Are any of you purchasing wedding insurance? If so with whom? I need to purchase liability insurance for my vendors and I've been contemplating purchasing the cancellation insurance as well in case something unforseen should occur.
Are any of you purchasing wedding insurance? If so with whom? I need to purchase liability insurance for my vendors and I've been contemplating purchasing the cancellation insurance as well in case something unforseen should occur.
Are any of you purchasing wedding insurance? If so with whom? I need to purchase liability insurance for my vendors and I've been contemplating purchasing the cancellation insurance as well in case something unforseen should occur.
what an awesome question! I was just looking into this the other day. This article in MSN money made my decision an easy one. I will be getting insurance. How much and with who I have yet to decide. But here is a link to the article MSN Money: Should you insure your wedding?
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~ Pablo Neruda
Yes i am for this statement alone.......And several brides and grooms have been shipped overseas to fulfill military service obligations before they got to say "I do." Do I need say more?
Very informative article. I think I will be getting insurance as well. Just for the simple fact that I can be clumsy at times. I dont wanna fall and break a leg (God forbid) or someone else gets hurt and I be liable for them. I also dont want the church to be suied or nothing like that. I will deffinately have to print this one out and add it to my to-do list.
[quote="alvinslove"]I dont wanna fall and break a leg (God forbid) or someone else gets hurt and I be liable for them. [/quote]
Giiiirl AllieS you said a mouth full right now! I read this article and I thought of those pools in House #1 and said lawd, if someone who can't swim or someone aint watching their baby and they fall in there. Or someone has a serious allergic reaction to the food (my little cousin can't eat chocolate, peanuts, and a host of other things). They would be looking at me for a payday. And I definitely need it considering as how I will have all of these high profile people there *ala Marsha* hahahaha.
I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way. ~ Pablo Neruda
Great question Iysias! Future thanks for the article!!!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
I know I cant do it. I am already on a budget for this wedding as it is and I can pay out no whole-lotta money for somebody getting hurt.I think,no I KNOW I will be in a tough situation if something happened and I didnt have insurance.
Some people are opportunists and they will be calling their lawyer if they get hurt.
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37
EXACTLY! and I dont need or want them calling a lawyer on me!
I hear ya girl!!!!
Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37