I'm sure you all have heard by now that Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes passed away this weekend. What a shocker. Now I will be heading to the video store to get all of those old DVDs with Bernie Mac doing stand up.
We should truly live each day to the fullest. They will truly be missed.
I'm sure you all have heard by now that Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes passed away this weekend. What a shocker. Now I will be heading to the video store to get all of those old DVDs with Bernie Mac doing stand up.
We should truly live each day to the fullest. They will truly be missed.
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
I know Rhonny. I was so shocked when I turned on my laptop on saturday and the first thing I saw was that Bernie Mac passed away about half an hour prior to me turning on the laptop. Today, same thing except it's about Isaac Hayes. I was shocked to hear about both of them and I for one will surely miss them both.
Sending prayers to their families. They will be missed. I didn't know that Issac Hayes passed away.
Born Blessed!
What's crazy is Bernie Mac, Isaac Hayes and Samuel Jackson just finished filming a movie together called "Soul Men". Can you imagine how Samuel feels (or what he's saying) right now? That's crazy.
"I'm a work in progress, God is not through me yet"
wow i didnt know they did a movie together. I know he is devestated. they will truly be missed
My prayers go out to both families! I loved Bernie Mac in Kings of Comedy...when he did the segment on "stir it like coffee"...may he R.I.P
I was too shocked to hear about Issac Hayes also--man... :(
And ya know, I never knew Isaac was 65. Brother looked good for his age. Bernie did too.
"I'm a work in progress, God is not through me yet"
The gossip rags sorta jerked everyone around about Bernie passing a week prior, so I was a skeptical hearing about him dying again at for the second time.
I was concerned about Issac's health when I saw him on a few episodes of Girlfriends. He looked skinny and worn out.
Those were truely big losses for us.
I will keep both of their families in my prayers and we have lost true African American legends. R.I.L
Remember To Always Be Fabulous!!!
Rest in peace, my brothers. It is a terrible loss, but the great thing is that they really did something with their lives. When I think about them passing, I think about Luther Vandross, Gerald Levert, Gregory Hines....men that could have enriched the world even more with their art if they had lived longer. We all need to take better care of our health and get regular check-ups. As wives and brides, we also need to watch out for our husbands because they really don't do enough to take care of themselves...even if it means nagging them to no end to go see a doctor.
Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. That became painfully clear when my mother experienced health problems a few years ago. My own young husband lost both his father and mother to health problems. I guess that's why it was even more important to us to not wait too long to share our lives with one another and be husband and wife.
Well said ViPrincess Bride, awesome advice!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
He was only fifty. I am sooo upset. When you lose a black man like that who adored his family its a double blow. Everyone said he was a "do right" brother. His wife and daughter spoke so highly of him.
He was such a great comedian too. I still laugh at the Kings of Comedy.
It's so freaky that they died suddenly like that and they just got off a movie about to be released. Seems to be a trend, like Morgan Freeman flipping his car after filming Batman. I was a huge Bernie fan. It did shake me up. Misty eyes and everything. He was just coming into his own. Add my prayers to yours girls.
Butterbean I wasn't aware that they were saying he was dead. Jeez. I know he was in the hospital a week before it was reported. Poor Bernie. Love your icon! SO cool
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