Ok ladies, I went to Target today looking at guest book but I didnt see anything I like so I thought about doing it myself, but before I left I started looking at the wedding albums, and I realize next to each picture there's a memo area and I thought it will be really cute if I had someone take a picture of each guest and have them sign or write something special next to their picture. I know polaroid would be the best way to do it but digtal last long and is much cheaper. What you think about the idea?
Ok ladies, I went to Target today looking at guest book but I didnt see anything I like so I thought about doing it myself, but before I left I started looking at the wedding albums, and I realize next to each picture there's a memo area and I thought it will be really cute if I had someone take a picture of each guest and have them sign or write something special next to their picture. I know polaroid would be the best way to do it but digtal last long and is much cheaper. What you think about the idea?
Hey BklynFinest. I think you are a genius! Creativity has found it's place with you! That would really be special, once you & your hubby are in your sixties in a rocking chair reminising (spelling) on your special celebration. Let us see the finished project.
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
I like the idea, but I am a bit confused. When and who will take the picture? When are guest signing the guest book...before the ceremony or before the reception? When will you have time to put the photos in the album?
Well if you want the pics to come out immediately of course the polaroid, but remember, they usually have about 10 photos/cartridge so you hav to have enough ready and a friend who can get them right on the first pic-then just get a nice pin board and have them sign that white part on the bottom and pin it up for a very nice display for your wedding book later....If you want to do digital-unless you know every single person's name to put it in later, it may be difficult....you photographer might be able to bring staff in to make this happen (its possible)-linking it up to a laptop or something so the pics come right up, and their names can be put in immediately-but it takes a few minutes/person or couple.
Its a very nice idea, and I was thinking of doing that polaroid thing myself!
Keep us posted:)
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Well this is my plan, I was going to put the guest book by the door of the reception hall and before the guest walk in I will have my cousin take a picture of the guest and then have the guest sign the book. Not sure if I will put a sticky or something were the picture goes and Have my cousin write the name of the guest on the sticky, so when I get home and print the pictures I will know where to put the pictures.
Bumble I like your idea as well but, polaroid starts to fade after a few years. I also like the idea of the laptop but I do think it will take to much time.
Digital is the way to go!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
I love that idea Bklyn. I will have to give my FH a copy of this post and see what he says. I think it would be great, especailly if you could be in the picture with the guest....I know that might be hard but it willbe worth it.You will know you have seen all of your guest and had a picture taken with them....In reality you probably wont get a good picture of every otherwise.
That is a good idea! One suggestion, you might want to have someone walk around with the book and go to each table. The line may get long at the door if everyone is signing.
[quote="bklynfinest77"]Bumble I like your idea as well but, polaroid starts to fade after a few years. I also like the idea of the laptop but I do think it will take to much time.
I didn't know that about polaroids....and yes, that laptop thing is just a time killer....I hope you do figure out a way to do the pictures, even if you just get someone to take pictures and don't get everyone's name its okay.....but at least you'll have some cool candids to keep in the album later.....Good luck
We've been Happily Married 2 Years and Counting:)
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One way you can keep track of everybodies name is their place cards. If yo do decide to go table by table make sure you number eack place card and keep a record of it that way when they sign the guestbook they can write their number on the page. I'm pretty sure you and FH will know most of the faces to match with the names.Those you dont know ask other family for help..I know you FMIL and your mom will invite people who you probably wont know.
Awesome suggestion Askalot!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
that is a great idea plus I think I going to know everyone at the wedding me and dh family is really tight and I already told my MIL she only allowed to invite 5 of her friends. I know my mother not going to invite anyone I dont know. Our families are way to big to have to many extras...lol
Then that makes it even better on you! Since yall are just renewing pretty much the same people will be around....Those 5 extras from MIL she can tell you who is who.
I like this idea. I was talking to one of the guys in my unit he has his own photography business. He said you can by the docking station and the pictures will print instantly. He said you can have them taken just as they arrive for the wedding/reception . Then later on after they have been printed have someone a hostess take the album around for everyone to sign by their picture. You should aslo check with your photographer they made do it for you. He said thanks for the idea he is going to add this to his packages. He has enough help his business is family owned.
Thats somewhat what I saw in target. It was 10 for the one I liked but they had few that was cheaper then that.
Digtal pictures is much better than polaroids, If you have a Sams,Costco or BJ see how much those Digital cameras are there.
I can do all things through christ which strengthens me.
[quote="bklynfinest77"]Thats somewhat what I saw in target. It was 10 for the one I liked but they had few that was cheaper then that.
I just thought of another way you can track ypur photos if you use the digital camera. Have them sign in a book and once you get them develop you know who photo is who and you can put them next to there write up.
Like this : 1. Sheawill 2. FutureMrs.lee 3. Allies, get the picture right. I hope this helps.
Honey that is a wonderful idea. I went ta a bridal shower and they had that same guest book. I asked the bridesmaids where they purchased the album and they said on ebay.It looked very nice at the end of the affair after they finished putting it all together.