For Vibrant Brides of Color

Invitation Ettiquette

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Anonymous (not verified)
Invitation Ettiquette

My name is Tanya and I recently got married on December 30, 2003. My husband and I got married at the courthouse, but we are still having a full blown wedding ceremony and reception on November 6, 2004. My question is in two parts. One, how are we suppossed to word the invitations being that by that time we would not have been married a year and two what is the correct timing to mail out the invitations?

Any help you give would be great.

Tanya Williams

Ms Youngblood (not verified)
Invitation Ettiquette

My name is Tanya and I recently got married on December 30, 2003. My husband and I got married at the courthouse, but we are still having a full blown wedding ceremony and reception on November 6, 2004. My question is in two parts. One, how are we suppossed to word the invitations being that by that time we would not have been married a year and two what is the correct timing to mail out the invitations?

Any help you give would be great.

Tanya Williams

rosetta's picture
Last seen: 10 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 08/23/2002 - 12:00
Re: Invitation Ettiquette

You should send invites no later than six weeks prior to the wedding. I don't understand what you mean by you would not have been married a year. What difference would that make? Are you having a full service or a vow renewal?

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