To all future brides out there, please give your opinion on this matter. I've been to 4 bridal sites & talked to everyone at my job and all but 5 people think you should never have a cash bar at your reception. They said if you cant afford it, dont have it or pay a cap and close the bar when reached. One person said, it's like sending a gift COD! Let me know what you think. If you disagree, I will change my mind on this matter.
To all future brides out there, please give your opinion on this matter. I've been to 4 bridal sites & talked to everyone at my job and all but 5 people think you should never have a cash bar at your reception. They said if you cant afford it, dont have it or pay a cap and close the bar when reached. One person said, it's like sending a gift COD! Let me know what you think. If you disagree, I will change my mind on this matter.
Pay a cap for the bar in you banquet room, have it closed when it's reach, however, ask them to provide a bar outside the room and your guest can purchase drinks there if they so chose.
Living my life like it's GOLDEN!!
Are 'People' putting $5 on it?LOL. Girl who cares what they think or say, what do your pockets tell you to do? You don't want to be hit with a bill after a party.
I'm with Phenomonique...Pay a cap for the bar in your banquet room have it closed when it's reach your limit. You can ask the hotel to have a cash bar outside the room, I am sure your guest will not mind going to purchase a drink if that's what they want. Babieluvbug is also correct, this is your wedding girl, the last thing you need to worry about is what people think...At least you will not have to worry about a bill afterwards if you do it YOUR WAY.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
What I found out while looking for my reception site is that what is served at the bar that makes is more expensive. So if you go to a place and they say Top shelf liquor be prepared to it play a big part in the your package. What I am having is a no cash bar without top shelf liquor and if people want the top shelf brands they have to go to the regular bar outside of the banquet room to purchase it. Just a thought.
It's not that I care what they think but I just dont want my guest pulling their wallets out or seeing money exchanged at my reception. Plus, these are my guest and they've spent alot of money on my shower and wedding gifts, travel expenses etc.. I would never ask them to pay for drinks as guest to a party in my home so why as a guest to my wedding? I think the bar tab idea is great too! Thanks
Saran, I am sure you are going to serve champagne, apple cider and/or fruit punch...but unless you are planning on serving hard rum, you WILL find someone leaving the room and coming back with a cup of something...Some people might not like what you are serving so they opt to purchase on there own. You have a choice serve all types of drinks with no limit and/or stop beating yourself up over something you have no control over. I went to a wedding that had all of the above and all I wanted was a soda, so I left the room and went to the bar and purchased one, that is what I wanted and I didn't have a problem with it....people have different palates and like I said unless you are having a variety of everything imaginable then you can not control them leaving and coming back with a cup of something.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
I will have a cash bar at my ceremony, however there will be free champagne all night. I have been to other weddings were there was just a cash bar and the only thing that I did not like about it was the fact that they didnt inform the guest that there reception would include a cash bar and I didnt bring that much cash. It's all about you and your budget!
[quote="saran"]It's not that I care what they think but I just dont want my guest pulling their wallets out or seeing money exchanged at my reception.
Very classy. I had an open bar for the length of my reception and champagne on pour like, JasmineC99. But when all the parts of the reception was over, it went to a cash bar. I didn't want to do it but 3 hours open bar was long enough and we had already left. I did keep the champagne flowing until they left though. my bar bill was $2700. There were only 75 people at the wedding. I think they stole drinks at the open bar. lol
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Rosetta, you're too much. They stole the drinks, huh? LOL. $2700 is pretty steep for 75 guests. My FH & I don't drink. For those that come to my wedding looking for a bar, they'll find ONE signature alcholic drink to have. If they don't like it, they'll have plenty of apple cider to sip on...oh well
I'm a married woman as of December 2, 2006.
Delight yourself also in the Lord & He shall give you all the desires of your heart.-Psalm 37:4
They were older so they drank only top shelf liqour! I had top of the line scotch and dom on pour. Ah well you live and learn. My advice stock your own bar with discount booze and monitor what gets imbibed! lol Clearance Section
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I guess it is difficult to please everyone but Rosey's idea is excellent - "stock your own bar with discount booze and monitor what gets imbibed!" they can drink what you give them, other than that they are on there own.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.
[quote="phenomonique"]Pay a cap for the bar in you banquet room, have it closed when it's reach, however, ask them to provide a bar outside the room and your guest can purchase drinks there if they so chose.
Niquey offers excellent advice here. I for one have not quite decided what I am going to do. I don't drink, but FH does and so do some of my guests. What are you ladies doing?
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
I'm having an open bar -
I do not drink and my FH drinks Coors Lite occasionally so we decided on having a cash bar outside of the reception room. Some people think they're coming to have a ball drinking but they'll be surprised when we verbally send a subtle message in June after the rsvp date. Thanks to Vibride and the topic about what annoys guests, we decided to let as many guests as we speak with know to have cash for drinks.
God is good all the time and all the time God is good
Hey Marshine, great minds think alike. FH and I have decided to have a cash bar outside as well.
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
That's very considerate of you Marshy.
Charlotte wishes you all a beautiful Christmas filled with loads of love, laughter and the true meaning of this blessed season.