For Vibrant Brides of Color

Singer problems

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dstlady's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/01/2009 - 17:37
Singer problems

My Fiance's sister is the star of a traveling musical, is paid to sing at various churches, shows, etc. She has a dynamic voice. Every since I heard and saw her performances, I've wanted her to sing at my wedding. Before we got engaged, we had planned that she would sing and maybe a man if we selected a 2nd person. My dilemma is my mother decided that I should have my sister sing the Lord's Prayer. After explaining about the FH's sister, I thought she would be excited, but instead she said "well, make her sing an R & B song.

That's not what we want as the FH sisters roots are in gospel music. Besides, one day soon she will be famous and I want to say she sang at my wedding. My sister has an o.k voice,but because she and my mom are really close, mom thinks she's better then she is. Additionally, my sister is a bridesmaid also. How do I handle this?

dstlady's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/01/2009 - 17:37
Singer problems

My Fiance's sister is the star of a traveling musical, is paid to sing at various churches, shows, etc. She has a dynamic voice. Every since I heard and saw her performances, I've wanted her to sing at my wedding. Before we got engaged, we had planned that she would sing and maybe a man if we selected a 2nd person. My dilemma is my mother decided that I should have my sister sing the Lord's Prayer. After explaining about the FH's sister, I thought she would be excited, but instead she said "well, make her sing an R & B song.

That's not what we want as the FH sisters roots are in gospel music. Besides, one day soon she will be famous and I want to say she sang at my wedding. My sister has an o.k voice,but because she and my mom are really close, mom thinks she's better then she is. Additionally, my sister is a bridesmaid also. How do I handle this?

These three remain; faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love. Cor

viprincessbride's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 05/12/2008 - 19:20
Re: Singer problems

This should really be all up to you, and it appears that your mom, as well-meaning as she may be, is interferring in your planning decisions. However, it's understandable that you want to keep the peace.

The first thing that comes to my mind is having your FSIL sing another gospel song since your mom wants your sister to sing the Lord's prayer. I'm sure someone here can suggest a few great songs. FSIL can sing a wonderful gospel song as you walk down the aisle or during the ceremony itself. She doesn't have to sing an R&B song because that's what your mom says.

Shoot, after your sister hears FSIL sing during a rehearsal for both of them, she might even change her mind about singing all together, unless she's deluded about her voice.


ieasha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
Joined: 06/12/2006 - 10:53
Re: Singer problems

Maybe they could sing something together?

lol VIPrincessBride, I hear that! If someone were to sing better than me at the rehersal I wouldn't want to sing either!

Each One Teach One!

soontobebride's picture
Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 11/03/2006 - 23:16
Re: Singer problems

Great idea Viprincess, why can't they both sing a selection. If her voice is that spectacular let her sing as you walk down, or as your bridesmaids walk down. I feel you about trying to keep the peace, there is so much drama that goes on while you are planning a wedding that sometimes you just need to cut it where you can. NOW I've got to ask, how OK is your sister's voice. Is it okay enough that when she sings people won't start looking at each other with the "look", or are you comparing it to your FH's sister's voice? Because is FH's sister is just that bangin even someone that has a very nice voice would sound "okay" singing after know what I mean?

dstlady's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/01/2009 - 17:37
Re: Singer problems

My sister has a pretty nice voice. She sings in the choir, does solos at church, etc. As soon to be bride said, I'm not sure it will sound that good after following FH's sister, who also was musically trained at the Julliard. I could have my sister sing another song, but we had not even thought about the Lords Prayer as a choice. Also, is it ackward to have a bridesmaid leave the "line-up" to go sing or has anyone seen this done?

These three remain; faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love. Cor

ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2007 - 06:23
Re: Singer problems

[color=#993300]Well, honestly, it depends on the type of wedding you're having.  If you're having a full christian wedding, then your bridal party will not be standing all the time, they'll be seating too because to stand for an hour while you're also having service is too long to spend on high heels.  If that's what you're doing, then I don't see anything wrong with that, if she was seating prior to being called to sing, but if you're just doing the short version of the ceremony, where eveyone walks down the aisle and stand in formation to the left, then no, I wouldn't break it either because the whole thing will be over in less than half an hour.  Think about the type of Ceremony you and your FH wants to have first and foremost.[/color]