I know I shouldn't be because its not FH's fault. FH & friends are going to northern california for a dudes weekend away at this festival in santa barbara... now, fh and i have been away from each other before. When he was doing his internships he was in Hawaii for over a month. But when I was at FH's house today, he was not there, his phone rang... i do not answer his phone. So his friend leaves this message like, "Hey Mr. Lee... don't forget to bring playas card with you to SB this weekend" and so I'm like um.... hmph! its not like this friend doesn't know about me. When I worked at verizon I hooked all of them up with new phones and credits and they call me whenever they have a question about something. They know we're engaged. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but, I am so very annoyed by it.
I know I shouldn't be because its not FH's fault. FH & friends are going to northern california for a dudes weekend away at this festival in santa barbara... now, fh and i have been away from each other before. When he was doing his internships he was in Hawaii for over a month. But when I was at FH's house today, he was not there, his phone rang... i do not answer his phone. So his friend leaves this message like, "Hey Mr. Lee... don't forget to bring playas card with you to SB this weekend" and so I'm like um.... hmph! its not like this friend doesn't know about me. When I worked at verizon I hooked all of them up with new phones and credits and they call me whenever they have a question about something. They know we're engaged. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but, I am so very annoyed by it.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~ Pablo Neruda
Donn't read anything into that statement FML. Guys are just guys and they probably act like studs when they go to golf or just kick it at a sports bar. It is the nature of an unattached guy to assume EVERYONE is on the troll just like he is. I know you trust your fiance otherwise you would not have aggreed to marry him. And he seems like too much fun to be an ass hole. [lol] let him have his boys weekend.
Think of how much fun you will have when you do YOUR girls weekend. (so get to planning it already!)
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Right on Rosey!
FML, I think that you may be overreacting. Think about it, I'm quite sure that there may be things you say with your girls, that you wouldn't say around FH. I know I certainly do! Guys automatically think they are "the man" when they probably couldn't catch a fly with sticky tape! So, don't read too much into it - it's just guys being guys.
I say just remind him before he leaves to take his players card....He'll know what you are talking about and know he will be in big trouble if he acts stupid.That man aint crazy girl!
I agree with everything the other ladies have said. Lastly if it bothers you that much just talk with your fiance.
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
[quote="Rosetta"] And he seems like too much fun to be an ass hole. [lol] let him have his boys weekend.
oh ms. rosey, how i wish this were true! this man showed his A$$ last nite. I did not mention anything about hearing the machine to him at all. We were online chatting last nite and he said he would call me because 'i missed you all day', this was 10pm. While we were chatting a guy I used to 'talk to' and still friends with was also online and told me about a concert in San Diego this weekend and he has an extra ticket, asked if I wanted to go. I told him I would get back to him. FH used to get crazy jealous of my talking to this dude when we were just friends, and I tell FH everything (something i am now starting to think is not the best thing to do). So we're on AOL and I say to him, "I was just invited to street scene." I send him the street scene link to see who is all going to be there, now he mad that he can't go. I add, "I need to tell you something, ok?" He says, "Its about another guy, huh?" so I tell him what the deal is. He gets a little online pissed using the little AOL emotions and stuff. So I tell him I am going to go take a shower and wait for his call. Again, this was a little after 10pm. So I'm on the phone with another friend waiting for FH to call when I ask said friend what time it is. Its now 11:30pm, FH has to be up for work at 6am. So I decide to call him. FH didn't answer. I waited 15 minutes and called again, FH didn't answer. So I text him and ask him what the deal is. He texts me back saying Goodnite. I'm like Goodnite?! wtf is goodnite when you just had me up waiting for you to call me. SO FH ignores my calls and texts me back that he doesn't feel like talking to anyone. So now I'm pissed off trying to figure out wtf has happened in the past hour or so that has made this man change his mind so much. And he KNOWS one of the worst things in the world he could ever do is ignore me. My dad used to ignore my sister & I when we were younger like we didn't exist and it drives me crazy to this day! So now I'm irritated with him. I'm like, if you didn't wanna talk, man up and tell me you don't wanna talk, don't text me 15 minutes before midnight with some ol' bullcrap, communicate with me, call me up and say "you know, i'm not really in the mood for conversation but i wanted to say goodnite". He texted me this morning saying it was nothing I did he just didn't feel like talking. So I'm telling this fool to communicate with me, don't just leave me hanging wondering wtf is going on! I'm glad this wedding isn't for another 3 years, he acted like a child and I was not having it. He will be 32 when we get married, hopefully he will have grown up a lil more.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~ Pablo Neruda
[quote="alvinslove"]I say just remind him before he leaves to take his players card....He'll know what you are talking about and know he will be in big trouble if he acts stupid.That man aint crazy girl!
HAHAHAHA I like this comment!
Each One Teach One!
[quote="SeptBride"]Right on Rosey!
FML, I think that you may be overreacting. Think about it, I'm quite sure that there may be things you say with your girls, that you wouldn't say around FH. [/quote]
I trust FH. I was just irritated by his friend, i know he wouldn't do anything. Believe me, FH has been on guys weekends away before. Plus he is like the frickin Patron Saint of strip clubs & i don't trip. I trust him... i was just annoyed by his friend, thats all.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~ Pablo Neruda
I feel you Future! It will all work itself out.
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
Only if we could pick our FH's friends...hmmmmmmmmmmmm....Just tell him his friend is a butthead and he needs to respect you weather you're around or not.Its not that you were invading FH's space by hearing the message (if you'd picked up thats different) but u heard it and it got to u so thats enough for him to talk to his boys about.
[quote="FutureMsLee"]Right on Rosey!
FML, I think that you may be overreacting. Think about it, I'm quite sure that there may be things you say with your girls, that you wouldn't say around FH.
I trust FH. I was just irritated by his friend, i know he wouldn't do anything. Believe me, FH has been on guys weekends away before. Plus he is like the frickin Patron Saint of strip clubs & i don't trip. I trust him... i was just annoyed by his friend, thats all.
FML, I didn't say anything about your trust with FH. What I was trying to say is relax. Don't get annoyed with anyone. You think that men don't talk junk when they're not around us women. Even the friend that made the comment would not have left that VM if his woman was around (if he has one). I know FH & his friends joke around like they "got it like that", but each one of them know the "real deal" with the women in their lives.
I agree! Don't get upset over such trivial matters. I will say that you really need to evaluate your continued relationship with ex(guy you used to talk to). I know that male and females can be friends however, it can be difficult if you had a relationship. If your FH is bothered by it then maybe both of you need to discuss it like adults if you want your relationship to lead to a lifelong commitment. If your friend knew that you were engaged and asked you to go to a concert with him then what does that mean? If you considered, knowing how FH feels about it what does that mean? Just like you got bothered because FH friend left that message and he knows about you, FH may be having those same feelings about your friend inviting you knowing that you're with him. As always, we live and we learn so I'm not trying to advise you. Do what you feel is best. I've been in a situation before of trying to maintain a relationship with someone that I "talked to" but he had other motives so I had to say you know what, I don't want to give you the wrong idea or disrespect my FH so it's best if we don't communicate. Sometimes keeping those relationships leaves the door open. Sorry this is so long but I felt the need to share. Again, talk with your FH about these things before they become a major issue. Be blessed my sisath!
i feel you PB, I am the hey honey lets sit down and talk person in the relationship. He is the whats there to talk about person. We're working on that, constantly. He did apologize for igging me though, he *claims* he sent me a text message earlier saying he didn't feel like talking and he'd call me later - i never got that text. But, I like the way he apologizes. He got me the movies we've enjoyed most in the past year on dvd, he got me the V for Vendetta collections edition w/ the mask & everything, the 40-Year-Old Virgin, & Match Point. I like it when we make it.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~ Pablo Neruda
Good Future, you guys seem like you know how to move past "trivial matters" and continue to enjoy each other. That's a good thing!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
[quote="DaughterRhonda"]Good Future, you guys seem like you know how to move past "trivial matters" and continue to enjoy each other. That's a good thing!
we know that the bulk of our probs are because of either insufficient communication or none at all. like the street scene thing. Its not an ex-bf. Just someone I used ot hang out with. FH has been asked a gazillion times how he feels about my talking to old people and he says he's cool with it. I have told him a gazillion times, "if you are not cool with it, don't say you're "cool with it" when you're not.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~ Pablo Neruda
I hear ya girl. One thing I've learned in dealing with my fiance is to read his ACTIONS. My fiance tells me he's not jealous, however his actions say something totally different. For instance my brother (on my father's side) called me and he didn't recognize the voice -- OMG he flipped on me! Then he realized it was my brother and he apologized. His actions showed me the complete opposite of what his mouth was saying -- LOL!!!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
Well the bartender that served Mr. Lee remembered him from last year. He went with the same guys but she remembered him specifically. So Mr. Lee has a myspace, I don't any longer, but my dog has one (haha) so I go to Mr. Lee's myspace page which says he's a swinger, I don't mind, let him be whomever he wants to be but keep it on cyberspace, don't bring it to reality. Anyway, so on Mr. Lee's myspace one of his friends is asking him "How's Celeste". I'm like who the eff is Celeste?! So I'm asking him, "baby, who's celeste?" he tells me its the bartender from SB. He wants to know why I ask, so I ask him, "Why is Mike asking you how Celeste is?" He says Mike is just being funny. I don't think anything of it.
Well his phone rang and he asked me to see who it is and dammit, its Celeste! I'm like, "baby, why does Celeste have your number?!" he says "Oh she has everyones number, we all gave her our numbers when we were up there." Now, I don't give a damn if Celeste calls Mike or Christian or Oracio or any of his other friends who ventured on this trip with him, but why is Celeste calling you? What reason does Celeste need to call you? If you wanna know how to make a mojito you can find out online, you don't need Celestes number for that. He tells me how unattractive Celeste is and how he has no interest in her and yadda yadda yadda. I don't give a damn about how hot or unpretty Celeste is, what I care about is why this heffa has your number?
He doesn't see the problem. He gives me the biggest trip when I talk to or want to hang out with someone I've known for a long time - not an ex, just someone who HAD a crush on me but now has a girlfriend (i told y'all that person invited me to a concert in San Diego the weekend Mr. Lee went up North - just a coincidence), but this is a new chick. He's met her once before a year ago! Lord he gives me a headache, lemme give my number up to somebody and see how big a fit this fool has with his 'why am i not enough' and 'are you sure you wanna marry me' head trip. He not slow... he graduated with honors... he has a masters degree. Y'all please pray for Mr. Lee to wise up & get some damn sense in the next three years.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~ Pablo Neruda
Check it is all I have to say!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
I agree with alvinslove. Remind him to take his playas card. AND tell him to leave that (the playas card), his nonchalant demeanor, AND that ugly disposition side of him there. LOL!!!!
[quote="DaughterRhonda"]Check it is all I have to say!
I totally agree! FML, momma ain't raise no fool!
"WHAT GOD HAS FOR ME,It is for me!
June 20,2009 Ill marry my soulmate!
That thing call womans intuition never fails me.I would keep my ears open.
I have learned to always trust my intuition no matter what it never fails me. Men have a way of trying to make you feel like you are crazy when it comes to these matters. It sounds like there's something more going on with Celeste than he lets on. At any rate, you do what you need to to have a peace of mind. the good thing is you are young and you have 3 years to decide if marrying him is the right thing to do. In all things pray and ask God for guidance and a spirit of discernment. He will show you what you need to see! Hang in there, your vibride sistah's got your back.
I think you should sit your fh down and ask him about the message.You should be able to tell if he is telling you the truth or not. I personally think that it is better to talk about it then hold it in, because it will always be in the back of your mind. Just ask him it is probably nothing.