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Abeni's Blog

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hecallsmeabeni's picture
Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
Joined: 06/25/2007 - 22:29
Abeni's Blog

I posted a really long blog and of course the board ATE IT!!! LOL so I'm going to give you the cliffs notes.

My sister (whom I've been praying for for the longest time) works with a woman who loves the Lord. The woman has been minsitering to my sister (praise the living God! My sis swears I just preach to her all the time. I promise I'm not) AND FH and I have been searching for someone to be our marriage counselor as we both attend different churches but don't feel that either of our pastors would be a good fit. SO my sister was telling this woman about me and how her deacon does marriage counceling! YAY!!!! (turns cartwheels).

She gave me a program to the woman's (I feel bad saying "the woman" but I don't know here name) church. The phone number isn't on it so I'll have to look up the address in Yellowbook to get the number. It's all good though!

However, this man isn't married...I don't know if that's a good idea to take marriage counceling from someone that's not married....

I've also been wondering if it's too early for us to get counceling. FH really have some things that need addressed now. We're not having any problems getting along but there are some issues I'd definately like to talk about.

Um. I'm still going back and forth about my dress. I found one on ebay that I like for the price but it's not the one I fell in love with. The one on ebay would definately save me serious paper though. The wedding isn't until next year so I guess I have time to figure it out...

hecallsmeabeni's picture
Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
Joined: 06/25/2007 - 22:29
Abeni's Blog

I posted a really long blog and of course the board ATE IT!!! LOL so I'm going to give you the cliffs notes.

My sister (whom I've been praying for for the longest time) works with a woman who loves the Lord. The woman has been minsitering to my sister (praise the living God! My sis swears I just preach to her all the time. I promise I'm not) AND FH and I have been searching for someone to be our marriage counselor as we both attend different churches but don't feel that either of our pastors would be a good fit. SO my sister was telling this woman about me and how her deacon does marriage counceling! YAY!!!! (turns cartwheels).

She gave me a program to the woman's (I feel bad saying "the woman" but I don't know here name) church. The phone number isn't on it so I'll have to look up the address in Yellowbook to get the number. It's all good though!

However, this man isn't married...I don't know if that's a good idea to take marriage counceling from someone that's not married....

I've also been wondering if it's too early for us to get counceling. FH really have some things that need addressed now. We're not having any problems getting along but there are some issues I'd definately like to talk about.

Um. I'm still going back and forth about my dress. I found one on ebay that I like for the price but it's not the one I fell in love with. The one on ebay would definately save me serious paper though. The wedding isn't until next year so I guess I have time to figure it out...

Wedding Ticker from

futuremrskeepup's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2007 - 23:05
Re: Abeni's Blog

IMO its never too soon for counseling, actually the sooner the better. That way, God forbid, if there are some dealbreakers that come out you'll know before you spend all kinds of $$. As far as the couselor not being married - I don't think I'd feel comfortable with that either.

Regarding your dress, here are some money saving tips;
1. Check out sample sales
2. Call the dress designer direct and proactively ask if you can buy the dress directly from them (I love the dress but its a little out of my price range retail. How can I buy this dress directly from you?)
3. Got this from bamabride: You should check with and get a price quote to order your dress through them. I ordered all of my BM dresses through them, and they were about 30% cheaper than if we'd ordered them in the bridal boutique.

stbmrsj's picture
Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Joined: 05/28/2007 - 17:03
Re: Abeni's Blog

I;m not getting married until next year, but FH and I are planning to go to couples counseling, and I'm hoping to find a spiritual counselor so that we can get the best of both worlds. I just want us to iron out any issues we might have before we marry because I really feel like the person that I am meeting at the altar is the same person I am going to be married to when the kids are crying and the bills are. I don't want to expect him to be a perfect person because we got married, I want us to have gotten married because he was perfect for me before we married. I just don't believe in entering a marriage where I feel like I need to try and change my husband, or where my husband feels he can change me. I just don't have that kind of time.