get back." HA!
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lol Rosey.....at least she was looking out for ya :-). The same thing happened to me but the amazing thing was the minute I got to the alter and I realized all the stress was over the thing stopped...go figure!
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
I pcked my wedding date by calculating my period.Since I'm on the pill I know when its going to come and I picked my date two weeks before its due!I hope it works but I have a year until then so anything can happen.Thanks for the alter suggestion I will have to jot that down for a must do! my dress will already be trimmed in red I dont need red spots on it too.
You are a lucky girl, Charley! Alvinslove, I shoulda been on the pill but I wasn't shhhh don't tell nobody! lol. We were waiting until our wedding night to have sex even though up until 6 months before the wedding we were having sex up to 3 times a day. lol. THEN I get my period on my honeymoon! lol. God has a sense of humor.
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Rosey you are trouble missey...yes He does have a huge sense of humor. I kept procrastinating about going on the pill then 3 months later I was pregnant and after I had my son 6 months later I was gone again...HA! But after my daughter I left the doctor's office after my 6 week check up with prescription for Nodettes.....I had to cause sweetboy look like he had all intensions to keep me barefoot and pregnant. The devil is a liar :-)
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
That's a very good question.I tried to pick a date that would prevent that "uninvited guest" from showing up.Mine shows up every 26-28 days so I checked my calendar and calculated the "estimated time of arrival".I wouldn't set my date 5 days before or after that date.I'm praying that my calculations are correct.
Born Blessed!
Platinum----stress and the mind is a serious thing to play with...you should be prepared for anything and nothing at all.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
CharlotteModebe, remember the question I told you I was embarrassed about that I asked Rosetta about in a Note. Well mrsburk2be sort of asked it. Only thing I set my date 2 years ago and it's been on point up until last month. Now it looks like it's going to be here on our day. I was glad to read your experiences and will not worry too much about it. We have to come up with something to pause it for a couple of days. In the meantime I guess like islandgirl said, what will be will be. P.S. forget just a pad, if I know it might really come on that day I'll have on "depends" too. My gown puffs so no one will be the wiser. Whew!
God is good all the time and all the time God is good
Hey everyone, I actually plan to begin 'seasonale' the sunday of my period the month before the wedding. THat way I'll be sure that nothing will happen on my honeymoon. Because honestly the cycle changes as you get older and mine is now doing some strange and wonderful things that it never did before like showing up a week early. So I'm not taking any chances because we're really trying to be celebate. Come the night of October 1, I intend to be ready!!!!!!!!!
Ohhhhhhhh!...girl I with you this one, I would use depends also...I'd rather have on a diaper than to have "Mr. Red" on my dress :-)...whatever it takes, like you said "no one will be the wiser"
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
karenita1 try to start 3-4 months before your wedding if there is time. Seasonale has breakthrough bleeding sometimes in the first couple of months! I would still back upi on the pads. DEPENDS is a great idea. I am episcopalian (anglican) and my full mass weddding was 2 hours long! All that kneeling, standing, kneeling, singing. I should have KNOWN my period would come.
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Rosetta - U r so funny. Thanks for the advice. I'm concerned about starting that early because I tend to put on weight easily but I'll definitely be armed with the backup tampons pads and whatever else.
Rosey I am anglican also so I can identify with you and the worst things is if your an active member of church the mass is normally longer cause everyone gatta say something or sing something...even the bishop might come down along with other clergy. So be prepared for anything.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
It is a prescription drug like the regular pill and you take it everyday just like the pill. It makes it so your period only comes 4 times a year!
From the site:
Change in weight with SEASONALE
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Hey!...I'm with Roey on this one...you should start this pill at least 3-4 months before your wedding just to give it time to adjust to your body and to actually be affective....if you are so concerned about your weight which seasonale indicates there is no proven fact that it causes you to gain weight....you should just pay very close attention to your diet intake and exercise regularly.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
Wow! Seasonale, I think I'll skip this and just be extra prepared. I don't exercise at all and may just blow up. Rosetta I started cracking up as I was reading your post. I just thought of something. if it's on I'll have on three things. The T, the P and the D. Nothing is going to come through.
God is good all the time and all the time God is good
Marshy if you do not want to use the seasonale use something because let me tell you something...the minute you say "I do" mentally the only thing on your mind will be...I am legal, I belong to him and if I should get pregant to bad...at least I am married. I say unless you are ready to start a family now - protect yourself.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
Surprise! I'm on here early but not for long. Thanks CharlotteModebe but I was ready for a family yesterday unfortunately I didn't meet "the one" until I was over 40. I'll be 45 this month. I'm not an old over 40 either. I'm a late bloomer. I hope no one thinks of me differently. Anyway if God says so then we will have one at least. I'm 5'6, 138 so I guess a little weight would'nt hurt but since I'm over the hump I don't want to try it.
God is good all the time and all the time God is good
Oh my!...I had no idea...I guess I understand...I wouldn't say your a late bloom, I would say God was not ready for you to start yet and I totally respect you for waiting. That's so cool actually!
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
Thanks Charly, God does have a plan for me and He's leading me every step of the way. I have no regrets. Smile
God is good all the time and all the time God is good