I know an engaged couple who was thinking about having african dancers dance at the reception while they took their pictures before entering the reception. I was thinking maybe I would like to do something similar. Do you think it will be a little to much?
I know an engaged couple who was thinking about having african dancers dance at the reception while they took their pictures before entering the reception. I was thinking maybe I would like to do something similar. Do you think it will be a little to much?
No, I think that would be a fabulous idea!!!!! It'll definately keep your guests entertained until you return.
Trust me..that can never be too much...I personally hate the time in between the ceremmony and the reception waiting on the couple to take pictures so I think it is a fabuolus idea...throw some lite refreshments in there and you gat yourself a winner :-)
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
I agree with the other ladies. That is absolutely a wonderful idea. Go for it!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
Ditto. ANy form of entertainment is better than starving and waiting for the bride and groom to take pictures. Try to have your pictures taken of you and your bridal party and the groom and his bridal party BEFORE the wedding. Then it will only be :30 minutes to and hour for you and your new hubby's wedding pics.
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Rosey my only problem with the before pictures is that I would not want FH is see me before I make my entrance in the church---I personally would want to leave that element of surprise for then...the big excitement for me is not the guest seeing me but my FH seeing me and him becoming overwhelmed to the point of tears.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
I went to a reception where the entire bridal party danced the tango! I was weak it was incredible.
Living my life like it's GOLDEN!!
Charley that would be a disaster! I really meant SEPERATELY. I do believe in that superstition. But even if the groom has hi own photographer. Guys have no problem taking their wedding pics a week earlier. It is us girls who have to have our pics in the perfect hair etc. However, brides have been known to take their studio shots in their wedding gown before or even weeks after the actual wedding. Anything to think about how it affects your guests.
Phenomonique: I love the tango! That must have been so beautiful! Everybody matching too.
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The place where I will be hosting my wedding/reception there is a stage. I wanted to have some sort of entertainment going on while my quest are eating there dinner. A wedding that I just attended had a slide show of pics when they where younger, teenage years, and dating. Although I loved it she will be attending my wedding and I dont want her to feel like I copied this idea from her. I love the idea of possible having dancers, fire eaters, magicians, something. So counting on you ladies to give me some of your WONDERFUL advice!
Girl, please!!! She's not the only with that. I will also be having a photo montage shown before we're introuduced as husband and wife (at the reception). The montage will have pics of me as a child, teen and adult; pics of FH as a child, teen and adult; then pics of us as a couple with pics of our children. Music will be played as a part of the montage. Girl, I went to a wedding and they had one and I don't think there were many dry eyes. The music and animations make this beautiful!!!
I say go for it Housewife!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
It's me again ladies. I'm new to the site and I just have so many questions. I want to do something really nice for my soon to be husband at the wedding but I want it to be different something he would not expect something that will make people say that wedding was nice and different. He doesn't want anybody to sing to him plus I can't sing I already have dancers. I have a gift for him but that is not different and will not be a surprise. Please help
My moh's brother presented his wife with a plaque. And on it was an oath of promises that he wrote and had them engrave. It was so beautiful and she didnt even expect it. There wasnt a dry eye in the house.
Thanks housewife that was nice and different.
No problem at all.