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I want a baby...

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Anonymous (not verified)
I want a baby...

I'm not new, but I have a few questions about pregnancy, and I guess I'm feeling a bit shy about asking. These questions are for the mothers and expectanct mothers.I have every belief that I would be a terrific, loving and supportive mother. I have always wanted to have children. Now, I wonder if I'm ready.Before you became pregnant, did you wonder if you were ready?Did you wonder if being pregnant would make you feel vulnerable? That is, did you worry about whether you would be able to protect yourself and your child from the world before and after birth?Did you worry about whether you would be able to financially support your child everyday until he/she reached adulthood?These are the questions that are heavy in my mind. I tend to worry a lot about things, but is it normal for me to worry about this?

Wondering (not verified)
I want a baby...

I'm not new, but I have a few questions about pregnancy, and I guess I'm feeling a bit shy about asking. These questions are for the mothers and expectanct mothers.I have every belief that I would be a terrific, loving and supportive mother. I have always wanted to have children. Now, I wonder if I'm ready.Before you became pregnant, did you wonder if you were ready?Did you wonder if being pregnant would make you feel vulnerable? That is, did you worry about whether you would be able to protect yourself and your child from the world before and after birth?Did you worry about whether you would be able to financially support your child everyday until he/she reached adulthood?These are the questions that are heavy in my mind. I tend to worry a lot about things, but is it normal for me to worry about this?

Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 12/19/2007 - 16:11
No subject

My concern is always financial. I always wonder if we make enough to take care of a baby.

sheawiil's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2006 - 10:53
I want a baby...

I think I went through all of the above when I was pregnant. I really wasn't the one who wanted or had have kids. So when I got pregnant. I was like what have I done and how am I going to pull this off. I thank god that I have a great support group and they seen something in me that I couldn't see and that's I am and will always be a great mother. Now my ladybug is my world. As far as finances you may not realize it but you will find your self putting that baby first no matter what. I know becuase I am a "COACH" queen, now even if I see one on sale for a great price I question myself as to if I really need it or not...then I end up spending it on my lady big.


soon2bmsj's picture
Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/08/2007 - 08:26
Re:I want a baby...

I think thiese are perfectly normal thoughts...motherhood is a HUGE responsiblility and ultimately it lies with the woman.  I was married when I had my first child and thought that WE were ready...needless to say, 6 yrs later we were my only suggestion to any woman is always be prepared...marriages, relationships etc are not guranteed, but no matter what, when you give birth to that child YOU have to provide REGARDLESS...but I can tell you from experience after having 2 children it is one of the most rewarding aspects of my life-had not always been easy, but is a blessed sacrafice! :)

michelerdh2005's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: 12/02/2008 - 14:13
Re:I want a baby...

Well, I would say yes you worry all the time. I do.
I hadnt planned to get pregnant. But I did right around when my mother died and I worry that I will be some alone when she arrives. Who will give me advice.
But, I will say that their is never a perfect time for a baby. There are better times and you have to decide what is a better time for you.
I never hear a women say she regrets her baby :-)
