For Vibrant Brides of Color

Passionate Gesture

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Last seen: 15 years 12 months ago
Joined: 06/26/2006 - 18:16
Passionate Gesture

I am proclaiming today Love Letter Writing Day. So today, August 28th take time out to HAND WRITE a love letter to your FH and send it snail mail(to make it a extra special). If you both live together, on the day that it is set to arrive, let him check the mail. Here are a few tips for writing your letter:

1. Presentation. Use beautiful stationery (a neutral, soft color, such as cream or white) and a flair pen with black or brown ink--no blues, greens or reds! Remember, your Love Letter is being written to someone special. Hand-written letters are best. This is personal--you are not writing a business letter!

2. Ambience. Go to a secluded place and put on soft, romantic music. A quiet room would be nice. Dim the lights. Stimulate a romantic mood.

3. Keepsake. Date your Love Letter (month, day, year). This is a letter that will be treasured and remembered. You can bet that it will be read over and over and safeguarded in a special place.

4. Greeting. Choose an endearing salutation. Don't be formal. Use you love's first name. For example: "My dearest Jennifer . . ." or "My darling Matt . . ."

5. Beginning. Start your Love Letter by telling your beloved your reasons for writing. For instance: "I have lain awake many sleepless nights trying to compose words that might adequately describe the feelings of my heart. But every time I have made the attempt, I have failed miserably. Please forgive my poor effort and accept a trite and simple phrase: I love you. I think I can say it no better than that . . . ." Never insult your beloved's feelings or belittle yourself by saying something like: "I know you probably don't feel this way," or "You must think I'm crazy." If you are timid in your Love Letter, your attempt at conveying heartfelt words will fall flat and might be misunderstood.

6. Body. The body of the Love Letter should include reasons for why you fell in love. Here are some ideas:

recall when you fell in love with him/her
explain how your life has changed for the better
describe how much you miss your love when you're apart
explain that you can't imagine life without him/her
list some of the many things you have in common
tell how wonderful and complete he/she makes you feel
recall some special moments you've shared together
mention times you've picked him/her out of a crowd
list qualities that set him/her apart from everyone else
Avoid being casual, too light-hearted, or openly erotic. A Love Letter is a letter of respect that coveys deep, difficult-to-express feelings. Don't discount the impact of poetry in place of, or in addition to, your words. Maybe your beloved has a favorite author or poet. It will be seen as a compliment if you take the time to quote someone he/she admires. Be sure to give proper credit where it's due. Don't forget the Internet is a great place to find that poem or song you are trying to quote!

Be real. Your Love Letter should be a carefully crafted work of art, but it also needs to sound sincere. You want your Love Letter to make your beloved fall in love, not fall into laughter. Be confident as you express your emotions, dreams, and vulnerability.

NOTE: don't expect your first attempt will be the letter you send. Practice on scrap paper before you start writing on your good stationery. REVISE, then leave it for a few hours, then return and revise it again. Read it again in the morning before you send it. You'll improve it, as well as have fewer regrets--guaranteed!

7. Closing. End your Love Letter with carefully worded prose: "There, I have said it. I can rest now. And as I dream, I will dream of you." Make your closing upbeat and positive.

8. Valediction. Don't just end with: "Love, Eric." Even if you said, "All my love," it would be better. You become even more romantic by writing something like: "Dream of me, my love . . . ." What you want is a simple, yet heartfelt goodbye: "With undying love," or "Forever yours." Remember, you may think this is too sappy, but your loved one will treasure each word. Be prepared to have it quoted to you in years to come.

9. Insert. Include a special extra: petals from a flower, sprinkles of stars, a teabag of your favorite tea . . . . You get the idea. That little extra effort means you really put some thought (and heart) into this.

10. Neatness counts. Gently fold the Love Letter and place it in a neatly addressed envelope--hopefully, one that matches your stationery. The correct way is to fold a small stationery sheet (or sheets) in half with the text on the inside. Place the letter in the envelope with the crease at the bottom and the salutation facing the back. Hand address the envelope. Remember what your elementary teacher taught you about penmanship--make sure your love is able to read your writing! Add a stamp that looks romantic--the Garden Bouquet stamps are nice--and affix it upside down. It is a custom that means, "I love you." Drop the letter in the mail. That's it! Expect an emotional response. And here's another tip: buy some breath mints--you'll need them!

11. Be expressive. Here are some popular words to use in your Love Letter: angel, angelic, lover, giving, alluring, tempting, sensual, sensuality, seeing, tasting, touching, holding, caressing, memories, memorable, darling, gorgeous, absence, velvet, voyage, beautiful, vision, elation, blossoms, happy, kisses, innocent, passion, dreaming, delirious, temptation, complete, desire, content, embrace, rainbow, rose, adoring, stars, privileged, heart.

12. Make it smell good. Spritz the letter with perfume before you begin writing. If you do it afterwards the ink will run. If you forget to spritz the paper before hand spray the perfume in the air and then waive the paper in the mist but do not spray the perfume directly onto the paper, again, the ink will run.

13. SIWAK, Seal It With A Kiss. After you have finished writing the letter, you can either kiss the paper or the envelope. If you don't wear lipstick or lip gloss wear some just for this purpose.

Happy writing ladies!

Last seen: 15 years 12 months ago
Joined: 06/26/2006 - 18:16
Passionate Gesture

I am proclaiming today Love Letter Writing Day. So today, August 28th take time out to HAND WRITE a love letter to your FH and send it snail mail(to make it a extra special). If you both live together, on the day that it is set to arrive, let him check the mail. Here are a few tips for writing your letter:

1. Presentation. Use beautiful stationery (a neutral, soft color, such as cream or white) and a flair pen with black or brown ink--no blues, greens or reds! Remember, your Love Letter is being written to someone special. Hand-written letters are best. This is personal--you are not writing a business letter!

2. Ambience. Go to a secluded place and put on soft, romantic music. A quiet room would be nice. Dim the lights. Stimulate a romantic mood.

3. Keepsake. Date your Love Letter (month, day, year). This is a letter that will be treasured and remembered. You can bet that it will be read over and over and safeguarded in a special place.

4. Greeting. Choose an endearing salutation. Don't be formal. Use you love's first name. For example: "My dearest Jennifer . . ." or "My darling Matt . . ."

5. Beginning. Start your Love Letter by telling your beloved your reasons for writing. For instance: "I have lain awake many sleepless nights trying to compose words that might adequately describe the feelings of my heart. But every time I have made the attempt, I have failed miserably. Please forgive my poor effort and accept a trite and simple phrase: I love you. I think I can say it no better than that . . . ." Never insult your beloved's feelings or belittle yourself by saying something like: "I know you probably don't feel this way," or "You must think I'm crazy." If you are timid in your Love Letter, your attempt at conveying heartfelt words will fall flat and might be misunderstood.

6. Body. The body of the Love Letter should include reasons for why you fell in love. Here are some ideas:

recall when you fell in love with him/her
explain how your life has changed for the better
describe how much you miss your love when you're apart
explain that you can't imagine life without him/her
list some of the many things you have in common
tell how wonderful and complete he/she makes you feel
recall some special moments you've shared together
mention times you've picked him/her out of a crowd
list qualities that set him/her apart from everyone else
Avoid being casual, too light-hearted, or openly erotic. A Love Letter is a letter of respect that coveys deep, difficult-to-express feelings. Don't discount the impact of poetry in place of, or in addition to, your words. Maybe your beloved has a favorite author or poet. It will be seen as a compliment if you take the time to quote someone he/she admires. Be sure to give proper credit where it's due. Don't forget the Internet is a great place to find that poem or song you are trying to quote!

Be real. Your Love Letter should be a carefully crafted work of art, but it also needs to sound sincere. You want your Love Letter to make your beloved fall in love, not fall into laughter. Be confident as you express your emotions, dreams, and vulnerability.

NOTE: don't expect your first attempt will be the letter you send. Practice on scrap paper before you start writing on your good stationery. REVISE, then leave it for a few hours, then return and revise it again. Read it again in the morning before you send it. You'll improve it, as well as have fewer regrets--guaranteed!

7. Closing. End your Love Letter with carefully worded prose: "There, I have said it. I can rest now. And as I dream, I will dream of you." Make your closing upbeat and positive.

8. Valediction. Don't just end with: "Love, Eric." Even if you said, "All my love," it would be better. You become even more romantic by writing something like: "Dream of me, my love . . . ." What you want is a simple, yet heartfelt goodbye: "With undying love," or "Forever yours." Remember, you may think this is too sappy, but your loved one will treasure each word. Be prepared to have it quoted to you in years to come.

9. Insert. Include a special extra: petals from a flower, sprinkles of stars, a teabag of your favorite tea . . . . You get the idea. That little extra effort means you really put some thought (and heart) into this.

10. Neatness counts. Gently fold the Love Letter and place it in a neatly addressed envelope--hopefully, one that matches your stationery. The correct way is to fold a small stationery sheet (or sheets) in half with the text on the inside. Place the letter in the envelope with the crease at the bottom and the salutation facing the back. Hand address the envelope. Remember what your elementary teacher taught you about penmanship--make sure your love is able to read your writing! Add a stamp that looks romantic--the Garden Bouquet stamps are nice--and affix it upside down. It is a custom that means, "I love you." Drop the letter in the mail. That's it! Expect an emotional response. And here's another tip: buy some breath mints--you'll need them!

11. Be expressive. Here are some popular words to use in your Love Letter: angel, angelic, lover, giving, alluring, tempting, sensual, sensuality, seeing, tasting, touching, holding, caressing, memories, memorable, darling, gorgeous, absence, velvet, voyage, beautiful, vision, elation, blossoms, happy, kisses, innocent, passion, dreaming, delirious, temptation, complete, desire, content, embrace, rainbow, rose, adoring, stars, privileged, heart.

12. Make it smell good. Spritz the letter with perfume before you begin writing. If you do it afterwards the ink will run. If you forget to spritz the paper before hand spray the perfume in the air and then waive the paper in the mist but do not spray the perfume directly onto the paper, again, the ink will run.

13. SIWAK, Seal It With A Kiss. After you have finished writing the letter, you can either kiss the paper or the envelope. If you don't wear lipstick or lip gloss wear some just for this purpose.

Happy writing ladies!

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~ Pablo Neruda

Last seen: 15 years 12 months ago
Joined: 06/26/2006 - 18:16
Re: Passionate Gesture

Here are a couple of words to help you out with your letters:

BEAUTY: attractiveness, charm, elegance, grace, loveliness

CHARM: attraction, fascination, glamour

CONSORT: companion, comrade, mate, partner, soul-mate, spouse

DELIGHT: enjoyment, gladness, happiness, joy, pleasure

DEVOTION: affection, attachment, fidelity, loyalty, dedication

DIGNITY: elegance, grace, stateliness

FOREVER: always, eternity, perpetuity

HAPPINESS: bliss, cheerfulness, contentment, delight, joyfulness

HOPE: faith, optimism, reliance, belief, desire, wish

JOY: bliss, delight, elation, gladness, happiness

LOYALTY: allegiance, constancy, devotion, faithfulness, fidelity

MARRIAGE: matrimony, nuptials, wedding, wedlock, bond, union

PROMISE: pledge, vow

RENEWAL: enlivenment, invigoration, regeneration, revival

RESPECT: admiration, appreciation, esteem, favor, honor, regard

SACRIFICE: dedication, devotion, offering

SINCERITY: candidness, candor, frankness, genuineness, honesty,

SPIRIT: being, heart, mind, psyche, soul, energy, life, verve

WISDOM: wiseness, insight, judgment, knowledge


CHERISH: esteem, prize, treasure, cultivate, foster, nurture

HOPE: anticipate, await, count on, expect

INSPIRE: excite, exhilarate, motivate, stimulate, impress

MARRY: espouse, wed, combine, couple, hitch, mate, link, unite

PRIZE: appreciate, value, cherish

PROMISE: pledge, vow

RENEW: regenerate, restart, refresh, rekindle

RESPECT: honor, regard, value, admire

UNITE: connect, converge, join, meet, merge, unify

VALUE: assess, evaluate, rate, appreciate, prize


AFFECTIONATE: adoring, caring, considerate, devoted, loving

BEAUTIFUL: attractive, fair, lovely, stunning

DIVINE: godly, heavenly, glorious, wonderful, wondrous

ENDLESS: continual, eternal, perpetual, unceasing, unending, timeless

FAITHFUL: constant, steady, steadfast, true

FOND: affectionate, dear, devoted, loving

HAPPY: cheerful, glad, joyful, joyous, merry, pleased

HOPEFUL: hoping, optimistic, promising

INFINITE: endless, limitless, unbounded, immeasurable

MARRIED: marital, matrimonial, nuptial, spousal, wedded

NOBLE: august, royal, ethical, moral, virtuous, honorable

OPTIMISTIC: bright, sunny, upbeat, promising

PEACEFUL: placid, quiet, serene, still, undisturbed

PRICELESS: precious, inestimable, invaluable, valuable

SINCERE: genuine, honest, real, heartfelt

TOTAL: complete, entire, whole, absolute, pure, sheer, utter

UNCOMMON: extraordinary, scarce, unusual, rare, unique

UNCORRUPTED: ethical, principled, untarnished

UNDENIABLE: certain, incontestible, sure, undisputable

UNDYING: deathless, immortal, eternal, everlasting

UNFADING: enduring, lasting, undying, unfailing

UNIVERSAL: omnipresent, cosmic, global, worldwide

UNSELFISH: selfless, self-sacrificing

VIBRANT: intense, strong, vivid, dynamic, energetic, vigorous

VIRTUOUS: ethical, moral, noble, principled, pure, righteous

WARM: compassionate, sympathetic, tender, enthusiastic

WORTHY: capable, deserving, desirable, suited, honorable, noble


AFFECTIONATELY: dearly, devotedly, dotingly, fondly, lovingly

DIVINELY: blissfully, gloriously, splendidly, sublimely

ENDLESSLY: ceaselessly, constantly, forever, interminably

FAITHFULLY: devotedly, loyally

HAPPILY: blissfully, joyfully, joyously, cheerfully

ONLY: alone, entirely, exclusively, solely

SINCERELY: genuinely, honestly, really

TOTALLY: absolutely, completely, entirely, fully, purely, wholly

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~ Pablo Neruda

sheawiil's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2006 - 10:53
Re: Passionate Gesture

Future, you are too much.


purebliss's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 01/24/2006 - 18:47
Re: Passionate Gesture

I concur! FML, thanks for sharing! Although, I'm late I will attempt to do this on tomorrow.


housewife147's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 06/25/2006 - 11:12
Re: Passionate Gesture

I will attempt to write this letter during my lunch break. I get home before he does so I will either put it in my mailbox or I will tape it to the bedroom door. Damn it would have been so much easier if you ladies would have wrote it and mailed it to me!LOL


onyxswan's picture
Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
Joined: 05/15/2006 - 21:06
Re: Passionate Gesture

You ladies are creative. My FH would just love one of these letters, now let me see when I can find the time to write one. On second thought, when I think of how much I love him I will make the time to write one.

Happiness is only a prayer away!

daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 05/26/2005 - 17:30
Re: Passionate Gesture

Future you are all right with me! I missed this, but you can believe I will certainly make use of this wonderful suggestion.

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

septbride's picture
Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
Joined: 10/17/2005 - 06:30
Re: Passionate Gesture

I passed the date too. But, I will certainly write my FH a letter.

nlbostic's picture
Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: 07/02/2005 - 11:39
Re: Passionate Gesture

I missed it too...damn.. but I'm write a letter. Ladies, please posts how FH or Hubby reacts. I'm curious to know how mine will.

phenomonique's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 06/23/2005 - 13:49
Re: Passionate Gesture

It'll be a very nice surprise!

Living my life like it's GOLDEN!!

Last seen: 15 years 12 months ago
Joined: 06/26/2006 - 18:16
Re: Passionate Gesture

hey ladies, mr. lee should get his letter tomorrow and I will let you guys know what his reaction is.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~ Pablo Neruda

tajmom's picture
Last seen: 17 years 7 months ago
Joined: 07/13/2006 - 07:53
Re: Passionate Gesture



daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 05/26/2005 - 17:30
Re: Passionate Gesture

[quote="FutureMsLee"]hey ladies, mr. lee should get his letter tomorrow and I will let you guys know what his reaction is.

Keep us posted. I'm going to the stationery store and get some nice stationery. The kind I have at home has all these flowers on it and I don't think that will be appropriate for what I want to do. Thanks again for the tip Future!

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37