For Vibrant Brides of Color


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belleblanc's picture
Last seen: 18 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/09/2006 - 13:43

Hello everyone! I missed you so much, but had so very much to do. I got hitched 12/09/06 at the Singer Island Hilton Hotel in West Palm Beach Florida. My ceremony was suppose to be on the beach but, the wind was blowing so fiercly and therefore, we were unable to have the ceremony on the beach. However, the staff set up something last minute under the Pavillion and it looked and turned out to be fantastic. We only had one lousy rehearsal but if you were there, you'd swear we had been rehearsing for days. My makeup artist did a great job; the photographer did a fantastic job. He is Richard Williams of Rich Photoworks Photography. With the help of friends and family, my Welcome and Thank You gifts got done pronto. The florist pulled through like a champ. I didn't think she'd get my vision but, she went above and beyond her expertise in making everything look fairytale. My cake was to die for! It not only lookeed great but tasted great as well! My second dress turned out so pretty; I got many compliments. I cried at the end of the ceremony, my husband handed his hanky to me just in time for me not to totally ruin my makeup. We came back to California for one day and headed of to honeymoon in Jamaica Ocho Rios. It was okay, not what I anticipated at all. The staff were really nice but, it is a 3rd world country. I guess I didn't know what to expect. It is very green and beautiful. Spent 7 days in Jamaica and returned home to the chaos of pre-X-mas flights out. I so can't wait to get my wedding videos back, my son was hilarious! I will try to post pics. Has anyone else tied the knot? Click Text Here

belleblanc's picture
Last seen: 18 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/09/2006 - 13:43

Hello everyone! I missed you so much, but had so very much to do. I got hitched 12/09/06 at the Singer Island Hilton Hotel in West Palm Beach Florida. My ceremony was suppose to be on the beach but, the wind was blowing so fiercly and therefore, we were unable to have the ceremony on the beach. However, the staff set up something last minute under the Pavillion and it looked and turned out to be fantastic. We only had one lousy rehearsal but if you were there, you'd swear we had been rehearsing for days. My makeup artist did a great job; the photographer did a fantastic job. He is Richard Williams of Rich Photoworks Photography. With the help of friends and family, my Welcome and Thank You gifts got done pronto. The florist pulled through like a champ. I didn't think she'd get my vision but, she went above and beyond her expertise in making everything look fairytale. My cake was to die for! It not only lookeed great but tasted great as well! My second dress turned out so pretty; I got many compliments. I cried at the end of the ceremony, my husband handed his hanky to me just in time for me not to totally ruin my makeup. We came back to California for one day and headed of to honeymoon in Jamaica Ocho Rios. It was okay, not what I anticipated at all. The staff were really nice but, it is a 3rd world country. I guess I didn't know what to expect. It is very green and beautiful. Spent 7 days in Jamaica and returned home to the chaos of pre-X-mas flights out. I so can't wait to get my wedding videos back, my son was hilarious! I will try to post pics. Has anyone else tied the knot? Click Text Here


housewife147's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 06/25/2006 - 11:12

Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Once again Congrats


platinumstyle's picture
Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: 09/28/2005 - 12:32

Belleblanc,I'm happy for you.Your wedding sounds like a dream come true!

Born Blessed!

belleblanc's picture
Last seen: 18 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 06/09/2006 - 13:43

It was great. I am so tired, didn't realize how tired until I came home from Jamaica.


cinamin1's picture
Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
Joined: 08/02/2005 - 13:14

Hi Bella! Glad everything turned out well for you! Congratulations! :-D BTW Does your photographer have a website? You know, I have no clue how to post my personal photos, so I just posted the link of the photographer.

I'm a married woman as of December 2, 2006.
Delight yourself also in the Lord & He shall give you all the desires of your heart.-Psalm 37:4

rosetta's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/23/2002 - 12:00

BELLLLEEEEEEEEEEE! How was Jamaica Mon? I haven't been in 20 years. I hope you realize that we missed ya! Can't wait to see the pics. Too bad we can't see the video of your son too! lol

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alvinslove's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 02/01/2006 - 02:17

Hey Bella you got married on my Birthday! Congrats.I hope everything went as planned and your day was everything you wished it would be....Welcome to wifehood gyrl!