Thanks for your valuable informtion so far. Just a quick question...does anybody have a sample schedule of how the wedding day should go. For example, after the ceremony, what happens in what order. I appreciate your help
Thanks for your valuable informtion so far. Just a quick question...does anybody have a sample schedule of how the wedding day should go. For example, after the ceremony, what happens in what order. I appreciate your help
Thanks for your valuable informtion so far. Just a quick question...does anybody have a sample schedule of how the wedding day should go. For example, after the ceremony, what happens in what order. I appreciate your help
Thanks so much for your quick reply
Search our site first please. We have over 400 articles that will help you plan your wedding including a standard order of service and a African Theme Wedding Order of Service
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Thanks Askalot!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37