Hello. What do you think of using plastic (Dixie-type) plates and plastic goblets for my first anniversary party? I'm having it at the local K of C hall for about 60-80 people. We didn't have a wedding/reception, so we are hiring a DJ and catering the food, but the budget is tight. Do you think that is tacky? also what's your opinion about plastic (not 99 cent store) tablecloths? Thanks so much for your opinion!
Hello. What do you think of using plastic (Dixie-type) plates and plastic goblets for my first anniversary party? I'm having it at the local K of C hall for about 60-80 people. We didn't have a wedding/reception, so we are hiring a DJ and catering the food, but the budget is tight. Do you think that is tacky? also what's your opinion about plastic (not 99 cent store) tablecloths? Thanks so much for your opinion!
Introducing the New Mrs. Mahaffey - August 26, 2007
Paper or plastic is perfectly FINE for Casual Parties. It will make for a less stuffy atmosphere. Think about who you are inviting. Are they Applebee's or The Russian Tea Room? If they are the former, they would love to kick back with you guys and celebrate your marriage. Use the money you save for a romantic weekend at a hotel in town.
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You can actually find decent plastic plates these days at most party supply stores. I particulary like the clear ones for more formal events. Personally, I'm not a fan of plastic table clothes but I've never gone to a party and thought less of the host for using them.
"I'm a work in progress, God is not through me yet"
I agree, it is not tacky at all. I wanted to use plastic everything so bad (due to budgeting as well) but my mother insisted on having glasses for the champagne and beverages. she swore that she would keep them and use them. well needless to say, she didnt feel like taking all that stuff home and gave all the champagne glasses and drinking glasses away to the guests (talk about nice favors. lol) Our plates and utensils were plastic though. we went to Costco for that stuff. they look as good as the real thing. so go for it
Thanks so much for your input. Costco sells the plates that look like real china, but there's also Dixie. My family and friends are very down-to-earth people (as are we) or they're not getting invited! (lol) The plastic china plates can get a bit expensive, so I'm thinking of using Dixie plastic (clear) with plastic wine goblets and glasses. Frankly, I'd rather spend the extra money on flowers. I LOVE fresh flowers and I just do not want the silks.
Introducing the New Mrs. Mahaffey - August 26, 2007
Welcome MRSFLIPPER, I say go with what your budget allows you to go with. People understand. Its a headache having glasswear anyway you have to clean them and then find out what you are going to do with them after words, and if you rent them you have to clean them and then return them and god forbid if you break them then you have to pay for them.
[quote="pamcrow"]You can actually find decent plastic plates these days at most party supply stores. I particulary like the clear ones for more formal events. [/quote]
You can find the clear plates in any local party store and the prices are very reasonable. The even have colored "gold", "silver", "clear" or whatever color flatware that you may want.
In any event let us know what you decide on.
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
welcome tosisterhood MRSFLIPER
MrsFlipper, I say go to BJ's. They have clear plastic plates that do not cost much at all. They also have paper tablecloths that looks like linen, and so absorbent. When you're done, you just dispose of them. Everything you need, you'll find very cheaply at BJ's. Oh, and don't forget Costco!!!
Good luck to you!!!
girl...you know im all about saving money and being on a budget
Go to Dollar Tree if you have one in your area
They now sell the clear as well as color paper plates
they also sometimes carry the clear colors
Why dont you incorporate one of the color plates into what ever color scheme youre using.
Nothing like a good dollar store bargain!
I agree with Rosetta .....save that extra money and use it on a nice mini trip to a local hotel in your area.
That should be romantic and fun!
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Thanks so much for your input. While visiting relatives in Virginia, I stopped at a discount party outlet, bought ivory plastic tablecloths (not the cheap ones) and plan to use black utensils with gold-accented and ivory centerpieces. Anyone who thinks this won't do, let me know - the party is not till the 23rd!
Introducing the New Mrs. Mahaffey - August 26, 2007
That sounds like it'll wotk out fine. The gold and ivory will give it a nice touch. Come back with some pictures. We love pictures
Gold and Ivory sounds very pretty.
Not tacky at all. As mentioned, party store prices are very inexpensive. Ex. $4.99 for twenty nice plastic plates.
Recently I had a bride with a very tight budget. Her colors were gold & ivory. She used gold plates, gold forks/knives, ivory napkins and clear plastic drinking ware. It all turned out nicely.
For my brides on a very tight budget I always remind them- its not the container but the contents. So make sure your food is delicious. Most guest won't remember if you used plastic or glass. They will remember the food, the music and the service.
You lost me on the black utensils.
That sounds truly wonderful.