For Vibrant Brides of Color

My baby did great

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ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2007 - 06:23
My baby did great

Ladies, ladies, ladies ~ remember a while back I posted that it's good to give your FH his own checklist so that he could feel more a part of the wedding and ot elleviate your own stress? Well, I want you all to know that for every advice that I've posted, I've taken them as well.

Ok, so a while ago, I printed and discussed FH's duties with him and gave him his checklist. He was so happy to get them and give you that "child in the candy store" smile. Honestly, I just wanted the man out of my hair. But ladies, I had to eat my words today. FH got up and showered and dressed. I thought we were going out, but he didn't say a thing to me. So I hurried to shower and dress and he asked me where I was going. I just looked at him for a very long time and said that I thought we were going somewhere. He said no, he just wanted to update our wedding website because he's narrowing down the list of male attendants that he wants. I'm like "ok". So I went to the shower and later on, after we had breakfast, he just said "I have a surprise for you. Go look at our wedding webpage". Girls, I swear that my stomach did a flip because I didn't know that this man had done. Nervously, I went to the website and Ladies, ladies, ladies, I was so shocked that tears came to my eyes. He selected the tuxes for all his male attendants and he wrote special notes to boot!!! He didn't let me down at all. Let me share with you some of his choices.

He also divided his male attendants in groups of 2s and he took great care to match my bridesmaids colors perfectly. This is what he posted on our webpage (we have section where we will be communicating with our Bridesmaids and Groomsmen).
Choice 1 for Groomsmen - For the lucky guy who will accompany the Ladies in Daphne Rose/Merlot, I

ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2007 - 06:23
My baby did great

Ladies, ladies, ladies ~ remember a while back I posted that it's good to give your FH his own checklist so that he could feel more a part of the wedding and ot elleviate your own stress? Well, I want you all to know that for every advice that I've posted, I've taken them as well.

Ok, so a while ago, I printed and discussed FH's duties with him and gave him his checklist. He was so happy to get them and give you that "child in the candy store" smile. Honestly, I just wanted the man out of my hair. But ladies, I had to eat my words today. FH got up and showered and dressed. I thought we were going out, but he didn't say a thing to me. So I hurried to shower and dress and he asked me where I was going. I just looked at him for a very long time and said that I thought we were going somewhere. He said no, he just wanted to update our wedding website because he's narrowing down the list of male attendants that he wants. I'm like "ok". So I went to the shower and later on, after we had breakfast, he just said "I have a surprise for you. Go look at our wedding webpage". Girls, I swear that my stomach did a flip because I didn't know that this man had done. Nervously, I went to the website and Ladies, ladies, ladies, I was so shocked that tears came to my eyes. He selected the tuxes for all his male attendants and he wrote special notes to boot!!! He didn't let me down at all. Let me share with you some of his choices.

He also divided his male attendants in groups of 2s and he took great care to match my bridesmaids colors perfectly. This is what he posted on our webpage (we have section where we will be communicating with our Bridesmaids and Groomsmen).
Choice 1 for Groomsmen - For the lucky guy who will accompany the Ladies in Daphne Rose/Merlot, I

housewife147's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 06/25/2006 - 11:12
Re: My baby did great

I am glad to hear that your are excited and happy with the choices your fh made. Yes he did pick som nice suits. Good luck to all of you ladies who are leaving certain responsiblities up to your fh's. Tell us how well that is going for you all. My fh will be picking out his suit as well as the groomsmen suits. My only request is that the suit is ivory with latte vest and ties. Now anything else if we are not going togethor I will handle myself.


soon2bmsj's picture
Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/08/2007 - 08:26
Re: My baby did great

Alrighty then Ms. Diva G! I guess he showed you!!! LOL

akitten's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: 02/07/2008 - 03:10
Re: My baby did great

your man is awesome! My FH wanted to go to city hall....I told him hell no! So you can imagine tryin gto get anything from him regarding our wedding. I run stuff by him, he yays or nays it and we move on.


pamcrow's picture
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 01/09/2004 - 15:48
Re: My baby did great

Glad to hear your FH welcomed the checklist and is excited about doing his part. His willingness to do so should alleviate alot of stress for you. Now that you've updated your site, when are you two gonna post pics of the happy couple? You know we like seeing the love.

"I'm a work in progress, God is not through me yet"

ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2007 - 06:23
Re: My baby did great

Thank you ladies, thank you. I had to eat crow yesterday because I'm always telling my clients to let the guys have some of the responsibilities like the tuxes, honeymoon, limos, DJ. Things that I know they can't really mess up much, but I had to eat crow because, he certainly showed me that he's just as into this as I am.

Pamcrow, we do have loads of pictures, but I wanted to wait for our engagement pictures to start things off on our website. We're scheduled to take them on April 25th. I'm so excited!!!, then ladies, I'll be more than happy to share pictures of us with my vibride sisters. The photographer said that she will have the pictures for us by April 29th, because she does her own developing every saturdays at her studio. I already bought my outfits!!!