How many of you will be jumping the broom and why or why not?
We have choosen not to jump the broom bcuz we feel it is more a slave tradition than an African tradition.
In slavery times our ancestors were allowed to jump the broom as a sign they were legally married, but it had no binding bcuz families were still tore apart.
However the symbolic meaning of the broom in our motherland is the new beginning, when a couple was due to marry the young women received a broom that she used to sweep her new home before her groom arrived. It was used to sweep away all evil spirits and clean the way for their new life together the broom was then placed next to the door to continue to ward off the evil spirits.
How many of you will be jumping the broom and why or why not?
We have choosen not to jump the broom bcuz we feel it is more a slave tradition than an African tradition.
In slavery times our ancestors were allowed to jump the broom as a sign they were legally married, but it had no binding bcuz families were still tore apart.
However the symbolic meaning of the broom in our motherland is the new beginning, when a couple was due to marry the young women received a broom that she used to sweep her new home before her groom arrived. It was used to sweep away all evil spirits and clean the way for their new life together the broom was then placed next to the door to continue to ward off the evil spirits.
Introducng the new Mrs. Durrant!!!
Yes, I will be sweepin' away. :-)
I would like to, I've been hearing here on Vi that jumpin' is not as simple as it seems. There are lots of things that need to be taken into consideration like landing on two feet at the same time and such...lots to think about as i'm about as awakward as they come. I'll have to do some more thinking about this one.
[quote="MzTajsia"]How many of you will be jumping the broom and why or why not?
We have choosen not to jump the broom bcuz we feel it is more a slave tradition than an African tradition.
We decided not to for the VERY same reason.
Check out our wedding photos. Username: Laney
Acutally to me it symbolizes strength, and love. Although our ancestors was not able to legally get married that didnt stop them, they came up with a way to show there love and dedication to one another by creating a ceremony that bonded them for life.
I will be jumping the broom. I had a broom made with our wedding colors, roses,and shells. It has ribbons on it with our names and wedding date. I love it.
As I'm sure u all know, we will be jumping. We made our broom with the wedding colors and all. Afterward, we will be hanging it on the wall in our new home.
[quote="MzTajsia"]How many of you will be jumping the broom and why or why not?[/quote]
We jumped the broom, counted down before we jumped and everything. I have direct lineage of my slave ancestors because my family still owns a piece of the farm that was given to the white man who ended up marrying my great great grandmother (yes, I know, very rare for Texas!). We treat the land like gold and cherish our history. Since I'm intune with my family history and the part of my family that were slaves, I demanded we at least jumped the broom. My family has come VERY far and I'm glad we demonstrated that in our wedding ceremony.
That is so cool Classy. It is a beautiful thing to honor that part of your history. We had orignally talked about jumping the broom, but instead of doing that we had a tribute to our daughter.
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
See Classy that is cool,
We choose not to do it because none of our ancestors that we have traced back are of slave descent.
My mom is Narragansette indian. My dad is from barbados, FH are Jamaican.
So we choose specfic african traditions to use in the ceremony.
Introducng the new Mrs. Durrant!!!
MzTajsia, where in Barbados is your father from? My father is from St. Phillip and my mom is from St. Michael.
"To be a christian without prayer is no more possible than being alive without breathing" - Dr King Jr
We decided not to because FH thought it was a slave tradition and that "he ain't no slave" so he doesn't have to...I would have done it if he wanted to and it really wasn't a big deal to me.
Personally I think its a cool tradition and I especially like Classy's reason's for continuing that tradition....I think it doesn't matter one way or another:)
We've been Happily Married 2 Years and Counting:)
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we are jumping and MzTajsia i luv the history about the sweeping to ward off evil spirits.
I wasn't planning on jumping the broom but I like the symbolic idea of sweeping out the evil spirits.
Born Blessed!
We will be jumping the broom to honor the slave traditions especially since i'm not convinced slavery is over. Also since FH and his family have no concept of what it is to be descendant from slaves (their Zimbabwean) and what we have overcome in this country, I want to use it as an opportunity for cross-cultural understanding.