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I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

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ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2007 - 06:23
I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

I need the help and advice of my vibride sisters. Now tell me if I have cause to worry or am I just being jealous!!!

I know that I should not have, but lately, things between my FH and I have been a little off. I don't know if he's getting cold feet. I don't know if ... Anyways, my FH and I have the same type of phones, down to the color. There really isn't a way to tell them apart unless you flip the phone and scroll through the contact list. That being said, the other day, as I was cleaning our room, the cell phone rang and I picked it up. I was polite and the lady on the other end of the phone asked for a weird lady's name and said that she had the wrong number. I didn't think anything about it at the time and place the phone back on the nightstand and continued my cleaning. Later on, as FH and I were laying down on the bed, the phone rang again. Since I was closer to the nightstand, I answered the phone, this time the person hang up. My FH asked me what was wrong and I told him. He said not to think about it and that it may just be as innocent as a wrong number. I let it go. The next day, the message alert rang on the phone and I was in the hallway and my fh was taking a shower. I reached for both phones (I had no clue which one still) and as I open the flip case and viewed the message, my heart fell. Apparently, FH has been communicating with another girl and his original message to this girl really cuts down deep. He sent her a message while he was at work early Sunday morning. He is texting this girl and in our entire relationship, he's never text me at all. We're always on the phone together, if I'm not with him. We talk to each other all the time (10 - 15 times a day sometimes). When will he have the time to talk to another girl? Am I overreacting? Am I loosing my mind? What do I do now? I've been trying to have this conversation with him for a few days and don't know how to approach the subject. What is the best way to talk to him about this without loosing my cool? Shall I call off the wedding? I don't know what to do. I debated sharing this with all of you, but since we have no secret here in this sisterhood, I'm asking for help. I never had to worry about things like that from him. I know all of his e-mail addresses and have passwords to all. That's how open we are with each other. Now that I found this text message, I'm finding it hard not to call her and talk to her myself. I know that it's not the proper thing to do, but I'm at a loss here. I feel like going through his e-mails to see what else that I don't know, but I would feel violated if that were me. Shall I do it anyway? How do I handle this dreaded conversation? Is this the beginning of the end of my wonderful relationship? My head is exploding with all sorts of scenarios. I honestly don't know what to do. I'm still in a state of shock.

ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2007 - 06:23
I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

I need the help and advice of my vibride sisters. Now tell me if I have cause to worry or am I just being jealous!!!

I know that I should not have, but lately, things between my FH and I have been a little off. I don't know if he's getting cold feet. I don't know if ... Anyways, my FH and I have the same type of phones, down to the color. There really isn't a way to tell them apart unless you flip the phone and scroll through the contact list. That being said, the other day, as I was cleaning our room, the cell phone rang and I picked it up. I was polite and the lady on the other end of the phone asked for a weird lady's name and said that she had the wrong number. I didn't think anything about it at the time and place the phone back on the nightstand and continued my cleaning. Later on, as FH and I were laying down on the bed, the phone rang again. Since I was closer to the nightstand, I answered the phone, this time the person hang up. My FH asked me what was wrong and I told him. He said not to think about it and that it may just be as innocent as a wrong number. I let it go. The next day, the message alert rang on the phone and I was in the hallway and my fh was taking a shower. I reached for both phones (I had no clue which one still) and as I open the flip case and viewed the message, my heart fell. Apparently, FH has been communicating with another girl and his original message to this girl really cuts down deep. He sent her a message while he was at work early Sunday morning. He is texting this girl and in our entire relationship, he's never text me at all. We're always on the phone together, if I'm not with him. We talk to each other all the time (10 - 15 times a day sometimes). When will he have the time to talk to another girl? Am I overreacting? Am I loosing my mind? What do I do now? I've been trying to have this conversation with him for a few days and don't know how to approach the subject. What is the best way to talk to him about this without loosing my cool? Shall I call off the wedding? I don't know what to do. I debated sharing this with all of you, but since we have no secret here in this sisterhood, I'm asking for help. I never had to worry about things like that from him. I know all of his e-mail addresses and have passwords to all. That's how open we are with each other. Now that I found this text message, I'm finding it hard not to call her and talk to her myself. I know that it's not the proper thing to do, but I'm at a loss here. I feel like going through his e-mails to see what else that I don't know, but I would feel violated if that were me. Shall I do it anyway? How do I handle this dreaded conversation? Is this the beginning of the end of my wonderful relationship? My head is exploding with all sorts of scenarios. I honestly don't know what to do. I'm still in a state of shock.

sweetnlow74's picture
Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago
Joined: 09/08/2007 - 18:38
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

what did the text message say? either way, i would not call her. your issue is with your fh, not whoever this person is. if you feel there is a problem, then there is a problem. even if it is just a mis understanding, you cannot live your life with this doubt, and it needs to be cleared up immediately so that you can move on in which ever direction you choose with a clear heart. we as women need to rely on our instint, don't second guess yourself. our instinct is really GOD whispering in our ear, and we should not turn away from HIS voice, because he loves us and never wants to see us hurt


tewright1's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
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Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

I agree with sweetnlow. Before you say anything pray for peaceful and calm spirit. Satan is trying to throw you into a full-blown PANIC. Don't do it! Don't give in the urge. Pray and listen to the Lord's voice.

Love lights even the darkest of paths.
What Fire doesn't destroy, only makes stronger.
Even when you don't know; God knows. I will be still and let Him do His thing.
Alone in the world; but always in the company of the Lord.

housewife147's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 06/25/2006 - 11:12
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Be very careful when you go looking for things, you may just find something you are not ready to deal with. I dont think that you should call the girl because she will just deny it. I think that if she was that type of chick who didn't give a damn and wanted you to know that they had something going on then she would have asked for him when you answered the phone. Maybe it would be a good idea to just talk to him again and try to maintain a level head and a respectable tone. When yelling comes into play people have a tendency of blocking you out. That way your feelings about the whole thing is out and what you expect from him is on the table. However, if you are really serious about finding out what's going on( and remember we may be jumping the gun)contact the cell phone company and ask for a detailed printout of the bill. That way you can see incoming, outgoing, and times of all the calls. You can also ask for a print out of all the text messages. But remember when you go digging you may discover something you are not ready to deal with. I will be praying for you.


Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/11/2007 - 12:40
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

First off....Im so sorry went down that way.
I see you on this site all the time and feel like were old friends that hang out together.
My heart truly felt your note.
I agree with the 2 sisters who posted above that you really need to talk with your FH and now the female.

Before you make any calls or ask any questions. Say a prayer for the strength and discernment to know whats right and to find the truth

A lot of times females may say things just to cause problems or just to see how far they can take things whether it is true or not.
You owe it to yourself and he owes it to you to know the truth. Just come out and ask him. NOT HER

I plan to keep you in my prayers sister!

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platinumstyle's picture
Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
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Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

OMG, I would never wish a situation like this on a friend. Sister, you will be in my prayers. I agree with everyone else that has posted. Talk to him first but please, don't do anything rash like calling off the wedding yet.

Born Blessed!

sensationablyhappy's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 09/22/2007 - 13:07
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

I agree with all the ladies... that chick is not even worth the phone call. And if there was nothing to hide then she would of just asked for him like a woman. Talk to your FH while he is in a position to talk so that he can not get out of answering any of your questions. Good luck you are in my prayers.

soon2bmsj's picture
Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
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Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

i agree with the others...not discussing it is NOT the answer. If you have doubt your deserve an explaination, but be prepared for what you might hear. Pray and ask God to guide you as your approach FH and pray for peace (I know it is easier said than done in this type of situation) but be sincere in asking and whatever the outcome remember it is YOUR decision what you choose to do! Good luck!

elegantbride08's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
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Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Ginoue, please talk to your FH first. Don't accuse him of anything right off the back beccause it could just be a misunderstanding. You know him better than anyone else so his response to your intial questions will determine where the conversation will go from there. I will also be praying for your peace of mind.

turiya's picture
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
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Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Ginoue ...go with your instint. Talk to him when you are at home, so you can see his face and feel his vibe. Tell him something is on mind and you need to talk about it. Don't worry about "when" he would have had time do anything, bc we make a way when we really want something done sending textes ...when in your mind that's something he doesn't do. Saying that to say don't rule out, he doesn't have time to such 'n such. Don't let time get the best of you, bc you WILL go crazy thinking of useless scenarios.

However before pinning him to a much needed conversation ...ask GOD for a sign ...and be watchful for it ...My GOD will NEVER lead you wrong.

Keep us posted, as we keep you in prayer.


pamcrow's picture
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 01/09/2004 - 15:48
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Sorry to hear what you are going through. Before me and DH were engaged, we went through a similar situation. We technically were broken up at the time our situation happened but we were supposed to have been in the process of working things out. One night I saw his truck parked some place strange and since I had an entry key, something told me to go in the truck. I saw his cell phone sitting there and decided to go through the call log. That's when I discovered he was texting & calling someone else. Well he woke up that next morning to find everything he owned that was still at the house we shared together thrown in his truck. And I had taken the cell phone since it was under my plan. Of course he called me trying to find out "what was wrong with me" and why I took the phone. He didn't know I knew lock key & password so to him I was spazzing for no reason. Well when I told him he had nothing to say, all he could say was he was sorry and that he met her when we first broke up and he thought we wouldn't work it out. I told him the minute he realized I was willing to work things out with him he should have ended whatever he started elsewhere. He told me he wasn't really dealing with her "like that" and she was obsessed over him. He promised he would totally break things off with this girl but I didn't totally believe him so i said no time like the present, let's call her. He dialed the number and I told him to put it on speaker. Well this chick was crazy. Started questioning him about what I got that she ain't got and his response was....she got me. Well that did it for me, I was satisfied and we moved forward. Five months later he proposed.

I'm not saying this is the way for you to handle it but I'm sharing it with you to say this, you have to know your man better than he knows himself. You have to be able to read him and know when he is being truthful or not. Know his limits as to what he would or would not say just to smooth things over. When you do address him regarding this, if you are satisfied and believe in his response wholeheartedly, then you two can get pass this. It must be addressed though.

"I'm a work in progress, God is not through me yet"

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 07/25/2007 - 11:12
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Pamcrow you are a girl after my own heart. My FH has some fans that are out of pocket sometimes and he has to remind them (and if he doesn't I do) that I don't play all the time and I will put you in your place.

I know its true that if you look you find but I have always been an advocate of if a man is going to do dirt, don't make it easy on him.

I am really big on respect, honesty and not delaying the inevitable. If something is going on that I wouldn't like I would rather know now, than find out later. But I'm an information needing type woman. I want every single fact and then let me make my decision from there. I don't do well when people hide stuff from me.

As far as your situation sis, I would say come with a calm level head and say what you feel and do not let him get caught up on how you found what you found. Many times guys as a defense mechanism say you shouldn't have been looking. Although thats true, tell him you all will handle that after you discuss what you have found.

Real love requires a minimum of emotion and a maximum of the will - Bishop Keith W. Reed, Sr.

bumblebeekee's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/06/2006 - 22:16
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

tell him how you feel, and ask for an explanation: Feel him out, like she said earlier....I don't know what it said, but it could be an old friend or ex from back in the day. If this is the case, and he is just giving her some attention, ask him if its okay if you said those types of things to your old friends or ex boyfriends....if this is not the case, and his messages border on fliandering, I would still confront him, and ask him the same thing. Then be realistic: If you don't nip this in the bud, and move on as if nothing bothers you...the closer you get to the wedding, the more miserable planning will be, and the less likely this thing will push through.....At any rate, I think you need to pray on it, but listen to your gut. Please listen to your gut...Your heart, your gut is God speaking to you. You only have a short chance of responding to your gut, because you want to be VERY CLEAR about whats going on...then decide what you are and are NOT willing to accept, and stand your ground....Whatever you decide, be ready to deal with it. If you give him a second chance, be ready to deal with it....and forgive....And start God does us when we are wrong but forgives us....Stand strong sister, there is a solution to this, and you will get through are not crazy, or any more jealous than any of us here. My DH knows: He is MINE, and I will do what I have to do to take care of home. You are better than me cause I would have called her and let her know who I was....but better yet, her response shows that SHE ALREADY KNOWS WHO YOU ARE.........

We've been Happily Married 2 Years and Counting:)

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Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
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Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Sisters ya'll make me feel so much better about the inner craziness I posses sometimes and what's crazy is that my FH somehow has the ability to bring it out more than any other person has.

Real love requires a minimum of emotion and a maximum of the will - Bishop Keith W. Reed, Sr.

daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 05/26/2005 - 17:30
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

IvyPrincess you are alright with me!!!!

Ginoue, the ladies have given you some awesome advice, and I agree with them. The next step is up to you, the only thing I would say is to take action -- don't ignore it. Please keep us posted.

The sistahood will always have your back!

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

futuremrskeepup's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2007 - 23:05
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Sister, I am sorry you are going through this! Hopefully it is nothing but unfortunately it sounds like it may be. You definitely need to confront him. As was stated earlier, don't allow him to turn it into a "what are you doing going through my phone?" etc. I hope you can stay calm, but I know I DIDN'T.

Yes sister, I have been there. A female answered my son's father phone and tried to give me the 3rd degree! I just kept asking for HIM as my dealings were not with her. Turns out he left his phone in her brother's car but there had been a little funny business between them. I went all the way off and left it there.

Now this happened again with FH but I went with my gut, did like these sisters are telling you and gauged his answers, and decided for myself if I was willing to stay in it. As you can see I have but like Ivy stated, this man has brought things out in me I didn't know were there! Only you know what will work for you.

pamcrow's picture
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
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Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

[quote="IvyPrincess"]Sisters ya'll make me feel so much better about the inner craziness I posses sometimes and what's crazy is that my FH somehow has the ability to bring it out more than any other person has.

Girl my last BOYfriend, the one just before hubby, took me to places where I didn't even recognize myself anymore. Had me out in the street acting like a true wild woman. Certified straight jacket. I swore to myself I would never let another man take me that far and although hubby has brought me mighty mighty close a time or two, he has never felt me full throttle. He has heard the stories though so I guess that's why he doesn't cross that invisible line.

"I'm a work in progress, God is not through me yet"

platinumstyle's picture
Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
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Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

The ladies have given great advice. It's not a good idea to call the female. If you do, she may be the type to say things to upset you. Even if it's not true! Talk to him first.

Born Blessed!

daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 05/26/2005 - 17:30
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Ginoue, how ya doing darlin? The sistahood wants to make sure that you are ok.

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

tewright1's picture
Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/23/2007 - 16:45
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Ginoue, when you talk to him; please remember to keep your calm and use "I" statements of how you feel. He may buck but don't go with him. Stay calm.

If he is a man that knows the Word. Remind him that the deceiver will always set a trap or detour on the way to your blessing.

And sister, don't YOU let the deceiver sidetrack, detour, or stop you from your blessing. What God has for YOU is for YOU.

Love lights even the darkest of paths.
What Fire doesn't destroy, only makes stronger.
Even when you don't know; God knows. I will be still and let Him do His thing.
Alone in the world; but always in the company of the Lord.

tiffyb's picture
Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
Joined: 08/31/2007 - 13:30
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Ginoue, I am truly sorry that you are going through this right now in your life. For the short time I've been a part of this site, you have been nothing but encouraging and straightforward, always offering excellent advice, and I feel like I've known you forever! It really hurt to read the words that you wrote, no one should have to go through this during the time that is supposed to be the happiest. Just know that I, along with all of the other ladies, will be praying for your strength. There isn't much I can add here, the ladies pretty much said it all. We are all here to support you, so let us know how you are doing when you have a moment.


Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/11/2007 - 12:40
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

I hope we hear from Ginoue soon.
I know this is a hard time....but as we all know this is when you need your girls!!! are in all of our prayers!!!!

[URL=]Click me Touch me you know you want to [/URL]

stbmrsj's picture
Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
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Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Girl I have been there done that and worn the t-shirt. I'm gonna summarize my "Seek and Destroy" method that I had to use on my DH (I know my approach seems crazy, and I'm okay with that lol):

- Trust your intuition. When I was in this situation with my DH (bf at the time) I knew in my heart that he wasn't sleeping with her and that I caught this before it turned into something worse.

- I research, research, research to find out what's going on. I want to know as much as I can because I believe in poking holes in a BS story on the spot. If he starts lying, point the lies out on the spot. You deserve and explanation.

- I sit on it a few days to sort things out it my head, and so I can find a way to bring it up with my snooping for info becoming an issue (I'm not saying you snoop, I'm just sharing).

- When you talk about it, don't let your anger come into play because he will feed off of your anger and he'll play angry to defend himself. Be calm but let him see the hurt in your eyes and let him hear it in your voice.

- If this is something that can be repaired, look and what in the relationship that could have caused it and work on that. DH and I were having a rough time in our relationship and I completely shut down on him. He felt that he couldn't talk to me so he started talking to her. It all seems to hard now, but this can be the start of a new beginning for you two. It's always darkest before the dawn.

- In the future, stay on your toes and trust your man again, BUT keep an eye out for anyone that poses a threat to the relationship and check them. Men more often than not, will get as close to the line as they can without crossing it, and I'm realizing that after reading these post where so many of us have had our otherwise good men act a fool. We have to keep them in check in order to keep an otherwise good relationship in check.

If you need to talk, you know we're all here for you. I wish you the best and I'm praying for you.

aresthea's picture
Last seen: 17 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2007 - 10:24
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

well, lots of good advises had been given by all sistas there, so i got nothing else to add. but i want you to know, that you have all and full of my support. i will pray for you, sis.. God gave us ladies a very unique talent, and that is the ability of sniffing something fishy. i wont stir it up, but if your instinc says something is wrong then something is wrong, not only an unreasonable jealousy. so, you better get everything clear by talking to your FH. communication is the best way to clear the things up. and by the way, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO GET THE ACCESS TO HIS PHONE. God bless you, sis.. i will pray for you. just be strong, and believe to His kindness. He will show you the way out.

Either I will Find a way, or I will MAKE a way!!!

housewife147's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 06/25/2006 - 11:12
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

I agree with you stbmrs.j to some degree, because you can be doing everything for your man, and have a good relationship and he may still stray. Sometimes it's just how the man is. But I do believe that you should trust your own instinct.


stbmrsj's picture
Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Joined: 05/28/2007 - 17:03
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Housewife, thanks for making that point. I forgot to add that. Sometimes men are just dogs and don't appreciate what they have and they throw it away for a second string heffa. If that is the case, then you need to consider taking your fabulousness elsewhere, and share it with a man who will honor, cherish and respect it. I made mention of that the first time I typed all this up but my laptop acted up and I lost it all and tried to type from memory.

bumblebeekee's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/06/2006 - 22:16
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

[quote="STBMrsJ"]Housewife, thanks for making that point. I forgot to add that. Sometimes men are just dogs and don't appreciate what they have and they throw it away for a second string heffa. If that is the case, then you need to consider taking your fabulousness elsewhere, and share it with a man who will honor, cherish and respect it. I made mention of that the first time I typed all this up but my laptop acted up and I lost it all and tried to type from memory.

I love it! " Taking your fabulousness elswhere"...Sometimes its tough in a relationship that is working towards some permanant status like marriage-then to see him acting up like this...The last thing you want to do is to leave the one you love. Having gone through making a decision to stay or leave, After 6 years with my (then BF) man, I decided to leave because I was not being treated right...his attitude just stunk..It probably had a lot to do with immaturity, and a shallow understanding of how a woman should be the time, I had known this for a while, but decided to let him grow and mature...NOT! But I still had to get the courage and learn to love myself more to be strong enough to leave.....well thats all it took for him to do a 180, and make the changes I needed....All that because I had finally got it in my head that I AM fabulous, and if need be, I can be by myself or with someone else....I said all that to say that whatever you decide to do, be strong, and beleive that whatever the turnout-you are still beautiful, fabulous and strong, and God will grant you your hearts desire-whether its for him or both of you to work it out, or for you to step out-for a little while or for good. We'd love for all this to be one big misunderstanding...but like House and STBMrsJ, we know how men are...That doesn't mean you can have hope! But just remember, you are never alone, and the wedding of your dreams will come to you, come hell or high water (meaning, with this man or another)! Since God is in the business of granting his children their heart's desire!

We've been Happily Married 2 Years and Counting:)

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daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 05/26/2005 - 17:30
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

[quote="STBMrsJ"]Housewife, thanks for making that point. I forgot to add that. Sometimes men are just dogs and don't appreciate what they have and they throw it away for a second string heffa. If that is the case, then you need to consider taking your fabulousness elsewhere, and share it with a man who will honor, cherish and respect it. I made mention of that the first time I typed all this up but my laptop acted up and I lost it all and tried to type from memory.

And the people said Amen!!!!!

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

futuremrskeepup's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2007 - 23:05
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

What happened Ginoue? Have you spoke with him yet?

ginoue's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2007 - 06:23
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

First and foremost, I want to thank all of my vibride sisters for their wonderful advices. Special thanks to sweetnlow74, tewright1, platinum, housewife, mrspotts, sensationablyhappy, msj, elegantbride08, turiya, pamcrow, Ivyprincess, bumblebeekee, DaughterRhonda, mrskeepup, TiffyB, mrsj and aresthea.

I've been praying on this day and night. I'm still so very hurt and can't seem to stop the tears from falling down my face. I'm also praying for strength. I haven't spoken to FH yet, but I did tell him that something happened to me over the weekend that I feel we need to discuss. I also told him that I was praying on this in order to be able to accept the truth, whatever it may be and make the best decision I can based on the information that I receive. He just kissed me and told me he loved me and that whenever I'm ready to talk, he will be there to listen.

Please keep me in your prayers. I haven't been the same all week long. Thanks again for the words of comfort. It feels like I have so many sisters in here who honestly cares.

Thanks again,

housewife147's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 06/25/2006 - 11:12
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Sugar we are a real sisterhood here, that's why I have been drawn to this site going on two years. I love these ladies, although we have our occasional disagreements and either Rosie(mother hen) or one of our big sisters (Rhony & Askalot)has to put us on punishment(the corner where I have permanently sketched my name)We all kiss and make up and no matter what we are all here for each other. I can truely say that this goes far more deeper then wedding stuff. And at anytime if you need to get something off your chest, feel free to do it here. We will never stir you wrong. You may not like the response you will get right that moment, but nine times out of ten later on you will look back and see that we only meant the best. Much Love and Blessing


housewife147's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 06/25/2006 - 11:12
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

And I hope I spelled everything right and used proper grammer because I dont feel like re-reading what I typed.


futuremrskeepup's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2007 - 23:05
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Ginoue this is a TRUE sisterhood. That's why I had to join after lurking for a while! I pray everything will work out. If you need some Vaseline or someone to hold your earrings, let me know! Smile!

stbmrsj's picture
Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Joined: 05/28/2007 - 17:03
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Gino we are here for you, and since you are in Silver Spring and I'm in DC I am more than willing to investigate for you and then kick some ass for you :) You will get through this no matter how it goes. Either way, you are on the verge of a breakthough that is so awesome. Sometimes when things look rough and seem like they can't get any worse, but you have to know that God is just preparing you for the immense blessings that are about to come your way. I can't believe I am about to share this, but DH and I are trying to have a baby, but I keep having problems with my cycle (sorry for giving TMI) and right now I feel so bad because I really want this and so does DH, and sometimes I think that I'll never have them. Things seem so impossible. But in my heart I know God will give me the babies that DH and I want so much and all this that DH and I are going through is preparing us to truly appreciate the babies he will bless us with. I'm sorry to make this about me when it is not, it just feels so good to get this off my chest because EVERYONE that DH and I know thinks we will have a baby soon (its to the point that my grandma who is no longer with us came to me in a dream and told me I was gonna have 3 kids). But no one knows about this except he and I. I'm sharing all this to make the point that, despite all this that I'm going through now I know my baby-blessing is on the way. Yours is too Gino, so hold on.

platinumstyle's picture
Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: 09/28/2005 - 12:32
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

My heart goes out to you. Ginoue, don't ever feel that you're all alone. Remember we're a sisterhod here. I joined the site back in 2005. I've had many ups and downs but I can say that I can always count on for advise and a few laughs. I've gone through the same thing and yes, it hurts like hell. But, sister, hold your head up and continue to pray. Don't worry about thinking whether we think if you're being jealous or not. I think you're just trying to protect your home and your heart. There's nothing wrong with that. Housewife gave some great advice earlier. Actually, all of the sisters have given great advice. I'll keep you in my prayers but if you have anymore problems, remember this...

Even though I have really worked giving my life to God, I'm still a truck driver. Call me, I'll bring my boots, vaseline, and a razor. Platinum will go to war for ya! Lol!

Born Blessed!

sweetnlow74's picture
Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago
Joined: 09/08/2007 - 18:38
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

[quote="STBMrsJ"]Gino we are here for you, and since you are in Silver Spring and I'm in DC I am more than willing to investigate for you and then kick some ass for you :) You will get through this no matter how it goes. Either way, you are on the verge of a breakthough that is so awesome. Sometimes when things look rough and seem like they can't get any worse, but you have to know that God is just preparing you for the immense blessings that are about to come your way. I can't believe I am about to share this, but DH and I are trying to have a baby, but I keep having problems with my cycle (sorry for giving TMI) and right now I feel so bad because I really want this and so does DH, and sometimes I think that I'll never have them. Things seem so impossible. But in my heart I know God will give me the babies that DH and I want so much and all this that DH and I are going through is preparing us to truly appreciate the babies he will bless us with. I'm sorry to make this about me when it is not, it just feels so good to get this off my chest because EVERYONE that DH and I know thinks we will have a baby soon (its to the point that my grandma who is no longer with us came to me in a dream and told me I was gonna have 3 kids). But no one knows about this except he and I. I'm sharing all this to make the point that, despite all this that I'm going through now I know my baby-blessing is on the way. Yours is too Gino, so hold on.

stbmrsj your words have touched me deeply this morning, even though they weren't directly to me, it seemed like you knew my situation when i read this. i'm not trying to have a baby, it's just that fh and i have been at each other's throats to the point of being ready to give up. i have no doubts whatsoever that this is the man i'm supposed to be with, but sometimes the sacrifices that i'm having to make seem too much and unfair. i know that the enemy is always busy, and i'm so close to my wedding day that he is stepping up his attack on my marriage. but i have already seen my happiness, and i know that reading this morning, while encouraging another sister and yourself was also meant to remind me that my marriage is already set in stone and the rest is just details, so thank you so very much and GOD bless you.


sweetnlow74's picture
Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago
Joined: 09/08/2007 - 18:38
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!


i'm glad to finally hear from you, i know it has been a rough time. i just got some encouragement, so i'm gonna pass it on. i know how you feel about crying till the river gets jealous! but all of that sadness and depression and anxiety has to come out to make room for the goodness that is about to come in. just as the sisters have said, it's about to be your time for greatness and power, and there is no person dead or alive that can take away what GOD has for you.

p.s. yall let me know when we rolling out- i got that backup jar of vaseline-- aint even been opened yet!


sensationablyhappy's picture
Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
Joined: 09/22/2007 - 13:07
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

[quote="FutureMrsKeepUp"]Ginoue this is a TRUE sisterhood. That's why I had to join after lurking for a while!

This is sooo true Future. I to lurked on this site for a long while before joining and I was amazed at the support you all were giving one another. We all need it at a time like this. I know Im still considered new here but already I feel right at home and a want to thank each and everyone of you ladies for that.

Ginoue hunny, god is watching you so you have more strength then you thing. You need to go and tell that man whats on your mind.. Keep in mind the longer you wait the importance of what you had to talk to him about becomes less important to him because he may think if it was that important she would of already came to me.(thats how mens brains work, they are not as smart as we are)so try not to hold off to much longer. REMEMBER we are all here for you.

diamondbride's picture
Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 02/11/2007 - 15:29
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Ginoue - I'm so sorry I missed all of this but it seems like the girls had your back and gave great advice!!! I am praying every day that things will work out for you. Let us know how the talk with FH goes.We are all praying for you.

Just remember not to be too judgemental - give him a chance to explain ...if there's anything to explain. Remember, life is about give and take and we all go through hard times in our relationships. We will all get through them - just with a little faith and understanding.

Not to freak you out, but a friend of mine went through something similar. She was at home with their little boy, when her son found his dad's Blackberry. She took it away from him and accidentally (!!) looked at his emails. She found a variety of emails from a girl on there - some were of a sexual nature. She unfortunately did not look at the ones he had sent, but she rang her husband at work to ask what the hell was going on. They had only been married 4 months after being together for 11 years. She told me that he never texts her like that and every time she calls him, he never answers the first time. The gist of the emails were that they had been talking on the phone for about 6 months and the woman clearly fancied him - she would say things like "you are the best thing that has sever happened to me" and "When are you going to leave your wife?"

Obviously when you read that, you think something is going on. My friend rang her husband and told him to come and collect his stuff and get out. To cut a long story short, he came and explained that the girl was the one doing all the chasing and he didn't really respond. (Co-incidentally, he had taken the Blackberry back and deleted the "sent" folder). He told her that he was talking to her, but only because the stress of planning the wedding and everything was too much for him to cope with and he just needed someone to treat him like a person again rather than just the wedding organiser and money machine. He liked the attention but he swore nothing happened.

She had a choice to make - either believe him and get on with her marriage and raising her son, or kick him out and raise her son on her own. She decided to believe him and they seem stronger than ever now, but it was hard for her to cope with it. I have spoken to him since, and he basically went through a crazy moment and now accepts that he was stupid. I hope he has learnt from this.

So, I'll shut up now!! I don't know if this will help at all, but I just wanted to show you that no matter how bad you might think it is, if you love someone enough (and that goes both ways), you can work it out. And if he has really messed up and doesn't learn from it, then kick his ass to the kerb!!!! (I don't think you are at this stage yet, Ginoue! and like some of the others said, I've got my tub of Vaseline too!! Us English girls can kick ass too, you know!!)

aresthea's picture
Last seen: 17 years 2 months ago
Joined: 09/30/2007 - 10:24
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

yeah. thats true. if we love someone, at least we have to give him chance to explain, because sometimes instinc tells us that something is fishy, but then the fish wasnt really there, just some smell left from an old thrown fish. so, gino my sweety, the only thing you gotta do now is to prepare yourself, make yourself ready to talk with your man, and then see how things go from there. if.. im saying IF.. if he really did played behind you, then its all up to you whether you think your love is strong enough to forgive him and give second chance, or just to end everything up.. from your story, i think that your man might have some kind of fans or something like that who runs after him, chasing etc.. he enjoyed the attention he got (who doesnt then?) but you are still the one and only for him.. otherwise, he would got terrified and freaked out when you told him that you gonna discuss something important. so honey, i know it feels hurt and crying seems the best way to give some air to the lungs, but stand up dear.. this is not the time to sit and cry in the corner. truth will always be better than fake dream, so get up and get everything clear.. and dont worry, we will always cover your back..

i ran out of vaseline, but i have my boots and razor as well, so platinum - sweetnlow - diamondbride, wait for me!!! im coming with you!!!! lets kick some (one) ass for gino!!!!!!!

Either I will Find a way, or I will MAKE a way!!!

stbmrsj's picture
Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Joined: 05/28/2007 - 17:03
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

[quote="sweetnlow74"]Gino we are here for you, and since you are in Silver Spring and I'm in DC I am more than willing to investigate for you and then kick some ass for you :) You will get through this no matter how it goes. Either way, you are on the verge of a breakthough that is so awesome. Sometimes when things look rough and seem like they can't get any worse, but you have to know that God is just preparing you for the immense blessings that are about to come your way. I can't believe I am about to share this, but DH and I are trying to have a baby, but I keep having problems with my cycle (sorry for giving TMI) and right now I feel so bad because I really want this and so does DH, and sometimes I think that I'll never have them. Things seem so impossible. But in my heart I know God will give me the babies that DH and I want so much and all this that DH and I are going through is preparing us to truly appreciate the babies he will bless us with. I'm sorry to make this about me when it is not, it just feels so good to get this off my chest because EVERYONE that DH and I know thinks we will have a baby soon (its to the point that my grandma who is no longer with us came to me in a dream and told me I was gonna have 3 kids). But no one knows about this except he and I. I'm sharing all this to make the point that, despite all this that I'm going through now I know my baby-blessing is on the way. Yours is too Gino, so hold on.

stbmrsj your words have touched me deeply this morning, even though they weren't directly to me, it seemed like you knew my situation when i read this. i'm not trying to have a baby, it's just that fh and i have been at each other's throats to the point of being ready to give up. i have no doubts whatsoever that this is the man i'm supposed to be with, but sometimes the sacrifices that i'm having to make seem too much and unfair. i know that the enemy is always busy, and i'm so close to my wedding day that he is stepping up his attack on my marriage. but i have already seen my happiness, and i know that reading this morning, while encouraging another sister and yourself was also meant to remind me that my marriage is already set in stone and the rest is just details, so thank you so very much and GOD bless you.

Sweet I'm glad that my testimony touched you. If you know your man is the one, keep walking in faith, and you guys will make it. God Bless you.

turiya's picture
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 08/29/2007 - 15:22
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Ginoue, I'm just glad to hear your VOICE. Hold your head up and take care of YOU (bc we need you) ...:).

And understand that we ARE in the SAME STATE, different cities ...Need I say more?



pamcrow's picture
Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Joined: 01/09/2004 - 15:48
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

Ginoue I'm glad you checked in with us. A flight to MD from NY on southwest ain't but $100 and I'm sure vaseline can get through airport security. It will be $100 well spent.

"I'm a work in progress, God is not through me yet"

soon2bmsj's picture
Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/08/2007 - 08:26
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

ladies, ladies, no violence, just peace!!!!!!! LOL

daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 05/26/2005 - 17:30
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

We are praying for you deligently!!!

I experienced some drama AFTER my husband and I got married from one of his co-workers. The sisterhood came through very strong for me and I will never forget it (thanks everyone). I have to say that while it wasn't easy, it worked out and that co-worker has crawled back under the rock she was under.

Please know that behind every cloud there is sunshine. Hold your head up -- it will work out -- no matter what. You are not alone my friend! Be encouraged!

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

platinumstyle's picture
Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: 09/28/2005 - 12:32
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

I remember that Rhony. Thank God that's over with. You were strong and conducted yourself like a lady. Some of us were on standby if you needed us. Lol! Even after all of that drama, guess what! The best woman won! You and your hubby are stil in my prayers.

Born Blessed!

daughterrhonda's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 05/26/2005 - 17:30
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

[quote="platinumstyle"]I remember that Rhony. Thank God that's over with. You were strong and conducted yourself like a lady. Some of us were on standby if you needed us. Lol! Even after all of that drama, guess what! The best woman won! You and your hubby are stil in my prayers.

Thanks a million Plat -- you guys are my "cyber family". Luv you all!

Delight yourself in The Lord & He will give you the desires of your heart!Ps 37

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 08/11/2007 - 12:40
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

[quote="pamcrow"]Ginoue I'm glad you checked in with us. A flight to MD from NY on southwest ain't but $100 and I'm sure vaseline can get through airport security. It will be $100 well spent.

"high fiving" Pamcrow on that one.

[URL=]Click me Touch me you know you want to [/URL]

futuremrskeepup's picture
Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago
Joined: 06/12/2007 - 23:05
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

[quote="DaughterRhonda"]I experienced some drama AFTER my husband and I got married from one of his co-workers. The sisterhood came through very strong for me and I will never forget it (thanks everyone). I have to say that while it wasn't easy, it worked out and that co-worker has crawled back under the rock she was under.

What's that the "udontnome" chick? I remember that. That's what made me join the sisterhood. The support you were giving was amazing and inspiring Rhony! So glad it worked out for good!

platinumstyle's picture
Last seen: 12 years 11 months ago
Joined: 09/28/2005 - 12:32
Re: I'm loosing my mind ~ HELP!!!

You know when you have a real psycho on your hands when your stalker begins to harass you online.


Born Blessed!
