For Vibrant Brides of Color

Wedding colours

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lolo's picture
Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/19/2008 - 15:41
Wedding colours

For your choice of wedding colours,did u think about their significance or meaning or you just thought they look nice together? here is something interesting l came across today...


People who prefer black are intense and immediate. They rarely tease and are more likely to just grab your hand and drag you off when the mood strikes them...if the mood strikes them...if they can shake that introspective moodiness long enough to feel anything. They thrive on anger and stress and friction...if you find yourself bound to one of these people, keep to the edge and hang on!


Heaven and gentle waves are the hallmark of blue lovers. They love love and can be gentle and passionate at the same time. Blues tease and tickle and then light candles and pull you down to serious business. A blue can be satisfied with one love so long as they are passionate and joyous. Blues stick with you during hard times and are there to dance when times are good.


Teddy bears and melted chocolate for these lovers. They make caring and sensitive partners who revel in romance and relish togetherness. A brown lover wraps themselves in the ideals and imaginings of love and a relationship with them can sweep you away into dreams and whispers. Beware! Reality is a cold, hard bite to these people and everything can come unwrapped if conditions are less than ideal.


It's not a coincidence that green invokes visions of gently rolling fields and fresh spring scents. The lovers of green make enduring and endearing partners who believe in love and romance. It's easy to drift into a relationship with a green lover and never disentangle yourself...or want to. Greens understand give and take...if you give your all in a relationship with one, you'll get everything they have to give...just don't look at greener pastures while they're watching you...that's one monster you never want to face.


Long if you're in a relationship with someone who picks gray for their favorite color. You'll experience both sides of that coin. A female who loves gray comes across as cool and professional. She can shake her hair down but a lump in the covers can have her drifting off in her mind to do her taxes. A man who likes gray is hard to reach and attacks love like a duty. Grays are best suited to other grays...together, they form a very content union.


Vibrant and intense best describe you if orange is your favorite color. You see love as a great party where you are the hostess or host and you take your responsibilities seriously. If you've been loved by one of these people, you'll never know that all the screaming and moaning was for your benefit and that they were only thinking of your pleasure the whole time. Two oranges together is a nightmare of unfulfillment! Just don't go there.


Women who favor pink are clinging to a feminine ideal that rarely pays off in a relationship. A pink female will flirt and tease and reel you in only to cut bait at the crucial moment. A man who favors pink will put you on a pedestal and just leave you there the minute another honey wanders by. Both are more involved in looks and the envy of friends than the feelings of those they snare. You can tell if you've been caught in a pink web about 2 days after the "big party" they dragged you to, to show you off...that's when the calls stop and the chill starts.


These lovers love themselves to the extreme. Always make a purple lover give you a massage first or you'll never get one! Female purple fans are cool and always composed and they'll fuss if you wrinkle their dress when you try to rip it off. Male purple people are methodical and often leave you wanting more while they wander off to shower after any messy entanglements.


One small breath can spark a flame that lasts forever. If red is your favorite color, you are passionate in the extreme. You see no object in your path and will aggressively stampede others out of the way until you reach your goal. If you meet another red lover, it's possible that the two of you may spontaneously combust! If you're not a red and find yourself pursued by one, embrace the passion or get yourself a restraining order!


You'll never find a white lover splashing in puddles or pulling you out to walk in the rain. These people are intensely private and don't like to share intimacy. Have lots of soap and shampoo ready when you find yourself in a relationship with one of these people. They'll spend a lot of time in your shower, and they won't ask you to join them! Lights we really have to do this?


If this is your fave, you're a "go with the flow" type. A hummingbird, seeking nectar in every sunny field and rarely settling on one flower. You flit from the first sweet ray of romance and often drift off when things get serious or dark. If a yellow person turns their glow your way...keep things bright or risk seeing them lose their shine. Yellows should never settle with another yellow unless both partners are prepared to offer each other a very long rope!

lolo's picture
Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/19/2008 - 15:41
Wedding colours

For your choice of wedding colours,did u think about their significance or meaning or you just thought they look nice together? here is something interesting l came across today...


People who prefer black are intense and immediate. They rarely tease and are more likely to just grab your hand and drag you off when the mood strikes them...if the mood strikes them...if they can shake that introspective moodiness long enough to feel anything. They thrive on anger and stress and friction...if you find yourself bound to one of these people, keep to the edge and hang on!


Heaven and gentle waves are the hallmark of blue lovers. They love love and can be gentle and passionate at the same time. Blues tease and tickle and then light candles and pull you down to serious business. A blue can be satisfied with one love so long as they are passionate and joyous. Blues stick with you during hard times and are there to dance when times are good.


Teddy bears and melted chocolate for these lovers. They make caring and sensitive partners who revel in romance and relish togetherness. A brown lover wraps themselves in the ideals and imaginings of love and a relationship with them can sweep you away into dreams and whispers. Beware! Reality is a cold, hard bite to these people and everything can come unwrapped if conditions are less than ideal.


It's not a coincidence that green invokes visions of gently rolling fields and fresh spring scents. The lovers of green make enduring and endearing partners who believe in love and romance. It's easy to drift into a relationship with a green lover and never disentangle yourself...or want to. Greens understand give and take...if you give your all in a relationship with one, you'll get everything they have to give...just don't look at greener pastures while they're watching you...that's one monster you never want to face.


Long if you're in a relationship with someone who picks gray for their favorite color. You'll experience both sides of that coin. A female who loves gray comes across as cool and professional. She can shake her hair down but a lump in the covers can have her drifting off in her mind to do her taxes. A man who likes gray is hard to reach and attacks love like a duty. Grays are best suited to other grays...together, they form a very content union.


Vibrant and intense best describe you if orange is your favorite color. You see love as a great party where you are the hostess or host and you take your responsibilities seriously. If you've been loved by one of these people, you'll never know that all the screaming and moaning was for your benefit and that they were only thinking of your pleasure the whole time. Two oranges together is a nightmare of unfulfillment! Just don't go there.


Women who favor pink are clinging to a feminine ideal that rarely pays off in a relationship. A pink female will flirt and tease and reel you in only to cut bait at the crucial moment. A man who favors pink will put you on a pedestal and just leave you there the minute another honey wanders by. Both are more involved in looks and the envy of friends than the feelings of those they snare. You can tell if you've been caught in a pink web about 2 days after the "big party" they dragged you to, to show you off...that's when the calls stop and the chill starts.


These lovers love themselves to the extreme. Always make a purple lover give you a massage first or you'll never get one! Female purple fans are cool and always composed and they'll fuss if you wrinkle their dress when you try to rip it off. Male purple people are methodical and often leave you wanting more while they wander off to shower after any messy entanglements.


One small breath can spark a flame that lasts forever. If red is your favorite color, you are passionate in the extreme. You see no object in your path and will aggressively stampede others out of the way until you reach your goal. If you meet another red lover, it's possible that the two of you may spontaneously combust! If you're not a red and find yourself pursued by one, embrace the passion or get yourself a restraining order!


You'll never find a white lover splashing in puddles or pulling you out to walk in the rain. These people are intensely private and don't like to share intimacy. Have lots of soap and shampoo ready when you find yourself in a relationship with one of these people. They'll spend a lot of time in your shower, and they won't ask you to join them! Lights we really have to do this?


If this is your fave, you're a "go with the flow" type. A hummingbird, seeking nectar in every sunny field and rarely settling on one flower. You flit from the first sweet ray of romance and often drift off when things get serious or dark. If a yellow person turns their glow your way...keep things bright or risk seeing them lose their shine. Yellows should never settle with another yellow unless both partners are prepared to offer each other a very long rope!

pamcrow's picture
Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
Joined: 01/09/2004 - 15:48
Re: Wedding colours

Wow that's interesting. Thanks for sharing. When I picked my colors, orange & green (sage), I just thought they looked nice together. My favorite color is actually brown and I always imagined having brown as one of my wedding colors but my brother was supposed to get married not long before I got engaged and his colors were going to be chocolate and latte. Even though his wedding plans were called off, I didn't want to use brown anymore. So I went with one of my other favorite colors, orange. (I love fall colors)

"I'm a work in progress, God is not through me yet"

daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 05/26/2005 - 17:30
Re: Wedding colours

Informative LoLo! Thanks for sharing. My colors were navy blue and platinum! Very interesting.

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

soon2bmsj's picture
Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/08/2007 - 08:26
Re: Wedding colours

I originally wanted a black and white wedding, but since we were getting married right before St. Patricks day, I changed to pistachio/clover with silver as accent (also then it will match my sherbert punch I wanted :o)

turiya's picture
Last seen: 15 years 9 months ago
Joined: 08/29/2007 - 15:22
Re: Wedding colours

Soon first wedding was black and white, and would loved to have done that again. When we were throwing dates in the air, for every date the colors changed. I guess we picked according to the time of year we got married in you guys.


soon2bmsj's picture
Last seen: 15 years 2 months ago
Joined: 08/08/2007 - 08:26
Re: Wedding colours

[quote="Turiya"]Soon first wedding was black and white, and would loved to have done that again. When we were throwing dates in the air, for every date the colors changed. I guess we picked according to the time of year we got married in you guys.


I wish I would have stuck with my black/white would have been soooo much easier!!

phenomonique's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/23/2005 - 13:49
Re: Wedding colours

My favorite color is orange honey bears' is blue.

My colors are Blush, green (Jade and seafoam), and ivory.

Living my life like it's GOLDEN!!

cinamin1's picture
Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago
Joined: 08/02/2005 - 13:14
Re: Wedding colours

Wow...interesting, indeed. Our colors were red & white because we both love red.

I'm a married woman as of December 2, 2006.
Delight yourself also in the Lord & He shall give you all the desires of your heart.-Psalm 37:4

viprincessbride's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 05/12/2008 - 19:20
Re: Wedding colours

Red is my favorite color too along with shades of, burgundy, pinks. I love wearing orange/coral and watermelon colors together, especially in a printed fabric or in shoes. Orange is my DH favorite color too. Since it was an outdoor sunset ceremony in St. Thomas, those were automatically our first choice for colors. Although, I did hear mention of black and gold (frat thing). LOL! Maybe for the renewal.


sweetp's picture
Last seen: 13 years 20 hours ago
Joined: 11/20/2007 - 17:07
Re: Wedding colours

Thanks for sharing this is ooo true and really explains our personalities. My colors are orange, pink with accents of red and white with alot of Bling.

Remember To Always Be Fabulous!!!


ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2007 - 06:23
Re: Wedding colours

It's a mixture of mine and FH's favorite colors. That's how we arrived at our wedding colours.

Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 11/08/2011 - 02:28
Re:Wedding colours

Very informative!!! Thank you very much for sharing.


rosetta's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/23/2002 - 12:00
Re:Wedding colours

That is some harsheness with regards to pink! I am a blue and hubby an orange. So it's been pretty heavenly. But who can hate girls who love pink?

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Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 11/21/2011 - 23:07
When to begin to make preparations for the wedding g?

My sister will wed, but when to start for her wedding is proper? Such for ordering the wedding dress,  feast and so on...
And how to buy her wedding dress for inexpensive and good service?  I browse a website, what about you? Maybe you can give me some suggestions![img]javascript/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-tongue-out.gif[/img]

Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 11/21/2011 - 23:07
Re:Wedding colours

I've create bouquets for wedding that are what I call "Peacock Inspired"...I used purple, turquoise and lime green with a touch of gold! Very elegant!
But lately I've been doing flowers in the orange, yellow and hot pink colors!
I also had a request for black and cream with jewel color accent - Each bridesmaid will wear a sash in a different jewel color and I'm to make bouquets with their correspondant color!

rosetta's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/23/2002 - 12:00
Re:Wedding colours

Welcome to Mini! Are you a florist, wedding planner or just crafty? I love the idea of black and cream with jewel tone sashes! That is highly unusual. My own wedding was jewel tones so I guess I have a soft spot for that!

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