if the link doesnot work...go to
first three letters of mom's last name: mag
baby's date of birth: dec 12
State: Maryland
if the link doesnot work...go to
first three letters of mom's last name: mag
baby's date of birth: dec 12
State: Maryland
if the link doesnot work...go to
first three letters of mom's last name: mag
baby's date of birth: dec 12
State: Maryland
HIS eye is on the sparrow, and I know HE
Omigosh! She's beautiful. Wow that is a great way to share your joy with all of us. Thanks for including her Vibride aunties! Congratulations
She is just beautiful!!! What a precious blessing. Of all of the things I have been in my life, being a mother has been the most special. The only other thing that even comes close is being a wife, congatulations.
Check out our wedding photos. Username: Laney
Congrats Islandbride! She is soooo beautiful... Isn't God great?
We've been Happily Married 2 Years and Counting:)
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How absolutely beautiful! Congratulations to you!!!
Congratulations Island! She is beautiful! You and your family are truly blessed!
"To be a christian without prayer is no more possible than being alive without breathing" - Dr King Jr
Hi Island, your daughter is absolutely beautiful! I can't believe it has been nine months! I remember when you guys got married -- so beautiful. Thanks for sharing. God is truly awesome. Congratulations!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
She is absolutely beautiful. God really blessed you guys take care of yourself
Wow! A new princess! Are you bringing her home to meet your island fam??? How are you doing? I bet your kids are excited about the new arrival. Is hubby bursting with pride????
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She is an absolute doll! Congratulations! I'm anxious to start trying.
Hey ViBriders......Thanks so much guys for all the well wishes and prayers. know I will be taking a trip!!! I can't wait to dip baby in the sea!!!!
I am so happy to report that it is over!!!!! It has been a long hard journey, but so worth it. I have a pic I will post as soon as I scan it. Hilarious how large we get...then post's almost just a hazy memory. Carlita is healthy, happy and seems to love her mommy just as much as I love her. She's def. a daddy's girl...already.
I will continue to pop in from time to time...just cant get enough of the vibride family. I have been so far behind here on the boards....
love and holiday hugs to everyone.....
and remember..Jesus is the reason for the season xoxoxoxoxox
HIS eye is on the sparrow, and I know HE
Congrats on the new edition to your family! I am happy for you and I already know everyone in your family will enjoy her to the fullest!
Each One Teach One!
Island I was just thinking about u...I was sitting here wonder did the little one come out yet and now I know....she's sooooo cute! Congrats to you and the Mr!
OMG she is beautiful! Another DIVA has just entered into this world. Congrats on your new little BLESSING
Oh what a beauty.We share the sME birth date
Congrats on your beautiful baby girl!
Okay i know I am late, Congratulations she is beautiful............
Ooooh...I want one! She is just darling. Having fun yet?
Hey family....thnx for all the love. Man oh man have I forgotten how tiring early parenting is! This baby girl DOES NOT SLEEP!!!!
Here are a few pics not sure if I posted recent ones or not...
Can u guys believe our 1st anniversary is coming up already!!!!! Feb 18th!!!!
HIS eye is on the sparrow, and I know HE
Awwwwwe! She's adorable! May God continue to bless your family...
She really is adorable MsBoston! Guess What Island... I remembered! I can't believe I remembered your wedding date. Your baby is so beautiful. Thank you for posting the new pics.
Our baby is two now and she STILL won't go to sleep!
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OMG! She is so pretty and has gotten so big. Besides not getting any sleep how is everything else going?
Everything else is great!
The kids are healthy, and happy...married life is won-der-ful ;) and I am back at work....
school for me will resume in the summer once I get the baby stuff under husband launched our website..
still underconstruction but feel free to go take a peek....
update on my sister*...she is not hooked up to anything except a feeding tube...and shows some*response....we are continuing to keep the we wait on a miracle.
HIS eye is on the sparrow, and I know HE
AWWWWW!!!!! Island, she is beautiful!!! I'll keep your siter in my prayers.
Born Blessed!
Island, she is beautiful. God bless her! I can't believe it's already a year. Time sure does fly by! Congrats on your anniversary in 3 more days! :-)
hey hey hey famillllllllllllllllllllllly
How is everyone ??? Already had my first year anniversary....*geesh* already...I still cannot believe it!!!
Well no really big sister is still hanging in there strong...thnx for all the prayers mom sends her best praises to all u fighting with us...and she thanks u also...
I am attaching here baby Carlita's latest flix...she is even learning how to airbrush...!!!!!! My husband insisted on that one...I also will post a pic of a shirt he did for my we are all wearing similar says "BELIEVE"....I sure do believe in miracles...I know I have been a stranger on here but if there is anyone going "through it"...right now...just hold me...hang in there!!!
God makes no mistakes....hang in there
Look at my little "Turtle"
HIS eye is on the sparrow, and I know HE
Island...she's absolutely beautiful!!! Blessings to you all on the small beauty that's been bestowed on your family.
May God continue to bless you all & continue shining his grace upon the family.
"I's married now" - "The Color Purple"
Island, your baby is such a cutie pie!
Thanks for updating us on your sister....Please know that your sister and your family are never far away from our minds and we DO BELIEVE that God will have his way in this situation. We miss you and come by to see us often!
We've been Happily Married 2 Years and Counting:)
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Hey Island it is so good to hear from you! I'm glad to hear that you guys are doing well. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful. The airbrushing "Believe" shirt is off the hook! Keep up the good work!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
Hey Stranger. lol Your daughter is adorable. I could eat those cheeks up! lol
We will certainly keep your sister in our prayers. Yes, you are 100% correct - God makes NO mistakes!!!! You hang in there too.
We are still praying for your family too. I am so glad you showed us more pics! You look fantastic too! Come home for carnival. The Market will be back up by then I am sure and you can swing by so the baby can get stew tarmon!
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Rosetta u crazy!!!!!!!
Trust me coming home for Carnival WAS in the plan...we were coming down to airbrush for a week... for jouv'ert, parade fair...but the committee is *pardon my use of bad language....unorganized...AND U KNOW I HATE USING THAT WORD...its a pretty heavy hard is it to send me an application for a permit via fax machine???? I have gotten atleast ten different and so out to lunch* that aint my job* etc etc
if we were going to make it..our tickets should have been purchased weeks ago...they would not commit, so oh well its out the window...I never understood the laid back mentality when its money in the pocket now going out the window....sorry I had to vent lol lol... my husband does not understand the way things are down there...and i dont have the strength to try explainin'...
kudos on the site Roseeeeeeeeeee I love it...maybe I will renew my vows in a few for the kind words...i'm tryin to bring sexy back lol
HIS eye is on the sparrow, and I know HE
Hey Island the baby is just toooooo cute and the picture of her airbrushing not that was to adorable( men). Miss you and you & your family will continue to be in our prayers.
Tell Daddy to invest in a SHOTGUN!!!
Introducng the new Mrs. Durrant!!!
She is so beautiful Island girl. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.