For Vibrant Brides of Color

Congratulations Diamond Bride!!!

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dreamgurl's picture
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 09/18/2007 - 21:50
Congratulations Diamond Bride!!!

There is less than one hour to Kizzy and Glen's Valentines Day, Wedding (London time) Congratulations Diamondbride, hope your day exceeds your wildest dreams!! [img][/img]  

dreamgurl's picture
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
Joined: 09/18/2007 - 21:50
Congratulations Diamond Bride!!!

There is less than one hour to Kizzy and Glen's Valentines Day, Wedding (London time) Congratulations Diamondbride, hope your day exceeds your wildest dreams!! [img][/img]  

ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Re:Congratulations Diamond Bride!!!

Kizzy, Glen, wow, what can I say?  Wow, May your wedding day be just as magical as you both hoped it be and may your marriage be forever blessed by the almighty.  Enjoy yourselves to the fullest as that time flies by and before you know it, the ceremony is over.  Enjoy your honeymoon and come back soon to spill the details.
Wow, I forgot that it's already Saturday in Europe.

rosetta's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/23/2002 - 12:00

Man they look SO happy! What a great way to spend Valentine's Day.

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pamcrow's picture
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
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Congratulations!!!  Hope your day was all you imagined and more. Can't wait to hear all the details. 

"I'm a work in progress, God is not through me yet"

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The Big Day- December 30, 2008

sensationablyhappy's picture
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jlanetteb's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
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Congratulations Honey, I know all was beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


futuremrskeepup's picture
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2007 - 23:05

Congrats chica! Hope you enjoyed your day!

ieasha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
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congrats! hurray!

Each One Teach One!

viprincessbride's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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Congrats! At last!  I hope the two of you had a wonderful wedding day, and I wish you much happiness and blessings for the rest of your lives. I can't wait to see the pics!!!! Enjoy your honeymoon, but do hurry back!


cmt's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
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I'm a bit late but CONGRATS, I know your day was spectacular


bumblebeekee's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
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Congrats DiamondBride!

We've been Happily Married 2 Years and Counting:)

a href="">

diamondbride's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/11/2007 - 15:29
Re:Congrats DiamondBride!!

Hey girls!! Thanks for your well wishes! We just got back from honeymoon this morning and we're knackered! There's so much to tell you guys, but let me get some sleep and I'll get back to you!
We had an amazing day, an amazing honeymoon and I can't wait to begin our amazing life together!!

cmt's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
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Re:Congrats DiamondBride!!

welcome back diamondbride. cant wait to hear the details. dont forget to post pics.


pebbles35's picture
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SWEETP (not verified)
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Congrats!!!! Can't wait to see the pics and read all the details:0)

Platinumstyle (not verified)
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Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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Re:Congratulations Diamond Bride!!!

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

diamondbride's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
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Ok - I did promise pictures so here you go:



These are a mixture of some of the professional pictures that I was able to steal from the photographer's website (we haven't got our final pictures yet!!) and some people who took photos at the wedding! There is a story behind all of these photos, and I promise to be back soon to explain how the day went. PURE DRAMA!!!!!!!!  Enjoy!

msstbmrs's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
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You and hubby were ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!.  You both were simply beaming.   Congratulations!

viprincessbride's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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Re:No subject

Oh,  BEAUTIFUL!!! Everything looks lovely, you especially. Congrats!!


dreamgurl's picture
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
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Re:No subject

You looked stunning- that dress was phenomenal!! The venue was really beautiful too!! Bring on the photos- thats not enough!!!

daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 3 weeks ago
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Re:No subject

FABULOUS!!!!  Congratulations DiamondsBride!  Your pictures are truly amazing -- everything was just altogether lovely, just beautiful.   God bless!

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

ieasha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
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Re:No subject

great photos...bring on the story! lol

Each One Teach One!

soon2bmsj's picture
Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
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Re:No subject

Beautiful!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE the black and whites!!! you looked absolutely gorgeous and you and hubby look soooo happy! can't wait for the other pics!!! btw-no matter what the drama you guys look like you had a marvelous day! :)

cmt's picture
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ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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It wouldn't be a wedding if it were totally drama-free.  You guys looked absolutely dreamy.  Love the pictures and wow, magnificent church!!!

Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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You've chosen your photographer VERY well! What's great about these pictures is that you would never know that there was any drama by the looks on your faces. Congratulations on you beautiful wedding.

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The Big Day- December 30, 2008

futuremrskeepup's picture
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
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Re:No subject

Everything looked very nice DiamondBride - or should I say Diamond MRS! LOL! COngrats again!

diamondbride's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/11/2007 - 15:29
Congratulations Diamond Bride!!!

Thanks for all of your well wishes, girls! I think I am only just coming down from the high of the wedding and honeymoon! I promised you a run-down of what happened on the most amazing day of my life (Valentines Day 2009), so here goes:
The night before the wedding, I went to the hairdresser's to put some tracks in my hair - no problem there. I also met up with a couple of my bridesmaids to help decorate the reception venue - again, this went well, although we finished at 5am the next morning! This is because both FH and me were picking up family members who were staying overnight at the hotel / reception venue, which meant at least three or four trips up and down the motorway.....
Me and one of my bridesmaids went to bed at 5.30am, only to get up at 6.30am (yes I only had an hour's sleep before the wedding!) to get to the hairdresser's house. This is where I made mistake number 1. Four of my bridesmaids were coming with me to get there hair done. All they were having was a simple ponytail pinned to the side - sounds simple, right? WRONG!!! My hair was ready by 9.30am. One bridesmaid had their hair done - she didn't like it, and said it looked like it was done 3 days ago! She had to go to the salon to get it fixed because she was that unhappy. 2 more bridesmaids were finished by 10.30, but one of them wanted their daughter hair put into ringlets, which would have taken another hour. This meant she also had to go to the salon.
In the meantime, I was waiting for them to take me to the hotel to get ready, because they were driving. I ended up going to my sister in law's house to wait for the girls to finish at the salon. And I waited.....and waited.....and several very angry phonecalls later, my bridemaids finished their hair at 12pm. I was supposed to meet the photographer and videographer at the hotel at 11am for them to film and photograph us getting ready!When they finally picked me up at 12pm, the ride to the hotel was pretty tense! I didn't speak to any of them.
On the way to the hotel, my mother called to say she had left one of her suitcases at my gran's house. We therefore had to pick up the suitcases on the way, which caused even more delay!
When we finally arrived at the hotel, it was 1.15pm. The church ceremony was supposed to start at 1pm! I asked everyone to give me 15 mins just to get myself together - this is where I made mistake number 2.....all the bridesmaids were meant to get ready in the same room! They all spent over 30 minutes running around, doing their make up, sorting out the kids, getting dressed......they all seemed to forget that I still had to get ready.....AND I'M THE BRIDE!!!! Luckily, one of my bridesmaid took me into the toilet and told me to take a swig of champagne and forget all about the stress that had happened so far. I can tell you - the champagne worked!!
I started getting ready at 1.30, ready to leave the hotel at 2pm to get to the church. I may have missed out on the big girlie "getting ready" session, but I didn't have time to get nervous and my maid of honour did my make up (she did me proud!) I was just so eager to get to the church and see my man! I had been texting him during the morning, telling him how annoyed I was with the bridesmaids and I really didn't feel in the mood to get ready and come to the church, but my man kept it together and kept sending me sweet messages back like "Don't worry hun - just get here and everything will be ok" and "When we see each other at church, nothing else will matter but us - this is our day! Love you like rice and peas Mrs L-F (my new surname)!" It just reminded me how much I love him and why I was marrying him!
Anyway, we got to church at 2.20 (i hour 20 mins late!) and apparently the priest had time to go and get a pizza and come back to perform the ceremony. WHen I stepped into church, I forgot everything that had happened earlier, and concentrated on meeting my husband at the altar. From then on, everything is a bit of a blur! The day was fantastic, we had my friend singing John Legend at the church, a saxohone player and steel band at the reception, caribbean dancers for after dinner entertainment and we even managed to fit in the "Candy" dance twice!! It was so nice to see all of our family and friends together in the same room, and they were all getting on like family!
My only regret is that the reception was too short - it had to end at 12.30am - you know our people like to party, so apparently one of our guests decided to have an afterparty in their room, which went down very well with the late night party people! Me and Glen had other plans (if you know what I mean!)........
All in all, it was a great day. As I have probably said a million times already, I had the most amazing day of my life and I am so glad to be married to my best friend. I know people always say things like that, but this man is my rock when I need him and he means the world to me! It's a bonus that I think he is gorgeous from inside and out!!

Well after all that, do I have any energy left to tell you about the honeymoon?  Well, we went on a "beach and bush" safari in Kenya and had a fantastic time. WE spent 7 days on the coast of the Indian Ocean (pure white sand, blue sea, over 30 degrees - what more could you want?) The hotel was beautiful and they even gave us a free upgrade to a suite, all to ourselves! We had our own personal chef and they really looked after us well! We also spent 4 days on safari at two different game reserves. This meant staying in outdoor lodges, which were the poshest looking tents I had ever seen! I am not an outdoors-y person, but there is nothing like sleeping underneath the stars (obviously in the comfort of a reinforced tent!). We were surrounded by hippos, warthogs and deer at night, and we were able to almost touch the lions, cheetahs, zebras and giraffes in the day. It was amazing interacting with the animals and watching their every move. We even saw a cheetah kill a deer, and then a hyena snatched the deer away for himself (very funny to watch!).
After another couple of days back at the beach, we came home at the beginning of this month!
Well, I'm so sorry to bore you guys to tears with my dramas and details of my Valentine's day wedding - but there you go!
I'll be starting a new thread soon - I've got another celebration to plan. We are having our wedding blessing in St Lucia on May 9th! Need to start thinking of some colour themes quickly - there's not long to go! Just sending invites out now! What a year this is going to be........

soon2bmsj's picture
Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/08/2007 - 08:26
Re:Congratulations Diamond Bride!!!

Wow Diamond Bride...sorry about all the drama...but your main comment:  "WHen I stepped into church, I forgot everything that had happened earlier, and concentrated on meeting my husband at the altar." is all that really matters! :) congratulations again, and can't wait for you to give us details of the upcoming blessing!