Okay ladies which dress do you all like the best? I like them both just wanted my girls input!
Dress #1
Okay ladies which dress do you all like the best? I like them both just wanted my girls input!
Dress #1
I like #2!
I like #1
Real love requires a minimum of emotion and a maximum of the will - Bishop Keith W. Reed, Sr.
In this order 2, 1 then my least favourite is 3!!
#2 is very nice and so is #1, but #2 is my first choice.
Love # 2
Striving for better than my Best!!!
I really love #2! Followed by #1, then #3.
My vote goes to number 2 as well.
I am really feeling the detail in no.2!
I like 2
okay it's looking like #2 is the one ladies!!
Yeah, I'm with #2. Anytime you can look a little sexy/non-conservative if you'r comfortable and the church okays it- is a plus/must on your wedding day...as long as its not sleezy (cause some people do the sexy thing too much)....
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# 2
I am having a hard time choosing between #1 and #2. They both get my vote! Love them.
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
Yup, I agree with majority, #2.
"I'm a work in progress, God is not through me yet"