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Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

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Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 12/19/2007 - 16:11
Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

Ladies, I've got the sticker shock of my life from our rental company. I was aware of the item prices, but they tacked on fees such as delivery,set up fees, damage waivers, and security deposit that just blew up our rental budget. Thank God for Christmas bonuses.

Anyway, we had opted for these chairs that were budget friendly:

However,I have a few relatives that are almost 300lbs

and I dont believe that these chairs would be stable enough for them.

The rental company also have these fiberglass chairs that are more stable, but they cost twice as much as the other chairs.

My solution to this problem has forced me to consider having a *sigh* seating chart. Instead of paying even more money to have all fiberglass chairs, I would buy about 20 of them. Then I would seat my guests accordingly.

I would save money, but I cant help but to feel as if I'm singling out and insulting some of my family members. THen again, I'm only doing this for about 6 people, I figure that having 20 fiberglass chairs for others wouldn't make my motives be so odvious.

Ladies, what do you think?

Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 12/19/2007 - 16:11
Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

Ladies, I've got the sticker shock of my life from our rental company. I was aware of the item prices, but they tacked on fees such as delivery,set up fees, damage waivers, and security deposit that just blew up our rental budget. Thank God for Christmas bonuses.

Anyway, we had opted for these chairs that were budget friendly:

However,I have a few relatives that are almost 300lbs

and I dont believe that these chairs would be stable enough for them.

The rental company also have these fiberglass chairs that are more stable, but they cost twice as much as the other chairs.

My solution to this problem has forced me to consider having a *sigh* seating chart. Instead of paying even more money to have all fiberglass chairs, I would buy about 20 of them. Then I would seat my guests accordingly.

I would save money, but I cant help but to feel as if I'm singling out and insulting some of my family members. THen again, I'm only doing this for about 6 people, I figure that having 20 fiberglass chairs for others wouldn't make my motives be so odvious.

Ladies, what do you think?

soon2bmsj's picture
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

I don't think it will be a problem; I don't even think they will notice the chairs are different..I am trying to think back to places and events I've attended and I can't even recall what the chairs look like! :)

I think your only concern should be that the different chairs do not mess up the overall look you are going for! Good luck!!

pamcrow's picture
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

I'm a very detailed oriented person, so as a guest I personally would notice the different chairs and I would wonder why my chair was different than someone else's. The only time I think I wouldn't question it, although still notice it, is if the head table or parent tables had different chairs.

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viprincessbride's picture
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

I think if there are two kinds of chairs, (and like you said you did 20 of them instead of just 6) most people would naturally think that there just wasn't enough to have all the same. It's better than someone falling in a chair and embarrassing themselves. Oops! My parents' veranda is tiled and they have some plastic outdoor chairs on it. You know the type. One day they were having a small gathering at the house. My uncle isn't 300 pounds. However, he's a tall and big-boned man just the same. On this particular day, he sat down in one of the chairs and went sprawling on the floor! Not a pretty sight.

I think your heavyset guests would appreciate a strong chair that can hold their weight. Some of them probably dread those lil chairs that get rickety when they sit down. That fiberglass chair is much stronger and nicer than the wooden ones that resemble them. The place I used to work replaced their rickety wooden chairs with those, and it was the best thing they did.

A seating chart isn't as big a deal as having all the chairs look uniform for aesthetics, like Soon mentioned. If the chairs are different, the best thing would be to cover them, but that's another expense. So at the end of the day, to have a uniform look AND to accomodate your heavyset guests, it seems you have two choices:

1. Cover all the chairs (if they're different)


2. Use all fiberglass

If you're not concerned about aesthetics, then just do what you need to do to accomodate your budget.


daughterrhonda's picture
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

Butterbean, it is really nice of you to consider the needs of all of your guests. As a plus-sized person, I would definitely appreciate it that someone went the extra mile to see that I was comfortable. After all you wouldn't want someone to sit in one of the other chairs and have an accident, or be uncomfortable for the duration of your reception. You have done a wonderful thing in my opinion.

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bumblebeekee's picture
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

[quote="DaughterRhonda"]Butterbean, it is really nice of you to consider the needs of all of your guests. As a plus-sized person, I would definitely appreciate it that someone went the extra mile to see that I was comfortable. After all you wouldn't want someone to sit in one of the other chairs and have an accident, or be uncomfortable for the duration of your reception. You have done a wonderful thing in my opinion.


Right on! Very courteous of you Butter

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ginoue's picture
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

Butterbean, I don't think you should worry about it too much because the chairs would be covered, right? If they're covered, who would know what they'd truly look like?

rosetta's picture
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

If covering the chairs is too expensive consider just tying tulle around the backs of the chairs and accenting with silk flowers. . Amen on getting the sturdier chairs for your sturdier guests. VERY thoughtful!

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Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

Well, it does not make a big difference whether the chairs are same or different but all the guets must be seated properly and no body has any seating and arrangement issues because this will bother you more then the different clor of seats and if some body is noticed the change so it is just a minor change and the celebration party will have no adverse affect due to the change of seating arrangement.
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rosetta's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

Welcome to the boards Nicole! Do you think the plump guest would be offended if they notice THEIR chair is different? I just thought about that.

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Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

Well ... to follow up, I never got around to making any seating arrangements and *thank God* those little chairs were strong enough to support even my most heaviest guest.
Hurrah for inexpensive chairs that are tougher than this crab!!

michelerdh2005's picture
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

I say decorate all the chairs so that the heavy guests dont notice! That is sweet of you to think of them and their comfort and feelings.


Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

Well, If you're not concerned about aesthetics, then just do what you need to do to accomodate your budget.

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michelerdh2005's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
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Re: Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

yes, go with your budget. if your guest are there because they love and support you, they wont mind. it is the couple and the family and seeing the lives joining that matters not the decor or the chairs. it will turn out fine.


Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
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No subject

It sounds like your budget is already blown, so it make the most sense
to get the heavy duty fiberglass chairs for those in attendance who
require extra seating support. It seems unlikely anyone would really
notice and if they did I doubt they'd come looking for you for answers,
but if someone did ask you can just say you hadn't noticed :)

mistee's picture
Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
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Re:No subject

@butterbean- lol at crab clip!
@cparkinson- That is smart. Deny, deny, deny.

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Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
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Re:Will my seating arrangements insult my guests?

The wedding ceremony function is a kind of very busy gathering and nobody has got a single time out there to notice the seating arrangement out there. If someone does notice he will just think and get involved in the function and will certainly not bother you in this trifle matter for sure.
In the wedding ceremony most of the people do not sit and wander here and there to meet people and stand with the mob as well. So, this is not a big deal to indulge in it and you just do what comes in your budget and leave all the other things, the guests will never notice such things if you do cover it with uniform and beautiful seat covers and it will look good as well and become a theme wedding like unique seating arrangement.
This is just a regular happening of a wedding and people will talk about two or three days about your wedding and then indulge in their daily life activities and forget about any mishap if happens for sure.
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