I just read in a post that said the bride should pay for the hotel rooms of her attendants.................Do we really have to?I may be changing my wedding from Cali to Vegas and I really want people to come but I dont wanna be forking out money to pay for everybody.You guys know how people get.they get ther hater syndrom "why you paying for her room and not mine?". Some of the people in mine and FH families may even get jelous because they not in the wedding and another member is and if I pay for te room it will get worse.I cant pay fro the whole dang family to go to Vegas!
I've already had an episode with FH sisters ( twins ) getting mad at me&FH for picking their SIL (who I work with and am closer to) to be the Matron of Honor over them.One made the comment that I was going to pick SIL because she was skinny and the twins are not.
Wed, 03/08/2006 - 16:30
I just read in a post that said the bride should pay for the hotel rooms of her attendants.................Do we really have to?I may be changing my wedding from Cali to Vegas and I really want people to come but I dont wanna be forking out money to pay for everybody.You guys know how people get.they get ther hater syndrom "why you paying for her room and not mine?". Some of the people in mine and FH families may even get jelous because they not in the wedding and another member is and if I pay for te room it will get worse.I cant pay fro the whole dang family to go to Vegas!
I've already had an episode with FH sisters ( twins ) getting mad at me&FH for picking their SIL (who I work with and am closer to) to be the Matron of Honor over them.One made the comment that I was going to pick SIL because she was skinny and the twins are not.
Allie, the post that you read were for the BM's (wedding party), not the wedding guests. I know back in the day some people paid for the out of town guests. But, in this day in age, I don't know of anyone that is doing that. lol
Honey....girl please Askalot said it that post was for the birdal party and not out of town guest...you crazy!!!! if you pay for them to sleep they should definitely not be looking to eat after the ceremony.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
Well technically everybody will be "out-of-town" guest since mostly everyone will be coming from Cali to Vegas.I cant afford to pay for everyone shoot not even the wedding party cuz they come with huge families.For instance my MOH has a husband "the famous BIL" and 4 boys,my 2 bridesmaids both have boyfriends and 1 baby each.Will that be nice to split the families up and stick the daddies with the kids?I dont wanna pay for the whole dang family to stay.As far as splitting the cost I dont think that would work cuz they would have to pay the majority since I will only have 1 person in the room from the wedding party. I could get 2 rooms one for men one for women but I dont wanna be stuck with the kids!Shoot I wanna have fun!I dont have kids and I work around kids everyday so I need a break for the wedding.And FH says all his nieces and nephews must be there so I cant have an "adult only weddig"....there are more of them than adults! there is a average of 4 kids to every sister and brother and he has like 9 sibilings.
lol. You don't have to pay at all. Just make the invitation open and arrange for rooms that they pay for themselves that is how it is down. Just hype up vegas and get brovhures that sho all the family related activities and call it a day. Try Best Hotel Rates for Weddings they have lots of hotels and once you pick one they will ususally help organize it at no extra charge!
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All of my FH family is coming in from out of town. What I did was send them all save the date cards with information about the hotelrooms that I blocked for them. So all they have to do is call to reserve and pay, I am not paying for al them people we would def. be in the poor house for real:)
CharlotteModebe, you're too funny. VirtousV, I did the same thing.
God is good all the time and all the time God is good
Oh and AllieS when I said bridal party I meant just for them to be there with you the night before to get ready and have fun...not them and their entire family...girl stopp ya madness!
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
Hey lady,
I think one very good suggestion they gave me was to have people slit room and cost! That's what I did, at the meeting put that on the table and let them decide! So, that's what I suggest, the people that want to go they can, and if there's someone that's coming alone they can room with another that's coming alone! Believe me, the ladies have already told me, it's not worth stressing over!
not stressed anymore! Thanks to my Vibrides!! :)
Charley I know you didnt mean the whole families but.....my situation is this....If I rent a room for the attendants then te men would be stuck with the kids..........And FH already said that he's having a bachelor party the night before which I understand.Now ho is that gonna happen with kids running around?We are going to Vegas and it is our wedding so we dont wanna have to watch nobody's kids or have them ruin our fun.How am I supposed to deal with that situation?I know FH wants a party before jumping te broom and so do I,but that cant happen if we dont know what to do with the kids.........
Listen...I know you want to accomodate everyone but you just can not.....you really have to focus on you..your only obligation to the girls is ensuring they have somewhere to get ready - once you do that, the choice is theres to either come or not. You are NOT obligated to worry about the children. They call me a mother hen when it comes to my children but seriously if I were standing in a wedding, I have to ensure my children are secured..I do not expect the bride to have to worry about them...I do not want to sound cynical especially when it comes to children but you are stressing too much and that is the last thing yo need at this point.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.