Hey ladies, I purposely haven't started a post about my personal life in soo long but i'm bursting with anticipation! In 6 days, count 'em 1-2-3-4-5-6. I will be in Zimbabwe with my honey. 24 days without work, cell phones, Ray-Ray an' dem callin me for a favor. Nah-Ting!
The only thing I can't get used to is sharing the planning duties. FH was like, "I can't wait for you to get here so we can plan" and I'm thinking "Plan what?" Well, wonder of wonders, he wants input on our wedding! Can I loosen by control freak grip long enough to pretend like I'm going to use his ideas . . . kidding, kind of . . .
Going Back To The Motherland
Thu, 03/08/2007 - 04:04
Going Back To The Motherland
Hey ladies, I purposely haven't started a post about my personal life in soo long but i'm bursting with anticipation! In 6 days, count 'em 1-2-3-4-5-6. I will be in Zimbabwe with my honey. 24 days without work, cell phones, Ray-Ray an' dem callin me for a favor. Nah-Ting!
The only thing I can't get used to is sharing the planning duties. FH was like, "I can't wait for you to get here so we can plan" and I'm thinking "Plan what?" Well, wonder of wonders, he wants input on our wedding! Can I loosen by control freak grip long enough to pretend like I'm going to use his ideas . . . kidding, kind of . . .
That's great Musik! Zimbabwe for 24 days -- truly awesome! From what I hear, (my church has a branch there) is a wonderful place. Enjoy your time with your honey. A word of advice (I had to learn this the hard way -- LOL!!) it's your fh's wedding day too. I think it is a wonderful thing that he wants to share with the planning. Good luck!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
Girl, pretend, pretend, pretend to be listening. lol Say uh huh, that's a great idea. Girl, fake it. lmao Just kidding. Take his ideas into consideration but if you don't like them (which we don't MOST of the time) just act like you're going to act on it. Then say such and such came up or that's not going to work because.... Girl, you know us women have a way of faking/pretending. lol
Congrats on going to Zimbabwe - enjoy yourself to the fullest (which I know you will). :-)
LOL!!! Askalot you are a mess!!! LOL!!!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
lol - it's funny because you know I'm right. lol
That's nice have a safe trip.
Musik sounds like a good time to me! I really dont need to say this but have a fun. (enough for all of us!)
*at least try to get online a few times to keep in touch.
How about I do this . . .
[quote="SeptBride"]Girl, pretend, pretend, pretend to be listening. lol[/quote]
Then I'll honor this . . .
[quote="DaughterRhonda"]It's your fh's wedding day too. I think it is a wonderful thing that he wants to share with the planning.[/quote]
[quote="housewife147"]That's nice have a safe trip.[/quote]
Dang, House! Don't fall all over yourself.
lol Musik.
You ladies have issues! LOL
[quote="Musikana"]Hey ladies, I purposely haven't started a post about my personal life in soo long but i'm bursting with anticipation! In 6 days, count 'em 1-2-3-4-5-6. I will be in Zimbabwe with my honey. 24 days without work, cell phones, Ray-Ray an' dem callin me for a favor. Nah-Ting!
The only thing I can't get used to is sharing the planning duties. FH was like, "I can't wait for you to get here so we can plan" and I'm thinking "Plan what?" Well, wonder of wonders, he wants input on our wedding! Can I loosen by control freak grip long enough to pretend like I'm going to use his ideas . . . kidding, kind of . . .
Have fun! Please come back and share.
I know I'm late with this but Zimbabwe sounds great! Have fun and let us know how everything goes.
Born Blessed!
Congrats on your trip Musik! Make sure you take some great pictures and share them with us. We are praying for you. Safe trip and many blessing to you.
We've been Happily Married 2 Years and Counting:)
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Enjoy yourself and yes listen then just straight up tell him ifthe idea is off the wall. Pray travelling mercy for you all. Enjoy self most of all.
Thanks for all the well wishes ladies! I got back 8 hours ago and the trip was amazing. Met FH's siblings and passed the subtle housewife tests his Mom left for me around the house (funny). They welcomed me with open arms and it really eased FH's anxiety about future get-togethers. I come from a small family (1 sister, 2 cousins, deceased parents) so it feels great to acquire 2 sisters, 1 brother, and 2 nieces in one swoop. It was heaven but i'm happy to be home. FH will be on this side in July so i don't have to wait too long.
P.S. He gave up trying to help me plan the wedding because of the distance and is going to focus on the Zimbabwe ceremony, YES! (la, la, la-la, la, i don't have to sha-are!)
I am glad that you had a safe trip, and glad that evrything went well.
Welcome back Musik! I am happy you had a great time! Gesh, MIL's can be a trip. lol It's good when you feel welcomed by your In-Laws. I know you are VERY happy that he gave up trying to help you plan!!!! lol