Welcome to the site. I got married Sept '07 and my colors were burnt orange, ivory (cream) & gold. However, your colors are great too. The color scheme would be red, white, black & silver - simple as that! :-)
Here are thiose colors with a dark antiqued silver:
[url=http://shop.vibrantbride.com/decor_en/]Champagne Vases[/url]
This inspiration board was actually used for my daughter's birthday party. I really love red and back and white together. Very dramatic. Red is amazing on black skin too.
[u][url=http://shop.vibrantbride.com/decor_en/round-paper-lanterns.html]Paper lanterns[/url][/u] at vibrantbride boutique. Love card banner found on Etsy.com. [u][url=http://www.tkqlhce.com/click-385242-10659704?url=http//www.stumpsparty.com/catalog.cfm]Heart shaped balloons[/url][/u] at Stumps. Dinnerware is the fabulous "Courtly Check" Dinnerware by [b]MacKenzie-Childs[/b].
Hey Lady! Welcome! Those colors are great, if you want them stick with them. They work really well together.
Welcome to the site. I got married Sept '07 and my colors were burnt orange, ivory (cream) & gold. However, your colors are great too. The color scheme would be red, white, black & silver - simple as that! :-)
Here are thiose colors with a dark antiqued silver:
[url=http://shop.vibrantbride.com/decor_en/]Champagne Vases[/url]
Get social and fan us on http://www.facebook.com/Vibrantbride] Facebook.
This inspiration board was actually used for my daughter's birthday party. I really love red and back and white together. Very dramatic. Red is amazing on black skin too.
[u][url=http://shop.vibrantbride.com/decor_en/round-paper-lanterns.html]Paper lanterns[/url][/u] at vibrantbride boutique. Love card banner found on Etsy.com. [u][url=http://www.tkqlhce.com/click-385242-10659704?url=http//www.stumpsparty.com/catalog.cfm]Heart shaped balloons[/url][/u] at Stumps. Dinnerware is the fabulous "Courtly Check" Dinnerware by [b]MacKenzie-Childs[/b].
Get social and fan us on http://www.facebook.com/Vibrantbride] Facebook.