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Acai Berry Scam?

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Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/06/2009 - 18:28
Acai Berry Scam?

I keep clicking on links online about the one thing you need to know to get a flat belly or losing weight and it keeps being for Acai Berry diet, which is kinda irritating why not be upfront about it, and then I decided why not try the free trial and they were so pushy about wanting my credit card that it made me back off, I hate websites that make me feel pressure, I’ve already spent a lot of cash on diets, want to know if this is worth it, does it help you lose weight?
Or is it totally bogus? If you google reviews, they mostly come up as scam warnings.
Anyone out there know?
I read about another product that says it’s a meal replacement/cleanse, Nulean, anyone try that??
I found a website [url=] [/url]makes me curious about Nulean, does that work???
At least you don’t have to buy their crappy prepared foods, that’s a plus.

Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/06/2009 - 18:28
Acai Berry Scam?

I keep clicking on links online about the one thing you need to know to get a flat belly or losing weight and it keeps being for Acai Berry diet, which is kinda irritating why not be upfront about it, and then I decided why not try the free trial and they were so pushy about wanting my credit card that it made me back off, I hate websites that make me feel pressure, I’ve already spent a lot of cash on diets, want to know if this is worth it, does it help you lose weight?
Or is it totally bogus? If you google reviews, they mostly come up as scam warnings.
Anyone out there know?
I read about another product that says it’s a meal replacement/cleanse, Nulean, anyone try that??
I found a website [url=] [/url]makes me curious about Nulean, does that work???
At least you don’t have to buy their crappy prepared foods, that’s a plus.

AndreaM (not verified)
Re:Acai Berry Scam?

I was takin in by 1 of these acai berry so called miracle tablets!!! I agreed to a free trial all I had to pay was £7.95 P&P or so I thought!! What the website failed to say is that by agreeing to the free trial to are subcribing for the ongoing course in which they send you 3 months  worth of products charging the full shipping price £24.95 and the full price for 3 months products another £60,00 I eventually got some of my money back but was till out of pocket!!! After all of this the product didnt even work!!! I wont be looking for any of theses so called quick fixes on the internet as they say you dont get anything for nothin!! Hope this help!!!

Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 08/14/2009 - 18:26
Re:Acai Berry Scam?

I know Acai is supposed to be one of the best anti-oxidants out there. It's super healthy and really good for you but I don't know what that has to do with weight loss. Sounds like another weight loss scam. There is no magic pill, just diet and exercise.

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rosetta's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 days ago
Joined: 08/23/2002 - 12:00
Re:Acai Berry Scam?

Welcome to the boards, Tweety, AndreaM and Lexy! I think the only remedy for a flat stomach is crunches. I hated them growing up, but I had a six pack for years even after I stopped doing them. I have tried a lot of quick fix diets too and none seem to work. Not for too long anyway. :)

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Turiya (not verified)
Re:Acai Berry Scam?

Hey Rosie ...Crunches are a beast! Ughhh ....Question though ...don't you built muscle under the fat ...which makes the fat hard to lose?

rosetta's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 days ago
Joined: 08/23/2002 - 12:00
Re:Acai Berry Scam?

Girl I had heard that, but no one tol me. I had washboard abs for YEARS after I stopped gymnastics. They work the whole abdominal area when done correctly. These were V-Crunches and Side crunches. You do burn fat as your metabolism increases so the fat will start to leave if you can keep your metabolisim up severa times a week. Everyday is optimal i.e. walking, jumping jacks, vaccuming, washing your walls (island thing), etc.

Alos there are som cool crunches that you do while laying down in bed. You just lift both legs 2 feet in the air 30 times or more, then roll out of bed and start your day. It was my cheat so that I wouldn't have to do a whole lot and my trainer never noticed. My tummy was always my issue. Fibroid tumors didn't help any ether! [img]javascript/editors/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-tongue-out.gif[/img]

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