Help ladies, I am so torn with this that I don't know what to do. I am already married as I have said before. I wanted to know how to incorporate a Unity candle lighting in with us and our children. Do we have the children light the candle with us? Should we light a Unity candle at all? I am so confused!!! I don't want to do sand, I really want to do the candles, but I need some ideas. Help me boos, please!
Help ladies, I am so torn with this that I don't know what to do. I am already married as I have said before. I wanted to know how to incorporate a Unity candle lighting in with us and our children. Do we have the children light the candle with us? Should we light a Unity candle at all? I am so confused!!! I don't want to do sand, I really want to do the candles, but I need some ideas. Help me boos, please!
My cousin was got married last August and they incorporated their 4 kids (his 2, her 2) in the candle ceremony. Let me see if I can explain how they did it:
1. Her 2 lit one candle together
2. His 2 lit one candle together
3. Groom lit his candle from her kids flame
4. Bride lit her candle from his kids flame
5. Bride and groom lit center candle together
There were 5 candles total on a candelabra, two tapers on each side of the main center candle.
At my wedding, we 7 candles in total. One for my mother, one for his, our candle, and each of our 4 children had their own candle. Both our parents lit their candles when entering ceremony, then we lit our candle using our mother's candles and then each child came and lit their candle from our flame. The children had small tapers that looked just like the large tapers our parents had. I tell everyone this was my favorite part of the ceremony.
"I'm a work in progress, God is not through me yet"
MrsKeepUp and Pamcrow, I love your unity candle ideas because I want our kids to play a major role in our ceremony.
Born Blessed!